EMT Ambulance South Australia

Started by saambo, February 17, 2011, 08:30:28 AM

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Does anyone know what qaulifcations members of this group actually hold?
Does the Training Officer hold a Cert IV or Diploma in TAA? If not how can they "train" there VAO's and be actually licenced to perform NEPT duties if a majority of training is not actually recognised? I am deeply concerned as I have seen case cards handed to the Triage nurse with nothing more then the patient's first name!!!! *Shakes head* I am aware they need SAAS EOC approval to activate warning lights / sirens but often witness them driving with them on along Greenhill road and around CBD at times... Rego AEI --- Ambulance 79 or something!
It just amazes me this group is still operating dispite substandard equipment and training for members on all levels - Operational to "Executive" LOL old farts from St Jack days that simply believe there Paramedics and ICPs! (Shudder)


I am also worried at the suitablity of members in the group... I understand standard SAPOL checks are performed but what about medical assesments? Mental suitabilty to undertake the role. I have seen a few members that I personally think need admission into C3 and should not be anywhere near a patient even if there sick or not. It looks like they accept anyone willing to become an EMT LOL


SAAmbo - given your rant on this and other topics, maybe you arent quite able to be truly impartial in your observations. If I was a member of this group (which I dont support or even like much btw) I would be obtaining your details from the Site Admin and taking legal action, based on your second post. I would suggest you wind your tits back on that one

Secondly, could you please provide further information on exactly which patient details you gained unauthorised access to and I will arrange for the AIMS investigator to make an appointment with you at a time convenient

Lastly, if, as you say, you have seen them running under Emergency lights "often" then I suggest you report it to the Police who will investigate/prosecute as appropriate - OR, if you are indeed an Ambo (as opposed to a bunny, or other private provider with a chip grudge), then feel free to AIMS them yourself.

Of course if you dont take responsibility for what you say and follow up with actions, then its back to the cave with you