2006 Courses

Started by SA Firey, December 04, 2006, 04:49:44 PM

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SA Firey

1908990 17:55:05 04-12-06 LOFT: Please note due to fire activity all 2006 training courses at the STC have been cancelled. Region will contact all trainees and Instructors in near future!

Not surprised given the busy weeks :-o
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YEP and its only going to get busy......nice to see that they have dropped the requirement to go to bookmark to BFF1 only....
blinky bill
my view only


thats cos thats all they can get the higher trained people dont have the time!!
Phillip H
Salisbury CFS (Para Group)


Well Training is getting to the point where invidiual Groups are running Level 3, BBF 1 and Supress Wildlife Courses, Hell just last weekend I was helping up at Kangarilla Staton run a Level 3 Course when a BFF 1 course was being run down at SCTC, how does that make any sence?????


Not sure how things work where you are mate, but our group, and the neighbouring groups have always run their own Lvl 1,2 and 3 courses, with STC only being used for further specialisation...

SA Firey

Quote from: HV_RKO007 on December 06, 2006, 08:48:06 PM
Well Training is getting to the point where invidiual Groups are running Level 3, BBF 1 and Supress Wildlife Courses, filtered just last weekend I was helping up at Kangarilla Staton run a Level 3 Course when a BFF 1 course was being run down at SCTC, how does that make any sence?????

And what is wrong with that,there are more venues which reduces overcrowding and interfering with course participants doing other courses :wink:
Images are copyright


I missed my Wildfire course... I was hoping to at least have that done by the end of the year... :-(


Quote from: HV_RKO007 on December 06, 2006, 08:48:06 PM
Well Training is getting to the point where invidiual Groups are running Level 3, BBF 1 and Supress Wildlife Courses, filtered just last weekend I was helping up at Kangarilla Staton run a Level 3 Course when a BFF 1 course was being run down at SCTC, how does that make any sence?????

Because SCTC is a Group operated resource, set up by that group, whereas STC is a State/National resource