Joining MFS

Started by RedKoopa, March 27, 2006, 02:46:58 PM

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I know this thread hasnt been active for a few days but yesterday while in Naracoorte i was sitting in my mums car listening to Star FM on the radio when an ad by the MFS came over asking for people to join as  part radio operators or part time retained fire fighters

Needless to say that this suprised me being that most MFS jobs for the south east appear in the Border Watch being that radio operating is a passion of mine i jumped on the position right away and phoned my case manager in Mount Gambierwho looked into it right away
Kalangadoo Brigade


So you guys reckon its hard getting into MFS full time? Just watched a show on National Geographic channel about the Delhi fire service in India. They have 15,000 applicants for about 70 positions each year.Not to mention they do things the hard way. Bugger all reticulated water/hydrants,hardly any appliances carry BA and they do 24 hour on then one day off shifts constantly.


Yes there are vacancies at Mt Gambier MFS for reatained  firefighters and a Radio Control room operator. Usual conditions apply ie live within 10km of the station, atten pre-selection interview and tests. As well as make a committment to attend 50% of call-outs and 80% of training nights. More details available from the station.


15,000 applicants a year? Wow.. that's incredible. Better than being a telemarketer though ;)


Gidday may-te Im doing a survey on smoke alarms, do you have one currently in your home and is it changed regularly?

I heard that they recruit Aussies to teach the Indians how to speak "aussie" so they sound convincing...

Thank you come again

(dont take that remark wrongly please :-))


on a boring side note: there are going to be intakes into the WA FESA on 22nd of April for anyone who cares.

go to: for more


Yes did tape the Indian Fire video.... Quite a sight see-er! :roll: I showed it to the guys after training one night and they were shocked. Such underresource but they most certainly cope well.

We should all take a close look at this and see how lucky we are.



yeah they'd probably collapse from shock if they saw our gear.
i saw that doco too. loved the bit where the guy is pulling the brick wall down with the pike and when it goes he just bolts and only just makes it. imagine negotiating that traffic to :-o


Is certificate II in public safety (firefighting) something that is required before you join the MFS or is it something that you do while in MFS?


it is desired but not required according to the PDF document.


Im assuming that's a TAFE course, might try and get into that next year, unless its full-time.  Inknow you can do TAFE and year12 together.  Would boost chances a fair bit.


i don't think its available in SA mate. i've checked all the tafe /uni books about courses and on the net and i can't find it. Maybe its available in vic or NSW?


damn, I know in the US they have a college course for firefighting.  That would be pretty col if they had it over here.


would be good but i'll just keep dreaming at the moment.


They might have a fire fighter college, but they still manage to have the highest Death on Duty toll than any where else in the world...


yeah? how many boys do they lose a year? are they primarily accidents or incompetence?


Quote from: P F on April 07, 2006, 09:11:54 AM
Im assuming that's a TAFE course, might try and get into that next year, unless its full-time.  Inknow you can do TAFE and year12 together.  Would boost chances a fair bit.

The course details can be found at

and the training providers can be found at

The National Training Information Service lists all courses available.
Andrew Macmichael
lives at Pt Noarlunga South.

My personal opinion only.


There are modules Cert II and Cert III of Public Safety (Fire Ops) that you would of already done already.. BFF1 gives you about 6? modules for your cert 2.. The new level 2 is a module in Cert III.. as is CBF.. etc.

It's not a requirement for you to have your Cert in anything, it's just desirable though.


Is there a specific course in it somewhere where you get a specific certificate?

Im pullin out all stops to get into MFS, wanna do everything I possibly can to get in.


Get your MR license
Senior First Aid
Computer literacy certificate
Life Experience
Be fit
Show maturity
BE able to pass the aptitude, psych and physical testing
be medically fit..
and see how you go.. !

Ring up and ask for an application package.. At least you will get definate answers, and not what 400 forum users "think" you should do...


THey prolly only send stuff like that out when theres a recruitment.

Alan (Big Al)

They will send out recruitment info packs anytime you want it has all relevant info but not the next intake time :wink:
Lt. Goolwa CFS


Awesome.  Is it just what they have on the site or is it more detailed info on what to do?

Alan (Big Al)

The book is about an inch thick last time i saw it.

Slightly off topic here for a second, on the news tonight there was the unfortunate fatal house fire at o'sullivans beach, there was no visible CFS presence there but one of the firies in BA came out of the house wearing PBI the pants were silver and pink striping and the jacket was silver and yellow striping, Go Figure???
Lt. Goolwa CFS


MFS are multi coloured :?