Driving Priorities?

Started by Firefrog, January 10, 2010, 02:21:24 PM

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Had a discussion the other night about driving and a few things got raised.

Is Priority 1 - Lights and Sirens ONLY or can you elect to go lights only on a quite road in the middle of the night for example? I know this is a common practice for some and wasn't sure if the Act allows for it or if COSO or SOP allowed for it???

Or is this a grey area?


QuoteA driver of an emergency vehicle is exempt from the "Australian Road Rules" if;
[a] in the circumstances;
1/ the driver is taking reasonable care, and
2/ it is reasonable that the rule should not apply, and
if the vehicle is a motor vehicle that is moving-the vehicle is displaying a blue or red flashing light and sounding an alarm.

So per the book no. Your not exempt from the road traffic act unless you are soundign 'an alarm'.

But personally i'd be more than happy to go lights only depending on conditions.


It is clear under the Australian road rules.

An emergency vehicle can have an exemption from the road rules (eg what we term driving priority 1) and must display warning lights and / or siren.

So you can choose in appropriate circumstance to travel priority 1, with the flashing lights but no siren....


There are three types of people in the world.  Those that watch things happen, those who make things happen, and those who wonder what happened.


Thanks all! Appreciated and clears it up for me..... :-D

Alan (Big Al)

i know saas country have been told that they must respond lights and sirens to approriate jobs even if its the middle of the night but common sense prevails and they obviously go lights only when theres no traffic
Lt. Goolwa CFS


there is a notable difference between company policy which is based on a) covering their arse so far as the act is concerned, and B) covering their arse from the OHS perspective.  ie: the coroner may have less to argue about if someone gets cleaned up.

common sense approach is good - bearing in mind that it's usualll YOU as the driver who is the only one on the road who has any common sense.....................Nuf Nuf drivers will still do stupid things...bells and whistles or not


Quote from: Alan (Big Al) on January 10, 2010, 08:33:57 PM
i know saas country have been told that they must respond lights and sirens to approriate jobs even if its the middle of the night but common sense prevails and they obviously go lights only when theres no traffic

errr nope, no such edict Al....I suspect you might just have a local "interpretation"

Alan (Big Al)

was just going on what 2 local vollies i am friends with have said as they asked if the cfs had been given the same protocol?
Lt. Goolwa CFS


Quote from: crashndash on January 10, 2010, 11:01:48 PM
Quote from: Alan (Big Al) on January 10, 2010, 08:33:57 PM
i know saas country have been told that they must respond lights and sirens to approriate jobs even if its the middle of the night but common sense prevails and they obviously go lights only when theres no traffic

errr nope, no such edict Al....I suspect you might just have a local "interpretation"

I'll correct you on that one...there is such an edict - again it reads as such so the company is covering its heine.....

and without dissing the vollies - if they've been told as such...they probably won't know any different!


well.. if there is I havent seen the new memo, nor has my station, and it isnt on the SAAS Intranet (that I can see.......although we know how functional and easy to navigate that is)

The Current Operations Procedure for Emergency Driving in the Policys and Procedures section is attached and is quite clear


thats the policy - have you added the memo's that have been circulating?? 

you really have a small man syndrome don't you!!

do you you really think SAAS management are going to be that impressed that you're putting Policy Documents on a public forum when anyone who actually does need to see them has the appropriate authorised access via SAASnet?



Hi all - just completed the "Drive Vehicles under Operational Conditions" & it was response driving (not 4x4 driving)in mainly city areas. And we were told Respond (Priority 1) lights & sirens that's it! - Proceed (Pri 2) lights no sirens obey all road rules as exemption does not apply. After much heated debate, individuals said they would use their discretion. Interestingly all of the video footage was taken from the cabs of ambulances & appliances going "full noise" in city environments (Sydney). I could attach the policy & training documents for your info, but sadly it would breach the confidentiality conditions attached to those docs :wink:
Overall it was a fantastic course & I wish I had done it years ago! Realised that some of the things I did in the past weren't quite right! It is a pity that other states don't adopt the trg package & those who do it already take the 4x4 component out (& put it in a separate course) and do more of the response bit! There was bit of lectures, lots of discussion & lots of practical driving through simulated traffic problems - a real eye openner(refer to comments re: past behaviours :wink: )
Anyway I know this was a CFS/SAAS thing, but thought I would throw my 2 cents worth in.
cheers - see you in another 3 months  :-)
just another retard!


nothing wrong with a different perspective...just so long as you're not jamming it down our throats!!   :wink:

The typical style of methodology and teaching now in the ambulance world revolves typically around the american style of "protect your arse - make loads of noise and anyone who has an issue with it can bugger off coz WE ARE THE AMBULANCE SERVICE!!"

sadly....too many Gen Y's (yep...we've got too many of those too!) don't read between the lines and "get" it......

we can only live in hope....


Exactly what we were told (except for the ambulance service bit!) & totally agree  :-)Just pick the right time & place & cover thy arse!
And as you know I would never force anything down anyones throat :-D
After almost 30 years of driving (including specialist vehicles & nine years of response driving) & numerous courses - including SAPOL urgent duty driving lectures , it was nice to learn something new & to re-learn how to drive safely! Didn't realise how many bad habits you develop over the years:wink:
Anyway hopefully the original question has been answered!
just another retard!


Quote from: boredmatrix on January 11, 2010, 02:15:42 PM
thats the policy - have you added the memo's that have been circulating??  

you really have a small man syndrome don't you!!

do you you really think SAAS management are going to be that impressed that you're putting Policy Documents on a public forum when anyone who actually does need to see them has the appropriate authorised access via SAASnet?


since you consider it so heinous a crime to have a simple document explaining a procedure up here, I've removed it...no need to run to the teacher. You may care to select the same restraint the next time  you start a discussion on St John and SAAS  interactions.

Maybe it's a good thing to keep the noise going on all the metro cars....the way they are driven at least we'll be able to find the wreckage easily

oh....and as for SAAS management thinking...well...you can work that one out I'm sure



I couldn't give two hoots about management..I do my job, then go home - as I'm sure you're well aware....

but knowing how much online content is under the microscope by SAAS management...i wouldn't want to see anyone land in the custard for a seemingly innocent post  - no matter if it's a Hills Vollie, Ex EOC or otherwise....


lets play nice now......Simple question answered by Pip. Thanks! no need to take this into crazy land. Thread will be locked if needed.