Should CFS be Paid For COQ?

Started by bittenyakka, February 17, 2007, 06:33:23 PM

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Should CFS be Paid For COQ in MFS stations?

11 (30.6%)
25 (69.4%)

Total Members Voted: 34


I was using it in that sense not to say the CFS are up themselves.


It may never happen but it should. It's interesting how many people think getting remunerated is a bad thing. How can it be bad?

  • The community get a service
  • the vollie gets some cash for their trouble

Everyone is happy.

Where is the negative in this concept - I for one can't see it. In these troubled times of the UFU aggresively pursuing new area for SAMFS - I would have thought most urban or urban fringe vollies would welcome payment with open arms.


Nice article in the CFA THE FIREMAN newspapaer about the UFU and retain stations that they would like to see in victoria,people should read and may be rethink about payment....
blinky bill
my view only


Quote from: Firefrog on February 21, 2007, 05:50:05 PM
It's interesting how many people think getting remunerated is a bad thing. How can it be bad?
What about the cost involved in processing this remuneration? It might well work out costing CFS more than the remuneration itself. $4.20 into your bank account for petrol/food/whatever, cost CFS $5 to administer.....

Quote from: bittenyakka on February 17, 2007, 06:33:23 PM
None of us like going to sit in an MFS station and baby sit their area...
As Cam said, if you can't justify the time, don't go. That's the good part about being volunteer - you have a choice. Not like you're going to get sacked fornot rocking up. If you don't lke it, go do something else with your time and let someone on an appliance that does enjoy it, and is happy to volunteer. But in my experience crews are keen fr COQ - you get to respond from the city (and do the whole slide-down-the-pole thing if you want!) and all the traffic lights change as you head to the job. Brilliant. Volantary unpaid COQ. Bring it on   :wink:


I think we could turn this around,should MFS be paid to COQ into CFS stations??? should other CFS brigade's be paid for COQ into CFS stations???? look the list can juct get bigger and bigger. I think we have hit in on the nail...if you dont wont to go let someone else who is willing to go and do the job......
blinky bill
my view only


I think it's quite simple, at the end of the financial year (or other agreed time) Safecom pays you for your effort. this keeps admin costs down. if you don't want the money donate it back or donate it to your station. That way i'm not out of pocket, and you stalwarts of the negativity will be happy with yourselves for not accepting the cash!!!
We all have our opinion on the subject, and we could go on forever. Let's agree to disagree and move on. Next topic?


Just where is this money meant to come from?

It would seem to me that both the MFS & CFS budgets are stretched.  Unless you propose to raise the ESL Minister?
Compton CFS Website


Quote from: Camo on March 03, 2007, 08:42:55 AM
Just where is this money meant to come from?

Yeah, good point. SHOW ME THE MONEY!!   :lol:


I think it is clear that the government can find the money if it's required. How else can they propose to grow the SAMFS? Answer with more money!


Quote from: Blue on February 24, 2007, 07:13:45 AM
Quote from: Firefrog on February 21, 2007, 05:50:05 PM
It's interesting how many people think getting remunerated is a bad thing. How can it be bad?
What about the cost involved in processing this remuneration? It might well work out costing CFS more than the remuneration itself. $4.20 into your bank account for petrol/food/whatever, cost CFS $5 to administer.....

Quote from: bittenyakka on February 17, 2007, 06:33:23 PM
None of us like going to sit in an MFS station and baby sit their area...
As Cam said, if you can't justify the time, don't go. That's the good part about being volunteer - you have a choice. Not like you're going to get sacked fornot rocking up. If you don't lke it, go do something else with your time and let someone on an appliance that does enjoy it, and is happy to volunteer. But in my experience crews are keen fr COQ - you get to respond from the city (and do the whole slide-down-the-pole thing if you want!) and all the traffic lights change as you head to the job. Brilliant. Volantary unpaid COQ. Bring it on   :wink:

All except the sliding down the pole bit.. ;)


Why not RescueHazmat? It's good fun!
Don't say they've stopped that now for some OH&S reason!!  :-(


Quote from: Blue on March 04, 2007, 11:49:44 AM
Why not RescueHazmat? It's good fun!
Don't say they've stopped that now for some OH&S reason!!  :-(



Hmmm, OH&S, we're in an occupation (yes I know, volunteers technically not, but ya get the point) that involves very very hot conditions, and very very wet conditions, and hey think sliding down a pole is dangerous. Although, I do know a not so nice story of someone climbing a flag pole at my school on muck up night and someone squirted him with detergent and he slid down, not gonna tell ya the ending, but needless to say, he gave off a "piercing" yell.

But flag pole is a bit different to fire pole tho...



Who can actually say they have descended a pole from 1 / 2 / 3 storeys ? ..

So lets send a CFS crew COQ, who might get to see Station 20 once a year .. A crew unfamiliar with the building layout, unfamiliar with the systems in place for a call, and unfamiliar and untrained on the use of the pole.. Then let them use it... ??

Hows about no !  .. I think its a great idea that only trained persons, and SAMFS personell can use the pole.. Can guarantee it would avoid many injuries that way.


I agree on trained people should be using the pole
Definetely no untrained ppl dancing on a pole...  :roll:
I thought we were talkin about pole bein takin out of MFS totally
gees, wats the point of being a firie without a pole, i was disappointed when i joined CFS and found out there was no pole...


The poles remain in station 20, and are for use by SAMFS personell, trained in the operation of descending them.


im sure its a 2-Day course teaching correct procedure, with theory and practical assessment components


LOL Footy you're a nut  :lol:
Speak to your Group Training Officer about new CFS nationally accredited course - Pole Dancing 101



group training officer huh?
I wonder who that may be.....


What exactly do you get told in the training for correct usage of pole sliding?

Alan (Big Al)

Quote from: bittenyakka on March 05, 2007, 09:01:14 PM
What exactly do you get told in the training for correct usage of pole sliding?

Don't do it naked, symptoms from this can range from, some discomfort to serious friction burns where it counts :-P :wink:
Lt. Goolwa CFS


Quote from: Mundcfs on March 05, 2007, 09:03:57 PM
Don't do it naked

Sage advice Mundcfs...
Require level 3 PPE and a vice-like thigh grip  :-P


MFS have to do a training screed, both theory and practical on flash