The current emphasis within SES is for long sleeve shirts & sleeves on overalls to be worn down. Thus giving the arms more sun protection & scratch protection from abrasion.
leather riggers gloves or debris gloves can be used to give hand protection if going through thorny bush or creek beds.
Baseball caps I personally believe do not give you enough sun protection, but that is what we are issued with. A wide brim hat can be a pain in strong wind. But if I am out on a land search, then the cheap crushable akubra is in the bag. Many times I have bashed through a creek bed bush keeping the head down and the akubra protects the face & neck
SES wear the same zipup steelcap boot has CFS. They are part of the standard PPE to give firm footing and ankle twisting protection.
I assume the CFS rural overalls are similar to SES orange two-piece. Please correct me if I am wrong (the SES overalls are proban protected).
Crew will also carry extra equipment (first-aid, rescue helmets, water bladders, rescue or backpack stretcher, etc) if required. This depends on the area. For example, some will carry vertical rescue gear to check old mine shafts during a land search.
So unless I am missing something, I would hate to see the comments/winges/complaints if the crew was requested at a all-day land search.