new level 3 gear (LION)

Started by rescue5271, January 04, 2005, 01:09:46 PM

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It's still a pity that the new gear is taking so long to be rolled out.  A one off government grant wouldnt go astray...


^  Can;t see it happening anytime soon...

Wagon 1

See this is where someone is doing the dodgy on us, SAMFS got a one off grant to kit all their FF's in PBI GOLD, yet the poor cousins miss out again, is someone not pushing for us, surely we could justify a grant.


I thought a budget bi-lateral bid had been put in for the CFS to purchase some more PBI, anyone else know more.


All I know is I aint wearing it, and nor is alot of fellow BA members....

:?  :?  :?

Wagon 1

Not to take away from the Tragedy of this last summer, but the focus seems to be on throwing money at CFS to fight bushfires, so that may mean things like structural PPE are not really that important in the governments eyes? Who knows why?

I could be talking rubbish as usual!! :roll:


Sometimes it does seem like we are only appreciated in the "summer months", and when fighting the very highy publicised events such as bush fires etc...

Even when Urban related fires do occur, it is often only the fringe brigades that get mentioned...

Im sure their are often incidents when house / pub / building fires are attended to by CFS out in the middle of no where...

However those CFS brigades are generally only mentioned when fighting the 1000H grassy...


Quote from: strikeathird on October 23, 2005, 06:37:39 PM
no i didnt notice... dont actually know every member of the CFS by heart, LOL...

Spose you don't really have to know every member off by heart... Staff members usually have the Blue stripe on their red helmets....That's usually enough to figure it out....

striker... there werent any red helmets w blue stripes in any pics i saw...


cheers... the pics i looked at were on the promotions site the day after... only about 5 shots, so they must have uploaded that album since.

neway i will take a look.


Looks like Corey got that incident control vest out of the museum  :wink:

Wagon 1

The picture I was looking at was on the home page , but anyway......


Our GO reckons there is a directive from Region 1 about the wearing of PBI for Structure incidents only. The descision was purely based on wear and tear as well as cost, not suitability for incidents.

Still havent seen it in writing though.


i think youll find... if you search really really hard, that PBI has been approved for all non-rural incidents... so:
fixed alarms, vehicle fires/accidents, domestics, rubbish fire, etc..

just not wildfires/grassies but i believe cfs are trying to get it approved for that..

i have never seen any SOP or the like that states its onyl to be worn to structure fires...

maybve imtalking crap though...


Quote from: medevac on November 15, 2005, 07:20:09 PMPBI has been approved for all non-rural incidents. so:fixed alarms, vehicle fires/accidents, domestics, rubbish fire, etc.
just not wildfires/grassies but i believe cfs are trying to get it approved for that..

Last Thing I Would Want To Do Is Wear That To A Grassy. Its Pretty Hot In The Gear.

Any Job That Has The Chance Of Flaring Up I Would Wear It To Minus Grassy. Eg. Fixed Alarms (It Could Be A Going Job), Vehicle Fires (Not Sure Maybe, There Is Always The Chance Of Iginition), Domestics (Same As Fixed Alarms, It Could Be A Going Job) & Rubbish Fires (Well Not 2 Fussed What I Wear With Them).

Wagon 1

This is one thing that annoys me the most about the CFS, they can't all agree and go by one rule, if you ask HQ about PBI the answer is any incident but rural, then Region 1 and the Region 1 G/O's make up there own rules, which is the most backwards thing I have ever heard, if you are going to buy the best safety equipment possible then leave it on the hook then why do we bother, and they wonder why new members get frustrated and leave, coz we are being run by a bunch of people that don't seem to have much idea and be in touch with reality, people making descisions last fought a structure fire when khaki overalls where the greatest, get with the times, its 2005 for crying out loud!!!


Quote from: David on November 16, 2005, 12:34:22 PM
This is one thing that annoys me the most about the CFS, they can't all agree and go by one rule, if you ask HQ about PBI the answer is any incident but rural, then Region 1 and the Region 1 G/O's make up there own rules, which is the most backwards thing I have ever heard, if you are going to buy the best safety equipment possible then leave it on the hook then why do we bother, and they wonder why new members get frustrated and leave, coz we are being run by a bunch of people that don't seem to have much idea and be in touch with reality, people making descisions last fought a structure fire when khaki overalls where the greatest, get with the times, its 2005 for crying out loud!!!

Unfortunately David, you are exactly right.
My GO says PBI - structure fires only.
Yet, and I heard this directly from an adjacent group DGO, there GO says PBI - everything except rural fires.

