VIC Bushfires

Started by Bagyassfirey, January 30, 2009, 12:00:04 PM

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QuoteDoes CFS want firefighters to be ready for "THIS" to happen in SA...Let them gain experience in victoria to make them ready

I could do with some experience as i've never been on a interstate deployment before    :wink:
Kalangadoo Brigade


Good to see no Death's of any firefighters, lots of close calls few burns.
Looks like burn over training has worked well !
Keep safe


As Seagrave said & the Victorians would have decided approx how many, with NSW, Tas & SA plus army - they would consider they have enough for now.
And before everyone jumps all over me I have family in Dederang & one of my daughters & her boy friend drove back to their base from here they are both based near Hastings so it was a nervous day waiting for their call to say they made it.
So chill guys, if you are needed & can be spared I'm sure you will get your turn,
there is still Victorian teams waiting for deployment.
just another retard!


Sternzee and Mac13, you guys need to be slapped, find something else to do with your time  :x


Darren..what is wrong with being keen to get over there and lend a hand


There is nothing wrong however consider this:-

R14 - Plenty

now think about what is happening now (working out where to send what etc).
Like all state governments they like the idea of handling things themselves (initially they didn't even want army help).
So heaps of interstate fire fighters turn up, unfamiliar with the turf, lay of the land, sitting around staging areas, talking to the media (whinging about not being utilised etc etc) - not real good for the local blokes is it?
Great to be keen but the areas they are in are very tough & have cost lives & equipment in the past(remember the guys that got burnt a couple of years ago?I think they were kiwi's). So as I said if you are needed I'm sure they will call.
And yes it is frustrating.
just another retard!


no different than CFA/ DSE/ RFS coming in to KI last year...anywho theres more strike team leaving later in week


75 confirmed Fatalities..

Horrible, horrible day, and only more to come.


check out the 9 msn home page the picture of the child says it all


Darren im not winging about being deployed i will not get the opportunity due to work i am a little frustrated at the seemingly lack of support that the CFS has sent in comparison to the devastation that has been inflicted by these fires.

Granted i do not have all the facts and if some one is able to give me these i will be more than happy to change my stance.

I am not all seeing it is just my opinion, as for mac wanting to get over there and help its pretty natural for any emergency staff volunteer or paid to want to help out their brothers in arms in there time of need, even if its just to push logs over to free up the locals to hit the fronts, every one has there opinions just dont poke holes in people who are keen to help or next time those people may not be around when they are needed.


Death toll now 84 and 750 homes lost, My brothers business which is in the Yarra valley is now in direct line with the fire which is 5kms away...One can only hope all the things I taught him work but at the end of the day with the wind in that region better to get out....

A very sad time for all and with some of us who have family and friends in those regions we can only hope and pray that they make it, If you have not been to the region of kinglake,maryville its all timber country and what has been seen on TV is shocking and has brought tears to my eyes today....scheiße i need a drink or two...

stay safe guys and girls....


just on channel 9 a cfa volunteers wife and children dead while he was out fighting the fires so sad my hearts go out to all those affected.
my opinion only

Master of Disaster

Last night i sat my bum down at this computer, I did not know I was about to see Victoria go down in the history books.

I look at the CFA paging site and see pages reading "People trapped house surrounded by fire" It sent chills down my spine, but little did I know the same time tommorrow night the news headlines would read "84 PEOPLE DEAD" I'm shocked to say the least.

It all becomes real when a mate rings you for a shoulder to cry on he said to me "Mate I have just found my mum"

R.I.P Annie


Quote from: mattthefirey on February 08, 2009, 08:05:23 PM
just on channel 9 a cfa volunteers wife and children dead while he was out fighting the fires so sad my hearts go out to all those affected.

is that meant to read as

Just on channel 9, a cfa volunteers wife and children dead while he was out fighting the fires so sad my hearts go out to all those affected.

i scanned it and read 9 cfa volunteers dead


Quote from: mattthefirey on February 08, 2009, 08:05:23 PM
just on channel 9 a cfa volunteers wife and children dead while he was out fighting the fires so sad my hearts go out to all those affected.

Jesus christ thats horrible!


Quote from: bittenyakka on February 08, 2009, 08:14:29 PM
Quote from: mattthefirey on February 08, 2009, 08:05:23 PM
just on channel 9 a cfa volunteers wife and children dead while he was out fighting the fires so sad my hearts go out to all those affected.

is that meant to read as

Just on channel 9, a cfa volunteers wife and children dead while he was out fighting the fires so sad my hearts go out to all those affected.

i scanned it and read 9 cfa volunteers dead

yes you are right i am hopeless with grammer
my opinion only


ok yeah that is horrible, i was trying to convince my family to heaf to the flatland's just so i knew that wouldn;t happen.

Master of Disaster

Vic is getting hit with lightning strikes as we speak :-o


Those of you who are jumping up & down, and bagging the CFS heirachy for not sending you, have you thought that perhaps CFS has offered far more assistance to Victoria than what has currently been sent, but as yet, Victoria has not taken up the offer from SA?

CFS cannot just decide to send a heap of resources, chuck the firefighters on a plane to Melbourne, and on arrival ring CFA HQ and say "We're here, where do you want us?"

Have you considered the logistics of moving a strike team around, either with its own appliances, or just as crews? 

From the form displayed on this site, it would appear many people here would be the first to whinge and complain if you got to Victoria, and didn't get fed, didn't have accommodation, ended up sleeping on the appliances for three days etc etc, but jump about and down because you haven't been sent right now....!

And many of you seem to be basing all your information solely on what appears on pager messages.... without knowing anything about what is actually happening either in Victoria or behind the scene in CFS....

Yes it is frustrating to see things on the TV news, and not be able to help...but do not bag CFS for you not being in Victoria right now.

And be careful what you wish for.   I doubt anyone would be happy combing burnt out houses, or indeed whole towns, searching for what is left of the occupants.


There are three types of people in the world.  Those that watch things happen, those who make things happen, and those who wonder what happened.


Breathe in slowly .....exhale slowly......breathe in slowly .....exhale slowly.
Sure you may feel a sense of helplessness at all this destruction and apparentley not enough being done about it, BUT calmer, more informed (not being media hyped) heads are making concious decisions as to how best utilise ALL resources.
"Keep safe to ALL our brothers"
Just Another Filtered Fireman


Another thing to remember is it is very bad (psychologically) for the locals to have "outsiders" coming in to save the day.
I know it feels like the right thing to do, but if you want to wreck the morale of the emergency services in Victoria, go "riding in on your white tankers to save the day". They have been badly hit this time & they need proper support & understanding over the next months - and as I said before your turn will come!
just another retard!


Had a friend call last night needed to cry as she lost a good friend who was killed in his car but his house was untounched, I have also had CFA mates who have called wanting to talk and they have all just wanted to tell their story and have someone to  listen...I do know that CFS did offer more but at this time CFA only wanted mann power so as local crews could have a rest,if they wanted more they would get it.

As I type this there is a fire less than 30kms away that is now listed as large and going and i guess if the wind keeps up CFS will / may be called into this...


Thanks Pip!! You put it well, I had typed up something several times to go on there and just ended up as more of a rant so deleted it!! 108 dead is the toll this morning - managed to track all of our lot down and they're okay - they have no idea of their properties at the moment but will find out later on today.
Wattle Range


Any ideas of when they will be asking for a second contingent to go to Victoria this week and how many are going to be required  :?
Kalangadoo Brigade


Be patient..... when they want us they will call....
Until then, follows jaff's instructions carefully - deep breaths