Fitness Standards

Started by Footy, March 05, 2007, 03:15:34 PM

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Was reading an earlier thread about Fitness levels in the CFS
Has the fitness, or lack thereof ever been an issue for crews?
Has there, or does anyone ever foresee there being a minimum fitness requirement for volunteers?
If we are talkin about OHS&W how does sending someone not capable of aerobic exertion into an emergency situation sound?


Yep, I think it will become more of an issue, but we can't just bring it in suddenly, as we would lose 90% of our vollies  :lol:

I think we would be moving toward something like what DEH and ForestrySA have for their fire fighters, where you have to pass a simple fitness test and you can work up the levels and be placed in appropriate locations based on your fitness. So you'd only ever get to go on a strike team if you're fitness level was high, for example.

Some Groups have organised fitness training for volunteers to encourage it, but I still think its only the fit ones you get out there to that anyway!

Difficult one to tackle I think. You don't want to set the bar high and lose volunteers, but you don't want there to be no bar so that you may be putting lives at risk by sending people with heart conditions or very low fitness levels into very physically demanding situations.


so basically what your saying is blue that we are pretty much bound to lose volunteers either way ??!!  :wink:



Fitness is something that is needed to fight fires but is very hard to get the time and dedication to train it into your brigade. I can only suggest offering a ride home to any members who walk to training :roll:


Yes fitness (or the lack there of) seems to be a big issue.


I dont generally agree with a minimum standard but what i would like to see is the CFS introduce a recommended fitness guide for firies.  If the vollie still chooses not to keep fit then the OIC needs to be very careful where they send there unfit firies.  Having said that everyone should know there limits.

Would be nice to see a discount for vollies to attend a gym but doesnt really benefit many as alot of places dont have one.
Compton CFS Website


why dont we just become a full time met and get a new gym put into our staton?
Those DVD players are essential now that Aerobics OZ style has gone off air and is only available on DVD...



I can offer my dog for free to any CFS member who wants to walk her  :lol:


If anyone wants to walk a labrador who likes to pull corn out of the ground.....
Let me know
Maybe we can have a CFS walk the dog day???

Alan (Big Al)

Dear God not this issue again we've already been through all this with a previous forum member and it eventually got a little out of hand..
Lt. Goolwa CFS


Not sure what issue you are referring to Mundcfs?  :?
About fitness standards or dog walking?


This is the only thread left. Cant remember the thread for the other coversation Mund - know the one you mean, just cant find it.

A few new/different faces in the crowd might provide a few new ideas though.... :D

Alan (Big Al)

Believe when that member left the forum they deleted all posts and topics started by themself
Lt. Goolwa CFS


Ok, have read the thread from the link you provided. Still unclear about the issue, I'm not sure how a chat about fitness gets out of hand but I guess there is a discussion I have missed somewhere.

As I suggested in previous post, I think it would be worthwhile attaining a fitness standard for strike teams and deployments that mean climbing up and down hilly country dragging hoses, espeically if you come from a very flat region with only a few volcano bumps added just for interest  :roll:

Problem as always is in how it is implemented, how fitness 'results' are used in the service, and indeed whether or not we even need to given that we may lose some volunteers over and the fact that Australia is full of Norms may not actually put our life at risk in a fire situation.

I guess that is the crux of the issue - 'Is fitness even an issue'? It's hard to link a lack of fitness with things like ankle injuries (better developed connective tissues from fitness may have prevented injury) and heat stress (better fitness leads to a greater ability to cope with such pressures on the body).

Personally, I think we'd all do better on the fireground if we simply were fully hydrated - pee in this cup prior to deployment - if it's dark yellow, you're a no go!  :-D


I like the idea of getting a gym placed in fire stations but heres a better idea why not get the local gym to allow CFS volunteers to attend fitness classes for 5 bucks each session  :wink:

I know for a fact that the Tonic Health & Fitness centre in Mount Gambier holds fitness classes every day and all you gotta pay is 8 bucks to participate as well as use the gym  :-D
Kalangadoo Brigade

SA Firey

Quote from: Footy on March 05, 2007, 06:18:34 PM
why dont we just become a full time met and get a new gym put into our staton?
Those DVD players are essential now that Aerobics OZ style has gone off air and is only available on DVD...


Thats why MFS has Foxtel in their stations so they can watch it :lol:
Images are copyright


ohh... so thats wat they do while their waiting 4 a job!!! ok then...  :-P :-P


I have to agree with AL,we have been down this track and I think we all agreed to disagree...I have been on the fire ground with fit one's and they roll over I have been on the fire ground with the cuddle one's and we roll over. So if you can do the job work in a team and all filtered look after each other whast the problem?? Pace yourself for your job and if you can't do it then dont force yaself into doing it. Keep safe and all come home..
blinky bill
my view only


Hs there ever been a sugestion that cfs vollies can get discount gym or some thing cause mfs do in the station and the coppers do, im not suggestiong put one in though if you beleive a few threads seaford will have one soon so i wont have to worry, but are there any incentives that have ever been put in place?


I know we have a gym machine sitting in the back store at our station. Look's like it has been out there for years and probably never used 8-)I do know however that a few brigades have walking groups etc to promote fitness.