Fire Alarms

Started by Ryan, November 04, 2006, 06:13:26 PM

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all coles/bilo stores its there policy to get all staff and customers out of the store when the alarm goes off,mind you I have a woolworths client that has now has 3 fires in the past month in there chook oven and staff have not called the fire service but put the fire out themself.Flames went up into the exhaust system...will change in a year when the store has a refit....
blinky bill
my view only

SA Firey

Quote from: Robert34 on November 25, 2006, 03:55:38 PM
I was not far from the deli department mind you the bilo staff didnt even know where the fire was thats why they focused on getting people out of Bilo but still video footage is video footage I just gotta get a blue tooth downloading cable so i can download the footage onto my computer  :-D

filtered Smiths has software and cable for $29.95 Force USB Datasuite :-D
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The MFS responded after the FIP in Bilo/Coles activated and sent a alert to Adelaide Fire who paged Mount Gambier MFS  :-)
Kalangadoo Brigade


Quote from: Robert34 on November 26, 2006, 09:54:22 AM
The MFS responded after the FIP in Bilo/Coles activated and sent a alert to Adelaide Fire who paged Mount Gambier MFS  :-)

The Fire Alarm in the Lakes Village is hooked up to the MT Gambier MFS Station so they are directly paged when the fire alarm goes off.
Compton CFS Website


Only the pager messages (for MFS) that are pre-fixed by MFS: are despatched from MFS comms in Adelaide. The ones that start with Primary Alarm or Secondary Alarm are received by the Alarm Setup on the computers in the stations.

Alan (Big Al)

Tell me do you guys still get tone 7 on your pager going off for the alarms seeing as there is no CFSRES or URGMSG on it??
Lt. Goolwa CFS


Only the alarms that we dual respond with CFS to are set up to say CFSRES on the end to go off as tone 7. So I set my pager on tone 7 for all messages. We dont get many admin messages so its the price I pay to make sure the pager wakes me up at night.


Last week during that lightning storm on tuesday my pager went off with tone 7 after the first fires were reported outside the DOO even though i've got it on melody 1
Kalangadoo Brigade


AS discussed in various other threads on this forum, and others, Tone 7 will override all other settings, except vibrate / silent, if the string CFSRES or URGMSG is contained in the message..

There are three types of people in the world.  Those that watch things happen, those who make things happen, and those who wonder what happened.


I reckon we should change it so messages from MFS comms say *MFSRES:

Just kidding lol


Well to me it seems a bit weird "cfsres" was used.  why not just "urgmes" or just "res"
Compton CFS Website


why not persoalise it so it says

*atholres  :roll:


CFSRES was originally set up for the CFS pagers, but the other emergency services thought it was a good idea an adopted it later into the piece...

I believe when it was being designed, they were looking for a string of at least 6 characters that wouldn't appear normally in messages...

I'm fairly certain that the pagers could be programmed to trip to Tone 7 for any string of characters, but all pagers would require reprogramming...


Quote from: Camo on November 26, 2006, 07:20:54 PM
Well to me it seems a bit weird "cfsres" was used.  why not just "urgmes" or just "res"

probly because neiother of those series of letters would trigger tone 7


And the problem with just having "res" as tripping Tone 7 is that it will trip for every message that contains those letters in that order - including messages along of the lines of "For info, Brigade 24 responding to Grass Fire" or "Due to minimal crew in area, please make every effort to respond to incident today"

Alan (Big Al)

It is pretty tempting when sending out a page for appliance re-commissioning etc. to get link to put CFSRES at the end to catch out any of the people who don't read their pagers. :lol:

Mind you link would probably misspell it anyway. :roll:
Lt. Goolwa CFS

SA Firey

We heard you talk about it Rob now do some affirmative action...GET ONE TODAY!! :-D
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Quote from: ath on November 26, 2006, 07:16:03 PM
I reckon we should change it so messages from MFS comms say *MFSRES:

Just kidding lol

Thas not a bad idea ath as that way we can tell its from MFS
Kalangadoo Brigade

SA Firey

Er we already can as it starts MFS:RESPOND Domestic Fire etc :-D
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Quote from: Robert34 on November 27, 2006, 08:54:10 AM
Quote from: ath on November 26, 2006, 07:16:03 PM
I reckon we should change it so messages from MFS comms say *MFSRES:

Just kidding lol

Thas not a bad idea ath as that way we can tell its from MFS

apparently information in other threads that has been repeated time and time again has failed to stick rob...

perhaps re-read a couple around the place about paging, stn numbers, etc, perhaps even the FAQs...

SA Firey

Just for you Rob *CFSRES: causes all pagers to operate on response Tone 7.
A message containing *URGMSG: activates station sirens and/or opens the doors for you :-D
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SAFirey - might help if we only post accurate information.

both URGMSG and CFSRES will set off tone 7, and MAY activate sirens and doors IF this has been set up for your brigade

it all depends on the set up


All right getting off topic here, back to the Fire Alarms.


hmm what are we meant to be sayign about them?

ive been to scheiße loads, mostly false alarms, and a few real jobs.

good fun

SA Firey

Quote from: medevac on November 28, 2006, 08:49:03 AM
SAFirey - might help if we only post accurate information.

both URGMSG and CFSRES will set off tone 7, and MAY activate sirens and doors IF this has been set up for your brigade

it all depends on the set up

That is what I was trying to get across,being a combination of the two :-D  
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