I hope we get some new members fast as we just lost two due to medical reasons
We need the members fast as we've got a couple in our brigade who think they are good enough to run it despite only being in the CFS for two years and we call these two (brown nosers) even though this doesnt sound like a nice name to give these two volunteers of ours it's true as they have done so many courses in a very short time rather than waiting for a year or two
I know that other brigades in South Australia might have (brown nosers) but one of these is saying he will become captain at next years AGM Election... if this does happen my mum and myself will be calling a walkout strike until Region 5 or SOC has found out and asks why were doing it
Our brigade has only 9 active members with the number likely to decrease to 6 or 5 pending on next years election
Sorry for using the term brown noser but i cant say other words used to describe our show pony brigade members