Trigger for CFS to change to MFS

Started by Fire000, December 16, 2010, 09:14:57 PM

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Quote from: jaff on December 20, 2010, 08:37:35 PM
Numbers you forgot Muriel!

She better be the new chief! Only she has an appropriate level of "Terrible"
To think they employed me as a drooling retard...


So if we get the MFS some good gloves and the CFS an aerial appliance we are all ok.
What we need is a interdependent review on how the fire services are run, funded, equipment and training. But this will never happen because both sides MFS & CFS will tell you that everything is fine. What happens at the top stays at the top. A nice little club with no waves are being made. Look out for the Tsunami.......   


TFT you must live in a parrallel universe, I sees it waaaaay different!
Just Another Filtered Fireman


Just look at a few of the following..
Level of staffing of the CFS (compare this with other states)
The amount of training courses that  we don't have
How hard it is to get members on training course(you have a maximum)
The quality of fire appliances(CFS is the poor cousin, don't we do the same job)
SACAD (how long has this taken)
Standards of Fire Cover (Look how some areas have changed)
Duplication of resources


Quote from: 6739264 on December 20, 2010, 08:25:14 PM

Oh no! Not the big bad UFU! What are they going to do? Put some more paperwork bans on? The Union has that much that they could be making a point about and they're not. Which leads me into...

It will "ONLY" take "LESS THAN 30 MINUTES" to get an aerial into Mt. Barker? And this is ok because ITS THE SAME WITH SAMFS AREA? Are you serious? 2x ALP's for the entire state is a joke. It still fails me as to why there are not a minimum of 3, North/Central/South... Call the union!

You sound a bit against the UFU numbers, have you had a bad experience with them or have you quit their membership. Last time i checked i got a nice little pay rise and kept my conditions of employment, oh and the gear we use is not terrible because of them



Quote from: pumprescue on December 21, 2010, 10:03:29 AM
Quote from: 6739264 on December 20, 2010, 08:25:14 PM

Oh no! Not the big bad UFU! What are they going to do? Put some more paperwork bans on? The Union has that much that they could be making a point about and they're not. Which leads me into...

It will "ONLY" take "LESS THAN 30 MINUTES" to get an aerial into Mt. Barker? And this is ok because ITS THE SAME WITH SAMFS AREA? Are you serious? 2x ALP's for the entire state is a joke. It still fails me as to why there are not a minimum of 3, North/Central/South... Call the union!

You sound a bit against the UFU numbers, have you had a bad experience with them or have you quit their membership. Last time i checked i got a nice little pay rise and kept my conditions of employment, oh and the gear we use is not terrible because of them

I fully support Firefighters Unions, I just do not believe that the UFU are really performing or pushing the issues that they should. As I said, 2 ALP's for the entire state is a joke. Are their priorities in the right place? Mass Rally action for LSL entitlements, but not for Fireground OH&S issues? (Radio allocation vs. SOP, etc)

If you're all about maintaining the status quo and getting your 3.5% payrise in Jan, then sure, the UFU are fantastic.
To think they employed me as a drooling retard...


Quote from: tft on December 21, 2010, 06:18:57 AM

What we need is a interdependent review on how the fire services are run, funded, equipment and training.   

Wasn't it called the Dawkins review...?

There are three types of people in the world.  Those that watch things happen, those who make things happen, and those who wonder what happened.


Quote from: Pipster on December 21, 2010, 12:30:42 PM
Quote from: tft on December 21, 2010, 06:18:57 AM

What we need is a interdependent review on how the fire services are run, funded, equipment and training.   

Wasn't it called the Dawkins review...?


I'm pretty sure Pip the Dawkins Review was the Fate au Complei review rebadged, the one you have when u have an answer already but u want to justify with a process