Kilburn plastics fire

Started by Benji, September 14, 2009, 06:10:38 PM

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how did the 34P go with Water flow to the skyjet??


We were in between 201 and the skyjet and 201 had to slow there pump down because we could not pump enough out to the skyjet


Quote from: Chinny on September 15, 2009, 10:21:15 PM
We were in between 201 and the skyjet and 201 had to slow there pump down because we could not pump enough out to the skyjet

haha, stupid 34P restrictive plumbing...


Well you go from 3800 lpm to 1900 lpm to 4500 lpm......hmmmmmm 34P will never do it


Should have called in Sturt SES pump trailer Does 4000LPM


Apparently some pumps broke, does any one know about this?
206 to Adelaide fire,Incident #59,situation found 440, action taken 41,K45, over


MFS Media Release: Plastic fire a great save by firefighters

Plastic fire a great save by firefighters

Tuesday, 15 September 2009

The Metropolitan Fire Service (MFS) responded to a significant fire at a plastics recycling plant at Kilburn in Adelaide's north-east last night which threatened two factories, a foundry and an industrial-sized LP Gas cylinder.

The fire, involving plastic recycling materials stored outdoors at 'Plastics Granulating Services' on Inwood Road, was clearly visible on Adelaide's skyline and prompted a major response involving 24 fire trucks and about 90 firefighters.

MFS Chief Officer, Grant Lupton says the blaze impinged on buildings and left a damage bill of about $500,000 to plastic recycling products, but the committed effort of firefighters prevented structural damage.

"A main concern for firefighters was a large, 4000 litre LPG cylinder situated near the fire which was under threat and had the potential to explode. Another main objective was to prevent the fire from spreading to the two adjoining factories and foundry," Chief Officer Lupton says.

Also of major concern was the close proximity of a block of Housing Trust homes to the fire.

The MFS was assisted by SA Police and SA Ambulance Service in establishing a 500 metre exclusion zone around the incident, and residents within a two kilometre radius were advised to stay indoors.

Smoke from the intense, volatile fire could be seen billowing into the air and across Adelaide's skyline.

MFS Chief Officer Lupton says the MFS had strong support from the Country Fire Service (CFS) during the incident and together firefighters from the two agencies performed a tremendous save in trying conditions.

"I'd like to thank the CFS, which not only provided firefighters and trucks at the scene, but also provided support at the MFS State Coordination Centre and back-up at MFS fire stations across Adelaide to ensure the community remained protected.

"This incident had the potential to have a far more devastating result, if it had spread to adjoining buildings or caused the large LPG cylinder to explode. Fortunately workers at the factory should be able to return to work today," Chief Officer Lupton.

The fire started at just before 6 pm on Monday, 14 September and took MFS and CFS firefighters about three hours to bring under control.

At the height of the incident, 19 MFS fire trucks and five CFS fire trucks were responded. The fire was contained to plastic recycling products at the rear of the factory.

MFS firefighters have returned to the scene today to mop up after the incident, and MFS Fire Cause Investigators are working with SA Police to sift through the scene.

Email ID: 230674.
Andrew Macmichael
lives at Pt Noarlunga South.

My personal opinion only.


Nice sensible press pat on the back from MR Lupton, good Media release telling all the story

Geez, twice in 5 mins i've been complimentary to town.....time for a lie down, it may be a fever


Quote from: crashndash on September 16, 2009, 08:05:24 PM
Nice sensible press pat on the back from MR Lupton, good Media release telling all the story

Geez, twice in 5 mins i've been complimentary to town.....time for a lie down, it may be a fever

CnD...........I am of the opinion that your under some weird mind control, that is altering your perception!......pssst get some alfoil and rap it around your skull, it stops the messages....well it does for me anyway, ....gotta log of before they track me!
Just Another Filtered Fireman


big bronto

The lack of pumpers does this then become a state government issue, if they will not put on more full time firefighters and appliances to cover this great short fall then do they supply CFS with more pumps??? Would not hurt CFS to have 20 pumpers within 30 minutes of the city.

