I will be making sure I have my trucks manned before I worry about leaving a radio operator behind, after all, we are a fire service not a Ham radio operation. Then, and only then will I even look at leaving a radio operator, I would rather have all my trucks out to a job than leave one behind. I wish we were like the CFA, they don't even have a radio in the station, its all done through VICFIRE. Nothing annoys me more than Group Officers and Captains that get hung up on "you MUST man the radio" even if it means the 2nd appliance can't respond "sorry mr coroner, but we couldn't respond the 2nd pump that was 50 mtrs up the road as the captain said we MUST man the radio" give me a break !!
All this would be coming about due to the Wangary enquiry, there was to much he said she said, and nothing to back it up. We carry a copy of the new book on our trucks, and we write details in the book we deem important for future referance, we may never use it, but its there, and we may not write in it there and then, but it gets written in and time and date is entered and you sign it. I think someone has got the wrong end of the stick about each person having one, can you imagine, "boots, pants, jacket, helmet, gloves, oh, and occurance book" haha, thats funny.