Joining MFS

Started by RedKoopa, March 27, 2006, 02:46:58 PM

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Hey everyone,

I want to join the MFS and I've heard it's really hard to get into. Would being in the CFS give me any sort of advantage over the other applicants? Also can anyone give me any advice or pointers that would help me get in?



If you want to get into the MFS fulltime you will nto have any major advantage over anyone else. Go to the MFS website and read up the pre-requisites, prepare as much as you can,yes there is a lot of competition for positions.


Train hard, run run run run run run run!  Its what IM doing as getting into MFS is my aim.  Started long distance running, terrible luck for Craig Mottram...


Being BA trained, COmpartment fire trained shoul give you an advantage if you get equal score with others? )I assume its like the USA where you score out of 100) 

I went down to Gawler last December and spoke to the S.O there he said those who are in a trade have an advantage cause of there hands on experience.  Also I heard ex police and army people have an advantage due to the type of job they have been in.  Maybe cruise down to your local station and have a chat to them, see what they have to say.


MFS is by far the hardest service to join in Aust,make sure you have the maths,science and the PE and you could have a chance. I hear there is a intake soon,if you dont get in join another paid service work for them for a few years and transfer back into MFS....


Can you get into MFS from the police force or army?  How do you mean by "transfer back into MFS?"

They got some practice entry exams on the website, not too difficult to pass.  (hmm that sounds a bit arrogant, I appologise if I offend anyone)

Alan (Big Al)

I thought that MFS didn't have prior recognition for people in the service or for what training is done, it was just who passed the fitness and exams and showed most promise.
Lt. Goolwa CFS


I don't believe there is any existing direct entry or transfer process to be employed by the SAMFS. Recruit entry only....




It was very hard for me to pass the entry exam as i didnt do maths or science at high school due to the teachers not giving me a chance... despite all of the math questions being really hard i did have a good crack at it 

If you are really good at Maths & Science then the entry exam is easy  :-)
Kalangadoo Brigade


From the practice quiz you also need to be good at english.  Have you done a proper entrance exam Rob?  How does it compare to the practice one on the site?


The next drill squad starts on Monday, this group is still from the last intake. It is likely that they will get one more squad of 18 from the last intake and then they may do another one.

It is all very up in the air at the moment but don't expect an intake anytime before October, may not even be this year more likely 2007.

Whenever it is make sure you are prepared and ready, remember you are going up against about 900 other applicants and you are lucky if they take 80 people.


hmmm. when i leave school i'm thinking of trying the darwin mets. perhaps i'll have better luck there than with SAMFS. i'd love to be in SAMFS, but i just don't think its a reality for me anymore. :cry:


Thanks for all the replies.

Robert34: I had a look at the example questions and they all seem really easy. Is the actual test much harder?

I have no problem with the fitness tests or the example questions. What type of math and science skill do they look at?

I was told by recruiting that they wouldn't be having another intake until the end of the year, around november. So I'm trying to find areas now that I can improve on to increase my chances, so I can concentrate on getting my math and science skills up if that's the case.

Also, if everyone passes all the tests with equal results, how do they determine who gets in after that?


I would assume if ti was all equal that a CFS member would get preferacnes likewise an ex-army, police or something like that.  tradespeople would get an advantage. 

PB, Darwin wouldnt be any easier, I had a look at some other states recruitrment and they look harder.  But if you miss one keep trying others and maybe you'll get in somewhere.

If you are good and what they want then you should get in, you'll never know if you never have a go.  Im gonna do everything in my power to get in, make sure I have everyhting I need, currently Im working on my fitness to be as fit as possible and leadership skills.


yeah, i dunno. i'll definitely try, but i doubt i'll get in.


wrong attitude mate. 

You said youre still at school so since theres an intake this year there probably wont be another for maybe 3 years, thats the time to shine and get all you need.

When I spoke to Gawler S.O he said to have a 5 year plan and work hard to get everything you need.  Just head down to a station near you and ahve a chat to the firies there and get some pointers.


yeah ok. next challenge...determine a close MFS brigade


Quote from: probie_boy on March 29, 2006, 12:55:22 PM
yeah ok. next challenge...determine a close MFS brigade

closest to you is either glen osmond or o'halloran





whoo! 200th post! man!


you could just move closer to the MFS probie :mrgreen:


oh, we got ourselves a thinker here! hahaha :lol: