This is making interesting conversation within the family & with friends on '..why are we has a society so up tight regards talking about sex to kids..'
Some parents believe it should be the school system and will not discuss sex at home.
Some parents have an open door policy. If the kids have concerns from age 10 upwards they can talk in confidence and that it will go no further unless it could hurt them.
My wife & I have done the later. We both have been told things by our kids (esp female to wife) that I do not know anything about. We accept some things in our male's 18 and 23 year old bedroom, as long as it is not in public viewing.
Some things we both do not know about & we have made mistakes regards boyfriends/girlfriends. This makes it harder for the younger kids because they say ...but you let the older kids do that....
Ahhhh we learn from mistakes.
I hope these new parents & new grandparents learn. Same with the recent IVF octuplets. What a world we live in......