I wish I could share your optimism. For example, when the independant OHS inspection organised by CFS failed to find any significant hazards on the 10y/o
PTO 34 appliance we bought from NSW RFS, they did their own in a blatant attempt to keep it out of the fleet. Were miffed when we fixed every one of the
things they raised to prohibit it - rear cab steps too narrow, 20c patch of rust
near the back of the cab roof, no drain holes in the hand grips, non-approved
design of deck access stairs, etc etc. After doing all that plus a re-spray,
the vehicle still cost us less than the pump alone would have, new. Aside from
a couple of minor ergonomic irrits, it is a damn good truck.
Faced with that sort of petty-minded BS, do you think we could possibly believe
the sort of people who drive the OH&S side of our organisation would accept
anything on paper that they didn't generate themselves ?