Correction 029 SES won't be getting ANY trucks! Not this year anyway. However there are some 4x4 Isuzu's around within the system not exactly practical for RCR (manual handling issues).
The FleetSA supplied vehicles will be dual cab utes (waste of time except for carrying chainsaws).
All 6x6 vehicles of this type will tend to understeer in a corner (Landrover 6x6's were notorious).
Anyway hopefully the Pinnaroo 16 will do what they want (how did they justify an extra vehicle?) & I would have thought a proper rescue appliance would be a higher priority after seeing their 24 setup.
029 get used to the idea of not getting specialist vehicles suitable for task. The reasons are as follows 1) CFS has far more clout than SES 2) that is not the direction SES is heading
Anyway keep the faith (someone has to