Why do MFS not use their own retained firefighters, would the 2nd pumps from Murray Bridge and Victor Harbor not be better then a 34P, Tanunda MFS could have left their patch to cover northern areas.


Wouldn't it in this case fall on the property owner for having such a large store of flammables with no way of fighting it? Crews on site reported total lack of water supply, hydrants, and no monitors which you normally find in the plastics industry!


Alan (Big Al)

I could be wrong but the impression i have gotten from a few people over the years is MFS would rather use CFS as backup or for CoQ's than using their own retained.
Lt. Goolwa CFS


well....sorta makes sense doesnt it.....Victor, the Bridge or the Barossa....theres a shitload of white appliances in between them and a job in the city.....

big bronto

yeh crash but all the white trucks between the bridge, barossa and victor are not set up in any way shape or form for urban incidents.


Fair call Big Bronto if the State Government is not going to have more full-time MFS stations with pumps then all the CFS stations on the urban fringe should have one decent pumper in each station.

Most have 34P's and they're fine for your average residental/car fire and carrying rescue gear but dont cut the mustard when required to boost. If this is the way it goes then these urban fringe brigades need decent pumpers to support into MFS and out to CFS areas.

I'm guessing another reason for leaving retained stations in place the CFS appliances out there are worse than the urban fringe CFS brigades with a lot of them being rural appliances only?

crashndash i go again......

hmm, well in that area i reckon theres about 5 type 2 pumpers for a start....they are better than just ur average broken down old MFS Volvo for a start....yeah some of them blue boys out bush still use them as spares....or you might even get a theres a prime appliance....

Get over ur blue penis envy boys..... CFS has a relatively modern and capable fleet for just about most events....even big arse fires like this we cant boost to an what...there were 19 scanias there that could have, leaving the other stuff to others....just manage the resources u have....dont parrot on about wanting to waste money with a pump that we hardly ever need (nor do the MFS for that matter). Maybe between the 2 services we should have 6 BAPs (Big Arse Pumpers).....and outfit the MFS fleet with single hoseline 24s......cos thats all u need for alarm calls, bin fires and 90% of the calls they do....

Jaff.....pass the alfoil mate....this lot isnt working


I agree with Cnd, it would be a large wast of money to buy more big pumpers and MFS crews to sit on there donkey and watch foxtell  :-P. Many of Adelaide's stations aren't busy even by Australian standards. We can get a lot more out of the crews and trucks we currently have before we need to invest in many more stations.

to put a CFS spin on it, If we were to get enough appliances to easily fight the worst day ever we would need to cover the entire state with trucks, :-P


Quote from: bittenyakka on September 20, 2009, 01:50:45 PM
I agree with Cnd, it would be a large wast of money to buy more big pumpers and MFS crews to sit on there filtered and watch foxtell  :-P. Many of Adelaide's stations aren't busy even by Australian standards. We can get a lot more out of the crews and trucks we currently have before we need to invest in many more stations.

to put a CFS spin on it, If we were to get enough appliances to easily fight the worst day ever we would need to cover the entire state with trucks, :-P

They actually didnt need more appliances at the scene, they just needed more Firefighters on the scene.


COQ from Murray Bridge/Tanunda/etc??? Ignoring the fact that those towns also have CFS anyway, who then goes COQ there and how long are you waiting for the COQ to be in place to town? So whats the differance...

Plus why pay retainees when theres plenty of CFS vollies who will give there right nut to go and play in town. You know we love it.

Anyway, if they were to update SFECs and supply equipment/training to fulfill them, there'd more than likely be a lot more than 20 urban pumpers coming.

Just my thoughts anyway.


Quote from: Alex on September 20, 2009, 09:17:35 PM

Anyway, if they were to update SFECs and supply equipment/training to fulfill them, there'd more than likely be a lot more than 20 urban pumpers coming.

