GRN Paging Response codes

Started by calspec, November 11, 2006, 12:58:32 AM

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Can anybody supply a complete list of CFS GRN reponse codes, or is there an established reference site somewhere?

I know this question has been asked before, but I have only ever seen partial lists.

For those who may not know WTF I'm talking about, the 4 digit codes that appear at the end of a typcial response page. (I say 4 digit, as this covers majority of CFS brigades, other codes represent MFS/SES units etc). These codes indicate which brigade(s) are being responded.

Anyway, I am after a list that can be referred back to when required to satisfy curiosity as to whom is getting responded to the calls we all see on the GRN Pager string.

Maybe this list could be put together and made available directly from this site or (Pip, if you're reading this) the CFS Promo site - either as a seperate page or added to the details of each brigade.



calspec - i do not believe there is a full list of station numbers in circulation anywhere, however there are partial lists in various threads on this site.

these include; SES, CFS and MFS stations


I don't reckon every brigade / unit actually has a number......just those who are paged by MFS......

If you run the pager software, it is easy enough to work out (eventually!) who's who    :-)

There are three types of people in the world.  Those that watch things happen, those who make things happen, and those who wonder what happened.


Stirling - 9019
Bridgewater- 8924 I think


Further to this topic, Does anybody have a list of the codes on the Pager Feed website, I think they are called "cap codes" or something, as they would probably be more useful for all stations!
Seaford Brigade
Lieutenant 2

**My View only, does not reflect that of the Seaford Brigade or SACFS**


2919     Burnside
2928    Burside Hazmat
2942    Burnside Tanker
46??    Eden Hills
4719    Blackwood
48??    Belair
49??    Corromandel Valley
57??    Cherry Gardens
74??    Norton Summit
8032    Happy Valley
8124    Morphett Vale
8334    Seaford
8424    Upper Sturt
8532    Ironbank
8624    Bradbury
8642    Lofty Tanker
8724    Mylor
8824    Aldgate
8924    Bridgewater
9019    Stirling
9028    Stirling Hazmat
9042    Stirling Tanker
9119    Salisbury
9219    Dalkeith
9228    Dalkeith Hazmat
9419    Athelstone
95??    Tea Tree Gully
96??    Virginia
97??    One Tree Hill
114    Clarendon
162    Aldinga Beach
163    Mclaren Vale

Thats all I've got for now. There are around 30 Brigades turned out by MFS I believe.


Top stuff, 2090, Will definately keep a print of that,

I can update: 8032 for Happy Valley




Seaford is actually 8334.

even though our primary  urban truck is a 24 pumper it has the code 8334 because there is suposedly a conflict in the system if brigades in the same group have the same suffix, that is also why happy valley 24P is 8032
Seaford Brigade
Lieutenant 2

**My View only, does not reflect that of the Seaford Brigade or SACFS**


I have a file for capcodes for pager addresses for saas,cfs,ses,mfs etc and can email it to anyone who wants it. As I run my own pdw decoding set up. I have a list in the thousands with some boring ones like sa water and sapol blocked out (sorry Pip)

SA Firey

Quote from: Pixie on November 11, 2006, 10:00:29 PM
Seaford is actually 8334.

even though our primary  urban truck is a 24 pumper it has the code 8334 because there is suposedly a conflict in the system if brigades in the same group have the same suffix, that is also why happy valley 24P is 8032

Because MFS database is out of date,as is your callsign.Noone else in the group can have the same prefix,as the first two numbers identify what station you are from,the remaining two is appliance type

It doesnt really matter as you cant use the 8334 as a callsign, as CFS radio traffic is to be in plain language,so the name on your appliance is the same on radio, as per SOP's, ie no K codes either :wink:
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Quote from: Pixie on November 11, 2006, 10:00:29 PM
Seaford is actually 8334.

even though our primary  urban truck is a 24 pumper it has the code 8334 because there is suposedly a conflict in the system if brigades in the same group have the same suffix, that is also why happy valley 24P is 8032

Almost.. Two brigades can't have the same prefix as that is the station number, but suffix, no worries.
The number is split between Station Number/Applaince number:

Burnside: Station 29
Hazmat: 28
thus 2928

Mind you, this is only the case for 'specialist' CFS applainces at the moment, for example, Aldgate is 8824 (they run a 12/24P), there is no separate code for Aldgate 12 (8812) :O

Can I suggest that Happpy Valley is 8032 because they used to have a 32 when the Database was introduced? Also Seaford 8334 would suggest they had somewhat of a 34 type appliance... Same thing with Ironbank, 8532, lost the 32, got a 34 no database change.


