360Joules, I would be glad to set it straight.
Paramedical Services is not my company, although I am admittedly an employee. As the website shows, Garry Mikhail is the managing director. Without divulging the operational status of Paramedical Services SA (PMS-SA), I can give some background to the operation in NSW and the expected performance of PMS-SA in the future.
PMS provides Pre-hospital care at a number of levels and in many and varied locations. As the first Private ambulance service to provide medical care to the motor sport industry, Bathurst 1000 etc., PMS has a high reputation for an excellent level of care and preparation at events the state over. We also participate in TV shoots, Work injury response (WIRS), and are a large RTO in the Sydney Metro and NSW area.
The training at PMS could be described as second to none in the private sector. With a former NSWAS, IC para & S.C.A.T paramedic & University lecturer as MD, and others training of NREMT-P instructor standard, there is no shortage of skill.
What many are alluding to on this forum, is the variability in standards of private ambulance providers. I like the constructive criticism illustrated thus far, including the aforementioned court case of Paramedical V. NSW Ambulance Service (NSWAS). My 'personal' feelings are that the level of care provided (high), is the impetus for NSWAS having issues with PMS. The fear of loss of work, when in fact we try to act along side, and in best conjunction with the service.
Personally, we have had no such issues with SAAS. I think they realise we are not here to steal their thunder, but work professionally and fluidly amongst them. I have been impressed with their (SAAS's) interest and genuine appreciation for our work thus far. PMS-SA does not have an emergency ambulance license, and works to all of the extensive standards imposed by SA Health.
I anticipate the company will have something to say to the forum, but until then, regard my comments as my personal opinion only.