Started by mengcfs, January 04, 2006, 02:45:18 PM

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Not sure if this projet is underway yet - i know it is still being rolled out, but are any Brigades on the new Fixed Alarm Premises call out procedure direct thru SOCC?


Yep... Have only had one call out via the new system........
pagers got set off (The process worked at SOCC) but the FIP had not even been triggered. No zones in alarm what so ever. And before you ask.... no, none of the staff reset the system.

We put it down to the FIREMON, but not sure why.

Interestingly enough, (and this is nothing against SOCC who do a fantastic job) I do wonder a little if the best thing was to go from a fully automated system that rarely had issues, to introducing a human into the system to send out response pages........ yes, I realise the line rental savings, but still....


Does anyone know if alarms in CFS areas currently monitored by the MFS are to be changed over to this system?
Don't look back. Something might be gaining on you.


captain has filled in all the paperwork we should be on the new system by june 06 if all is going to plan,I think CFS will monitor all CFS alarms and MFS will monitor there alarms......


Mike, as I understand it the Firemon server interrogates the SAGRN paging system and sends out the page automatically, the only intervention the SOCC guys have is to start the 6 minute timer to make sure someone actually responds.

Quote(24P)Does anyone know if alarms in CFS areas currently monitored by the MFS are to be changed over to this system?

24P I would have thought that would be unlikely in the near future however I believe MFS are looking at possibly setting up this system as well.


Quote from: mattb on January 05, 2006, 09:16:05 PM
Mike, as I understand it the Firemon server interrogates the SAGRN paging system and sends out the page automatically, the only intervention the SOCC guys have is to start the 6 minute timer to make sure someone actually responds.

Hmmm...... not the way it was explained to me... but i could be being led up the garden path... I will endevour to seek some clarification i think...


I can't comment on how CFS have set up the firemon but it is technically very easy to have firemon send a page or an SMS, or data to a terminal.

Lets hope that's what they have done.


Should have an answer from the man in the know very shortly....


Coupld be wrong, but as far as i understood the firemon will send the page automatically, SOCC will monitor to ensure a Brigade responds and the Brigade will reset the alarm on premises and SOCC will reset at their end.



The 'other end' in in the FIP and is reset at the same time you do the panel. SOCC have no involvement in that part.


Quote from: Mike on January 06, 2006, 09:36:54 AM
The 'other end' in in the FIP and is reset at the same time you do the panel. SOCC have no involvement in that part.

Great, that makes it easier for everyone. Thans for the info Mike.


oz fire

There are severale stations that have been operating this and similar systems now for a number of years and it has worked very, very successfully.

Congratulations to CFS for at last bringing the alarm monitoring into the 21st century and to providing better service to the brigades and the premises that we monitor.

It may take a little time, but again CFS is leading the way with this initiative :-D
Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the ability to control it.


I was wrong anbout how SOCC handle the page.... (which is a relief actually!)

The official answer is:

Quotethe FIREMON Server at CFS HQ has a direct line to the SA-GRN Paging Server. Brigade Response Paging Messages are automatically generated by the FIREMON Server without any human involvement.  The Response Page is displayed at SOCC and they then oversee the incident from that point on.


and i believe socc will default the brigades if they havent either acknowledged the page through socc or gone mobile in 6 minutes.


The good thing about the new system is that any fire alarm company will no longer have to chase up someone to open the fire station so as we can test the alarm, and at last I can return keys to brigades that i look after alarms there station key.. Yes nice to see that the CFS has come of age with it all as there where some very old panels out there I guess that those rich brigades will now miss out on the money from monitoring the alarms....... :-o


hahahahahaha true bill...

there goes the income of a lot of brigades... sounds too me like a few were makign wuitea profit too.. barker and burnside for instance, i think they both had fairly constant money coming in.


If you work it out a private firm will charge $1000 per year per alarm to monitor it so if your group has 7 or 14 alarms that is alot of income.........


Speaking to a technician after he set one up in Strath, he said he hardly release his finger from the test/alarm button before CFSHQ had it on their screens. Compare that to MFS receiving it upto 30sec later it sounds like it will benefit our response/arrival times.
Extinguish this.......


From the sites that are taking part in the test/trial all is going well and there has been a reduction in brigades going to false alarms..The only problem that has come up is that cfs have not past on any information to the clients about how the new system will work and who pays for what....


lost count of how many earthing faults we get in the old copper system.... it will be a welcome change, less faults and will be able to get the calls that do happen over and done with faster.  :-)