Upcoming CFS Budget - Yep, Surprise Surprise, guess which way it's going...

Started by crashndash, September 12, 2009, 01:44:20 PM

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Hi All

interesting snippet of joy from the head shed in the last week or so...

Get ready for budget cuts to CFS of around 8% or so....more so for the MFS and SES. Its a pretty good source, and a list of where cuts will be made is being drawn up (nobody is really waiting for the Tac Vent course are they??)..... but of course if any of the hierachy reading would like to refute it and put their name to it....then feel free.

Maybe they are changing the Stay or Go policy because they are worried the Troops will take it up  :evil:

Disappointing  yet again


Of course they will rollover and accept it, not once have I ever heard of the CFS going in hammer and tongs and saying its not good enough.....probably because most of the people can't believe they actually have the job so they don't want to draw attention to themselves for fear of being found out !  :lol:


i wonder if Rainer, Mike et al have been on the phone again

VFBA?.....is that you i hear in the media <sounds of crickets chirping followed by silence>


Quote from: crashndash on September 13, 2009, 02:10:01 PM
i wonder if Rainer, Mike et al have been on the phone again

VFBA?.....is that you i hear in the media <sounds of crickets chirping followed by silence>

Exactly the VFBA is a bunch of old toothless tigers if they had their way we would still be only going to rural fires! Hence why they don't push for paid CFS fire stations...

As for the CFS managers in town as if they would stand up to the Government ministers they answer to.