Kalangadoo CFS

Started by Camo, May 15, 2006, 06:50:49 PM

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boy there goes the group budget with all the calls the doo is having and its not summer yet..May be this will get some life back into that old brigade? what you think robert....


did you go to this one robert?


Quote from: Manuel on August 22, 2006, 07:50:48 PM
did you go to this one robert?

...they got stoped 3 minutes after the turn out?


 :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


aaahh but was he going to attend?

or take the night off....


Well i was at my parents house last night around the time of this call so to prevent the pager from being pinched if someone broke in i placed it in my safe which somehow blocked the message from getting to the pager  :-)

Kalangadoo Brigade

SA Firey

In answer to your question yes....every appliance should have one!

Imagine if you are on the fireground and there is a wind change and your only escape is a track which is blocked by a tree :roll:

What would you do :-D
Images are copyright


Well i was at my parents house last night around the time of this call so to prevent the pager from being pinched if someone broke in i placed it in my safe which somehow blocked the message from getting to the pager

LMAO - in the safe

Robert if you had a FIRE SAFE the pager would have gone off. The FIRE SAFES are made for CFS pagers  :lol:

SA Firey

I think you should quit while your ahead Rob :lol:
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Crankster 34

QuoteWell i was at my parents house last night around the time of this call so to prevent the pager from being pinched if someone broke in i placed it in my safe which somehow blocked the message from getting to the pager 

Ok so now I really am confused, are you saying that when you go out you leave the pager in your safe to prevent it from being stolen ??

Why wouldn't you just take it with you like everyone else does ??
Crankster on scene, you can take a stop...

oz fire


Due to the extremely high crime rate in Kalangadoo, any items of interest should be locked away, until further notice

:-D  :evil: :-D :evil: :-D :evil: :-D :evil: :-D :evil:
Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the ability to control it.

SA Firey

will the new chainsaw fit in the FIRE SAFE :-D :evil: :-D :evil:
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i love this thread, it is the best laugh, my head nods whenever Robert says anything :-P

SA Firey

Its amazing that one brigade can have so much publicity money cant buy eh :-D :lol:
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may have to get WIN NEWS to do a story about the going's on in the doo brigade.......


I'm going to have to stop coming into this thread....  My head hurts...

SA Firey

This site has definitely put Kalangadoo on the map :lol:
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Quote from: Crankster 34 on August 23, 2006, 01:19:15 PM
QuoteWell i was at my parents house last night around the time of this call so to prevent the pager from being pinched if someone broke in i placed it in my safe which somehow blocked the message from getting to the pager 

Ok so now I really am confused, are you saying that when you go out you leave the pager in your safe to prevent it from being stolen ??

Why wouldn't you just take it with you like everyone else does ??

Im with you on this one crankster....

Safe = Metal (generally) = not good for RF signals???? Would have thought you realized that from your amateur radio stuff rob!


QuoteFIRE AT TARPEENA NOT KALGADOO... > 22/08/2006 18:02:41

baha... Kalgadoo.... Thats great !


Quote from: Robert34 on August 23, 2006, 08:35:53 AM
Well i was at my parents house last night around the time of this call so to prevent the pager from being pinched if someone broke in i placed it in my safe which somehow blocked the message from getting to the pager  :-)


....... :roll:

why wouldnt you carry your pager with you??? i was 300k's from my brigades area the other day,. but i still carry my pager..... force of habit.


Quote from: medevac on August 27, 2006, 08:03:33 AM

....... :roll:

why wouldnt you carry your pager with you??? i was 300k's from my brigades area the other day,. but i still carry my pager..... force of habit.

It Robert34 we are talking about down here, (he wanted his own truck :-D), and people down there must be just a little different :lol:


You are right Manny down here in the country we are different as some of us carry our pagers around and some dont...plus the other reason i dont carry my pager around is because my first GRN pager overheated for some reason while i was working on installing a UHF CB in my Ford Laser(my previous car) thats why i dont carry it around
Kalangadoo Brigade


Hey leave the people from down south alone...nothing wrong with us...just the people from the 'Doo!

Compton CFS Website

SA Firey

The "Doo" bashing continues by the sound of it :roll:
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Alan (Big Al)

At least it doesn't stick like "Doo" to a blanket...... :lol:

Sorry i couldn't resist a really bad joke. :oops:
Lt. Goolwa CFS