we have found attending personally, and inviting members to join has worked well.
Being a small community, we know when new people have moved in, and usually a member of the brigade will drop round, welcome them to the district, and tell them about the brigade - how the brigade can help (eg doing a burn off)etc, and let people know that the brigade welcome new members at any time....
The invitation is put in non-threatening, and open ended way - we don't want people avoiding us, so they don't feel they will get hassled to join each time they see us - and it is open for them to join when the are ready (which may not be right now!)
We also have a blackboard outside our station, which we use to put CFS info & messages on.
At the start of the fire season, we normally put up a notice, indicating for anyone interested in joining, now is a good time, as a new recruit course starts soon etc etc.
Almost every year this notice has gone up, we have attracted new members.
The blackboard is outside our station, which is right next door to the local Post Office, so people stop to get their mail (no roadside mail delivery out here!) and read our notice.