Busy Hour

Started by strikeathird, January 13, 2006, 01:32:34 PM

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Between 1400 - 1500 I think i heard a Second Alarm Structure Fire , in Gouger St, City.  Persons Trapped on Lonsdale Road in an MVA. and report of: Domestic Fire 13/01/06 14:48,8 EUGENE CR,PARAFIELD GARDENS, Persons Reported.

I believe Morphett Vale got a COQ to 43..

oz fire

Good to see the boys and girls out earning a few dollars and great to see a CFS appliance backing up Mets :-D Well done M/V :wink:
Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the ability to control it.


probably not the place to ask, but what does "first alarm, third alarm" etc mean?

Wonder what hapened at Gouger St, that must have put quite a disruption to traffic.  (but who cares about traffic deal with the fire)

Been promoted from recruit to firefighter, do I get a pay rise now?


haha... Pay rise, yea you get 2 kicks up the arse instead of 1 :P

1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th alarms, are classes of response.  For example, the higher the number the more resources required, larger scale the job is.

For info, also a Hazmat at wingfield dump, believe State CFS Hazmat were responded also.


Was watching it on Channel 10 news and noticed that not all of them had PBI Gold.  Thought all the mets got that...


They did.  Some just chose to wear their blues...


okay, thought it was theuniform to wear.  The blue looks a lot nice though


thye get to "choose"....... ahhh, to have a choice.


They don't exactly get to choose it's just that alot only just got new blue gear so are wearing that for a while, some didn't fit properly so they have to get new gear and some only have 1 set so far so have to wear the blue gear while the PBI is in for a wash.



still love it when ya see the news, and they are not just mismatched, but some arent wearing tops, some arent wearing bottoms and some arent wearing helmets... reminds me of CFS brigades sometimes.... lol


Quote from: medevac on January 16, 2006, 08:44:27 AM

still love it when ya see the news, and they are not just mismatched, but some arent wearing tops, some arent wearing bottoms and some arent wearing helmets... reminds me of CFS brigades sometimes.... lol

:x Theyre all a bunch of CFS wanna be's!!



oz fire

mybe a moment of truth - they have realised if you can't beat them, join them  :-D
Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the ability to control it.


Quote from: strikeathird on January 13, 2006, 02:57:47 PM
1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th alarms, are classes of response. For example, the higher the number the more resources required, larger scale the job is.

In the CFS its based on how many trucks are there:
Single appliance = 1 truck
1st Alarm = 2 trucks
2nd Alarm = 4 trucks
3rd Alarm = 8 trucks
4th Alarm = strike teams


I can remember being called to the Wrattonbully forest fire as a strike team which was a 4th alarm even though our pagers didnt go off we still got a phone call from the captain asking for all hands on deck  :-)
Kalangadoo Brigade


It depends on the job

2 Alarm could be 2 or more appliances
If the job was a 2 alarm rubbish fire it might be 2 appliances
If it was a  2 Alarm at a Hospital it could be 6 appliances for a 2 alarm.
The resson for this is a fire alarm at a Hospital could be 3 appliance to start with.
It just depends on the risk


yeah MFS response also takes into account the risk classing.

oz fire

If you have a look at the CFS SOP's you will note that CFS too has different response criteria, response resource numbers etc dependant on the incident.

Fire Services Australia wide have matured and grown a lot from the traditional 1st, 2nd, 3rd alarm responses with fixed numbers of appliances .... a good thing for everyone
Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the ability to control it.


Doesn't the number of appliances on scene ALWAYS dictate what alarm the incident is at?
Sure, 2nd alarm is anywhere between 4 and 7 trucks, but as soon as you get 8 trucks, that incident has gone to 3rd alarm, no matter what it is. Thats my undertanding anyway... :?