Brigades can have the same prefix though.
1288 Brukunga
12642 Heysen Group Tanker (Littlehampton)
1268 Littlehampton
1259 Meadows
1279 Mt Barker
1298 Nairne

5498 Wandilo
5438 Mil Lel
5488 Tarpeena

so there you go

Crankster 34

I have a list which has every brigade in the state on it (including some that don't exist any more). It runs about 5 pages, I will try and get it scanned and put up somewhere at some stage.

Hey Firefrog, do we still have a gallery that I can use to post pics / files to ??
Crankster on scene, you can take a stop...


soon - been too busy to get it running 8-)


I am seeing a pattern, but I'm not sure its hard and fast.

Where brigades have specialist units (particularly hazmat and BWC) and that resource is required at an incident, then that code is sent.  For "general" incidents then a different code may be sent.

Some examples, Burnside 2928 for a hazmat response, but maybe 2932 or 2924 for other incidents - I am still monitoring the paging site to confirm.  The suffix, as mentioned, was determined by what was the mainstream appliance for that brigade when the database was set up.  Or does Burnside bet paged 2928 regardless and then select appropriate resource by the info given in the page? Again, 28 because they were a Hazmat brigade.

Happy Valley did have a 32 appliance (later changed to pumper designation) but now with a 24P and 34.  Code 8032 is still used for all MFS paged turnouts.  HV do not have RCR, Haz or BWC.

Very few incidents would specifically require a 14 response, so no code is used to reflect that - unless there are brigades around that only had a 14 unit when setting the database - but none come to mind.  14 is almost always a backup to the primary responding appliance.

Stirling get paged with 9019 regardless of incident - is that because they were a RCR brigade at the time the database was set up (and still are), and/or because they carry RCR equipment on their primary appliance (Pumper)?

Of course I may have this all wrong, but I haven't been studying the paging site THAT closely, regardless, these are my interpretations and opinions only, not based on any written fact or document.  :-)


Calspec, Burnside is 2919 (Rescue) in general. 19 is (in general) the designation of a rescue vehicle/brigade for the purposes of the response database. (You can see that 4/9/19 can all point to a rescue vehicle)

This page should be become your best friend:

ATH, the brigades dont all have the same prefix:

128/8 Brukunga
126/42 Heysen Group Tanker (Littlehampton)
126/8 Littlehampton
125/9 Meadows
127/9 Mt Barker
129/8 Nairne

549/8 Wandilo
543/8 Mil Lel
548/8 Tarpeena

Meadows and Barker both have RCR capabilities, hence 9 (Pump Rescue) and I believe that the rest of the brigades appplainces could well fall under the general category of 8 (4x4 medium pump)

There seems to be a general pattern, yet no hard and fast rule. Hence some CFS brigades having 5 digits, some 4 etc etc.


the system is simple and easy to understand with a basic knowledge of MFS callsigns, it is 'hard and fast' and doesnt change, hasnt since its first introduction as data has not been updated on stn appliances.

using Eden Hills as an example; stn 46

4624   - Eden Hills Rural Incident response; 2000L 4wd appliance (MFS callsign)
4619   - Eden Hills Urban Incident response; Pump/Rescue (1 being pumper/9 being pumprescue)
4628   - Eden Hills HAZMAT response; 28 = HAZMAT unit, MFS callsign

every brigade dispatched by MFS will use this system of appliance/station numbering.

as stated in other threads there is also the variable of tankers is numbering, along with 34s 32s etc... if you read up on MFS callsigns then all will become apparent to you.

lots of stations have three digit stn numbers, and some response numbering will drag out to five digits.

11742 - Mawson Tanker
12642 - Heysen Tanker
13528 - Balhannah HAZMAT
15528 - Strathalbyn HAZMAT

Medevac :wink:

SA Firey


The list is endless too many to post on here
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Quote from: SA Firey on November 19, 2006, 01:47:11 AM

The list is endless too many to post on here

thats kadina CFS (28819), wallaroo mf s are 681 and kadina mfs are 661


The thing is all Ema brigades already had a number eg Happy Valley 80/1 and when the system changed they had to have 4 numbers hence 80/32 just because they had a 32 and that fitted in. Of course almost all double digit station numbers were taken up already so they went to 3 eg Mt Barker 127/9.


The links don't seem to work anymore. Does someone have a copy of the codes floating around?

SA Firey

Its not too hard to work out what capcodes go to where on the pager site and start a list
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