Sorry Alex, Although I am not a moderator I have to pull you up on this one, If you are going to post please put it in the appropriate thread!!!!!!

Your last post belongs in the "Shiit that should happen.......but never will"  thread,... Thanks in advance for your cooperation on this matter! :-D
Just Another Filtered Fireman


He he Crash and Dash.

No MFS envy here mate i'm paid and volunteer. Just saying there is a lot of urban fringe bridages that could benefit from a decent pumper not a hybrid 34P trying to do both roles.Plus decent size pumps are not just for boosting aerial appliances could have benefits both in CFS/MFS areas.

My station does a fair bit of COQ into MFS stations. One thing that does need to be captured especially for the CFS brigades that dont do it that often is making sure the CFS brigades understand the operations of MFS stations i.e. door access, how the traffic light system works (familiarisation session would cover it) and the training that CFS I think deliver now on Fire indication panels etc. (I forget the name and public safety module number but it's a good package to learn.

Anyway you still got to wait for that other MFS appliance coming from miles away with keys as we cant be trusted! :-o

Got to agree with you Alex why have other appliances passing ones sitting in stations, should not happen anywhere unless there is a specific risk a specialist appliance i.e. aerial or HAZMAT etc is required.


Quote from: BundyBear on September 20, 2009, 11:09:12 PM
He he Crash and Dash.

No MFS envy here mate i'm paid and volunteer. Just saying there is a lot of urban fringe bridages that could benefit from a decent pumper not a hybrid 34P trying to do both roles.Plus decent size pumps are not just for boosting aerial appliances could have benefits both in CFS/MFS areas.

My station does a fair bit of COQ into MFS stations. One thing that does need to be captured especially for the CFS brigades that dont do it that often is making sure the CFS brigades understand the operations of MFS stations i.e. door access, how the traffic light system works (familiarisation session would cover it) and the training that CFS I think deliver now on Fire indication panels etc. (I forget the name and public safety module number but it's a good package to learn.

Anyway you still got to wait for that other MFS appliance coming from miles away with keys as we cant be trusted! :-o

Got to agree with you Alex why have other appliances passing ones sitting in stations, should not happen anywhere unless there is a specific risk a specialist appliance i.e. aerial or HAZMAT etc is required.

yes I stand corrected Bundy....I'm all for attending the MFS Training Session on Opening Doors....I can see it would be of vital importance to the safe operation of the Station and how we couldnt possibly operate functionally without it....what a bunch of hicks we are sometimes. Here was I thinking we could just park on the apron out front and show off, I mean wave the CFS flag whilst showing solidarity and support to our blue brothers...<sigh> I need re-training obviously...can you tell me which day the roast is on in the Mess and I'll come down for a re-aquaint


Good to see your only interested in taking the piss Crash. So no familiarisation of another agencies station is a good idea? of course it does not have any spin off affects as fostering a better working relationship and where I am it was an idea from one of there S/O's.

Plus putting CFS fire fighters through Check installed fire safety systems PUAFIR206B is not a good idea either I guess not.

I suppose we can just sit in our own little CFS bubble and not try and progress in any knowledge and when you go do a fire alarm and try and operate the FIP wouldn't it be a good idea to be proficent in it's use so you don't look like a hick!


Quote from: crashndash on September 20, 2009, 12:28:04 PM
hmm, well in that area i reckon theres about 5 type 2 pumpers for a start....they are better than just ur average broken down old MFS Volvo for a start....

Is that fact, or opinion?

Quote from: crashndash on September 20, 2009, 12:28:04 PM
...and outfit the MFS fleet with single hoseline 24s......cos thats all u need for alarm calls, bin fires and 90% of the calls they do....

So with that logic, the CFS should only need a couple of rescue vehicles and a fleet of scooters that can be sent out to check if MVA's have persons trapped.  We all know 90% of MVAs are clean up only...