Stop Calls

Started by Baxter, April 03, 2010, 09:12:45 AM

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I was looking at the pager site one day and wondering where and who has the power to issue stop call. Is it part of  an act or reg or sop or what
keep it simple for sanity skes please


im guessing there is going to to be a full on answer posted by someone but the short answer is,

the OIC (does not matter what rank they are) once he or she feel they have enough resoucres and the situation is under control then, a stop message is given. and is covered by sop and more then likely acts and regs
Phillip H
Salisbury CFS (Para Group)


Stop call is often confused with...stop ALL resources return to station now.

for the real definition of Stop for call, ask MFS.


I would like to add another question here too regarding stop calls.  I am of the understanding from recent discussions in our group that, if you receive a stop call therefore not arriving at an incident, you did not attend this incident as far as the records go.  This would have a roll on effect towards both your SFC and general funding.  Does someone know if this is correct.

As for an answer on the original question Baxter posed it is my understanding that roll falls on the OIC, but I have seen it ignored, miss heard and overturned :evil:

Cheers and safe Easter to all
Log off
(formally 38)


There is an AIRS Fire report code for Stop call. :)

If your brigade suffers a Alpha decoder fault, there's a response code for that too...


Stop calls SHOULD only be issued once sufficient equipment and personel are ON SCENE, not enroute!
Just Another Filtered Fireman

Andrew K

annoying thing is that some agencies ignore them any way, 


I would like to emphasise JAFF's comment, once you have enough resources ON SCENE, not what joe bloggs reckons on the way, you can downgrade, but I have seen to many jobs where some big shot gives a stop call on the way then has egg on their face when they arrive and its not under control or the truck coming has an item of equipment that is needed.....


Reminds me of a time when a brigade stopped another brigade from turning out to an alarm cos security said they can't find anything. The brigade who placed a stop call hadn't even arrived yet. In the end it was a false alarm but surely until a brigade has turned up, no call can be made
206 to Adelaide fire,Incident #59,situation found 440, action taken 41,K45, over


We should be following the command & co-ordinating agency's model by the book.....

Alarms> Fire service....not security companies....