Co-location of local headquarters

Started by bajdas, December 19, 2005, 02:26:52 PM

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I have seen publicity that Kingston SE now has a co-located headquarters building for SES and CFS. The hedaquarters has three truck bays per organisation. The shared training, amenities and admin areas are a great idea.

I have completed an SES State Training course in the shared headquarters of Port Elliott CFS and South Coast SES. The facilities seemed to work very well.

I know that SES Central (Mt Barker) and Northern (Pt Augusta) regional headquarters are shared facilities with CFS and others

Other than those mentioned above, where are the other shared facilities in South Australia ?

I do not believe any issues exist with both volunteer organisations, but does anybody share with SAAS or MFS or SAPOL paid staff ?
Andrew Macmichael
lives at Pt Noarlunga South.

My personal opinion only.


Lobethal CFS runs an SES rescue truck.


I suspect Riverland area and Murray Bridge have co-located Headquarter buildings. Not confirmed though.
Andrew Macmichael
lives at Pt Noarlunga South.

My personal opinion only.


south coast ses / pt elliot cfs

coromandel cfs / sturt ses

heaps of vollie ambos and cfs

pt wakefield cfs / ambos??? (unsure this one)


Hi there

Roxby Downs CFS & Roxby Downs SES

Andamooka CFS & Andamooka SES.

Quorn CFS & Quorn SES
Wayne Ellard


As of Tuesday (20th) Strath SES & Strath CFS, until their new CFS station is finished.


strath always used to be togerther... but word is they all got very upset one day... and split up.
issues with RCR etc i believe


long story.
yes they were together, and yes some people got very upset. not the crew, just the people in charge. hence SES moved out of the joint Station to the old ETSA depot.

Now the "old" cfs station is being demolished as we speak to be turned into woolworths, and since the new CFS station is an ongoing issue...... the current heads of service came to an agreement.

Plenty of space on the SES site, pity the new CFS station wasnt there!

Hopefully it leads to an even better working relationship between them. But I think the "repair process" will be ongoing for a long time to come yet.



the fire station is being demolished to make way for woolworths????
i sure hope woolworths are footing the bill


it was on  council owned land...
council put in some money, cfs the rest.


thats crap.... (cfs having to foot part of the bill.)


Believe Yankalilla CFS / SES are co-located.

oz fire

From the current Pt Lincoln Times - it would appear that MFS are above the rest of us :x

THE Metropolitan Fire Service has unveiled concept plans for its new Port Lincoln station on St Andrews Terrace. The station, which will include facilities for 24/7 staffing, is expected to be up and running within five years.

The proposal has highlighted the potential for an emergency services centre with the Country Fire Service and State Emergency Service registering interest to work side by side at the same site.

In a presentation to the Port Lincoln council on Monday night MFS strategic services manager Don Cranwell said the MFS was supportive of co-siting but it was a decision to be made by the individual services.

However a joint use facility with CFS or SES was not an option, Mr Cranwell said.

"What we're not supportive of is anything that interferes with a dedicated MFS facility.

"Sharing the same facility doesn't work."

In this day and age, it's about time that bureaucrats like donny cranwell were told to pull their heads in!
Interesting to note that the Region 6 office had been looking for a new site, to allow them to expand and meet their needs - what an ideal opportunity and an ideal way to build the best possible with TAX PAYERS money :-o
Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the ability to control it.


Region Three Headqaurters in Murray Bridge houses the SES head honcho.
Definate disadvantages. Guess the advantages are economic, can't really think of any others. Although the VSO there serves both organisations so I guess that is handy for organisational leaders.

The office used to be stunning example of a volunteer friendly environment with a volunteer lounge/tea/coffee/water facilities, fire/rescue library.

I guess in the interests of efficiency, it is now a place you would avoid like the plague, complete with counter to ceiling bars separating the staff from it's onery clients.
There's a difference between genius and stupidity -- genius has it's limits.


Renmark SES and MFS share a building - the main problem there was the cost of the facility as everyone felt that in the long run it would have been cheaper to build two separate facilites...

I agree with the comments about "less volunteer friendly facilities" as that is certainly the case at Mt Barker, where all volunteers have to sign in, have a visitor's pass and rely on paid staff to let them in.  The (security) complications when we attend the Regional Ops Centre to assist are (to me) incomprehensible.

We (at Adelaide Hills SES) are supposed to be co-locating with St Johns - which will benefit both organisations - but this process appears to be in trouble due to the delays in getting a block of land.

Play safe kiddies

SES - nature's worst brings out the best in us


Quote from: kat on December 27, 2005, 02:03:56 PM
Region Three Headqaurters in Murray Bridge houses the SES head honcho.
Definate disadvantages. Guess the advantages are economic, can't really think of any others. Although the VSO there serves both organisations so I guess that is handy for organisational leaders.

The office used to be stunning example of a volunteer friendly environment with a volunteer lounge/tea/coffee/water facilities, fire/rescue library.

I guess in the interests of efficiency, it is now a place you would avoid like the plague, complete with counter to ceiling bars separating the staff from it's onery clients.

Not any more Kat.
The SES heads have moved to Mount Barker. The SES signs have all been removed from the building (you can still see the silastic where they used to be).
Not sure of the reason!!


SES shrunk the number of Regions within the South Australia from 8 to 4 many months ago. Paid staff were re-allocated to positions so that five plus staff now operate from the one region office.

The security arrangements seem to be in place in the Mt Barker and Adelaide offices of CFS. I understand the reasoning was that members of the public had become abusive in the office area, so security was tightened during office hours.

Unsure if the security arrangements are in place in other offices.

I could be wrong, but that is what I was told when I have to sign-in multiple times when called in..
Andrew Macmichael
lives at Pt Noarlunga South.

My personal opinion only.


This is slightly off topic, but why did they shrink the Regions?  Was this for better efficiency, or are the powers trying to shrink the size of the SASES?


I understand the reduction in SES regions is part of the changes implemented by the new Chief and is for better efficiency.

Personally I think SES in SA is growing, not shrinking.
Andrew Macmichael
lives at Pt Noarlunga South.

My personal opinion only.


How long ago did the SES move out of CFS R3 HQ?

The only thing that has made me feel the slightest bit abusive in sixteen years of visiting Regional HQ is the counter to ceiling bars :-)
There's a difference between genius and stupidity -- genius has it's limits.

oz fire

Kat the counter to ceiling bars could be an advantage - it may keep them in - make it safer for the community lol :evil:

Regarding signing in - I know at my workplace we have this due to OH&S and the requirments there - however I can't see the need for a grilling when you attend the offices - they are meant to be volunteer friendly!
Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the ability to control it.


SES and CFS photo ID badges have made access to offices easier. Especially the bright lanyards which help identify you as a volunteer.

Still need to sign-in at security, then the Unit sign-in book at each call-out to an office.

I believe though the issue of the clear security screens or security bars at reception was protecting staff from the angry public. Not anything to do with volunteers.

Hopefully someone can confirm this.

But if a fire evacuation of headquarters was required, without sign-in books you would not know that everyone is out of the building.
Andrew Macmichael
lives at Pt Noarlunga South.

My personal opinion only.


Quote from: kat on January 03, 2006, 11:39:35 AM
How long ago did the SES move out of CFS R3 HQ?

At a guess about four or five months ago.


Hey Kat,wait till you visit region 5 H/Q it looks like the inside of a high tech police station with its new fully enclosed front office. Our VSO works from the region H/Q at naracoorte 3 days week and in the SES h/q in the mount...


Good point Ozfire.

ROFL  :-D :-D :-D :-D
There's a difference between genius and stupidity -- genius has it's limits.