You tell me what is going on, because it seems like where being run by a pack headless chooks who don't seem to realise how their decisions are really affecting brigades.  And as a result, many brigades are doing it tuff, because many good people have been lost - sick and tired of being jerked around time after time!  And this could be said for many, many, many, ... aspects of the CFS in general.


What people dont realise is by saying we cant use it... they may just be causing more problems.

My PBI has been in my locker for the last month due to these imposed "rules" and due to the fact that Im not even allowed to leave my locker cracked (nomex on the door to limit the light), the resultant lack of air flow has lead to the gear going mouldy..... I wont repeat what said to the capt about it....

There will be more words said at the Group meeting tonight as well.

I respect the whole UV degredation thing.... but come on. this stuff is stored in a shed, with poly carbonate sky lights that DO NOT let UV light through. There will be more costs cleaning the thing, than replacing it because it couldnt air!

Enough of the ranting and raving... but that really annoyed me!

On a lighter note:
Did you know that PBI stands for Polybenzimidazole.
I think ive got the pronounciation down ;)

Wagon 1

You have got it brother, the amount of screwing around going on is taking its toll, we just want the right stuff so that we can do the job for our communities, any more of this garbage that is forced on us now and we will be paying a huge ESL as we will need a lot more paid stations!! We can't even get a simple answer from HQ about when we can wear our PBI, c'mon people, make you minds up, the state rule is final.

As a side note, Mix 102.3 rumour file winner was some bloke that rang up and said 90% of CFS turnout gear didn't meet Australian Standards, ha ha, he got 102 dollars for his rumour!! He is probably right, because we are never allowed to wear the stuff!! It's to precious!!

Wagon 1

Are you for real Mike, I think you need to tell your Group Officers to pull their heads out the sand and tell them to ring Arthur Tindall for the real answer of when you can wear it, his reasons are exactly what you describe, we didn't pay all this money to leave the gear in a locker to perish from lack of use!
Let me guess, your GO was last an active firefighter when kahki was fashionable...And 99% of our stations are tin sheds so not much UV light gets in, well it doesn't in my station, MFS are having to get a lot of work done as the have glass doors on their engine bays which lets light in.


Im not knocking my GO... he generally does a filtered good job, and I have not had many reasons over the years to disagree with him. A man I have much respect for really.

But there are always times where people will disagree

Wagon 1

Yeah, he does a great job as an operations officer at larger bushfires, but on some things such as this topic (and I know a few GO's who are the same) they seem to be a bit out of touch with reality. If I was in private industry and bought all new safety gear and then told my workers they couldn't wear it, I would be hung,drawn and quartered.

So CFS HQ, we plead with you to tell the regions and groups the official line, we are going nuts out here!! If not, we simply stop buying the gear.....


Here's a thought  :-D wear the supplied gear at your discretion to protect you the fire fighter and deal with the politics later. And when the GO or whoever tells you off stay calm and politely let them know that you will wear the supplied gear how you see fit until they show you the state policy. :-D

I refuse to get caught up in debates like "don't wear a flashhood" etc etc. I have one and nobody can tell me not to wear it. :-D
The gear (PBI) is for your protection use it! wear it, enjoy feeling protected and forget the politics. :-D

If you are going to a non rural in summer throw your nomex in the truck just incase and be happy :-D :-D


Quote from: medevac on November 15, 2005, 07:20:09 PM
i think youll find... if you search really really hard, that PBI has been approved for all non-rural incidents... so:
fixed alarms, vehicle fires/accidents, domestics, rubbish fire, etc..

just not wildfires/grassies but i believe cfs are trying to get it approved for that..

i have never seen any SOP or the like that states its onyl to be worn to structure fires...

maybve imtalking crap though...

i am yet to see written evidence that disprovesmy above comment...
in fact i cant remember where but im sure i read this somewhere... vollie mag or somewhere...

from vollunteer mag volume 112; page 57 "PBI Gold"

Andrew patten; Project Officer, prescribed equipment

"CFS has not endorsed this garment for use as a wildland garment, however it is CFS's and Lion Apparel's intention to explore the possibility of certifying the outer shell for use as a Wildland Garmen compliant to AS4824 (australian standard)"

so basicvally i take from this that it is appropriate PPE for all non-rural incidents...

further to that...

"For further information aout the Lion Apparel Structural PPC please contact Andrew Patten, Project Officer Prescribed Equipment on: (08) 8398 9900 or"

so stop whinging.. and contact the man to find out the facts...

apologies in advance