Training Probelms

Started by fire03rescue, July 29, 2006, 01:09:20 PM

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Why does the CFS have a maximum amount of people you can have trained for BA,RCR,Hazmat and other courses :?
Should it not be a minimum  :?
If your brigade can have for example only 10 BA operators, what happens to the other members who are keen to have this skill. I have been told to bad you are at your maximum level.
What happens if a member that  can't make calls for a while or only go to a few calls. Do you take them off the Magic CFS list and add another member to do the course.
No wonder the CFS is finding it hard to keep members if you can't train them, they will just go and find something else.
Do other brigades and groups have this problem


There is a reason for this it is for equality in training standards. It is in place to prevent one RCR brigade who has their limit of RCR trained people getting onto training courses when say another brigade doesnt have enough people. This is in place so that brigades dont miss out. Of course if those brigades that need people trained fail to nominate people for the courses they need (or dont turn up) then those places are made available to other brigades. Remember people these courses do cost a lot of money to run and you cant have a BA and RCR course running every weekend.


I dont think there should be any restictions on the number of member you have trainned in RCR/HAZ/CABA if you are willing and able then the doors should be open to all to do the course.How many times have you seen on the pager site course cancelled due to lack of numbers.I know in my group we had to get permission for one of our rural captains to do the RCR course as he works in Naracoorte during the day and turns out with us and is a part of our team.To me MY VIEW ONLY this is silly I could not find any section in the act that state only RCR brigade members do the course...I say get in contact with the group training officer and get your group to push your case,if you want to keep members and they want to do the course let them.....


The problem comes when CFS use a brigades minimum as their maximum. As long as youve got your minimum and another brigade doesn't, then they won't bother to train up anymore of your brigade. It sucks. A lot.


I think there should be some training on SA Firefighter on how to use the spell check! (Training Probelms should be Training Problems) :-D
The views I express are my own, and not necessarily of the service I represent!


Quote from: Toast on July 30, 2006, 03:38:37 PM
The problem comes when CFS use a brigades minimum as their maximum. As long as you've got your minimum and another brigade doesn't, then they won't bother to train up anymore of your brigade. It sucks. A lot.

So how then, does CFS, with finite resources (the Government will only give CFS a certain amount of money in their budget each year) ensure that ALL brigades have access to specialist training - not just those who happen to be nearby the Training centre, and hence can get there easily, or brigades with a very efficient training officer, who nominates members on a first in, first served basis?

The SFEC (the Standards of Fire & Emergency Cover) sets down the minimum & maximum training levels for brigades.

While the SFEC document needs updating, it exists to allow ALL brigades to come up to a standard training level, rather than having some brigades with everyone trained, and others with none at all.

The need for a review of the SFEC was one of the discussion topics at the recent Volunteer Summit
There are three types of people in the world.  Those that watch things happen, those who make things happen, and those who wonder what happened.


I totally understand that. There does need to be a syetem that allows both the small stations and the large stations to meet their training criteria. Yet issues arise when for example, you have brigades that meet thier minimum (yet still have issues crewing trucks due whatever reason hence needing to have the newer member/those who are around trained) and are not allowed any more places on courses. Then we learn that the courses are running with empty places. Maybe we need to look at training courses being run in a more efficient manner, in terms of spots available. Maybe take more of a hard line? If youve not contacted STC by a week previous to the course to say youre coming, then the next person gets your place.

I know it was raised at the summit. With any luck they can review things properly.


One of the other problems is making sure that instructors know what they are talking about how many times have you been to a training session and one instructor will say no that is wrong it should be this way only to find out they where both wrong.....