MFS Comm Cen

Started by Tone7, October 22, 2006, 04:37:42 PM

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Do you think MFS should be running the show?

7 (31.8%)
13 (59.1%)
Not Sure
2 (9.1%)

Total Members Voted: 21


So what are they going to do with staff who work in MFS comcen??? and how many staff will they have to take on to fill these positions????
blinky bill
my view only

oz fire

Maybe put them on fire trucks to serve their community - or maybe community education - to educate their community or maybe place them in administrative positions, to research emergency service ites for the betterment of all emergency service personnel across SA
Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the ability to control it.


Remember each service will still have their own Comcen... they just won't have the initial call receipt & dispatch function.......


There are three types of people in the world.  Those that watch things happen, those who make things happen, and those who wonder what happened.


Hang on isn't the MFS adimently saying that they don't want to be involved in the politics of dispatching brigades?

Isn't this also a very good benifit of getting SACAD that the computer will take into account many variables and dispatch whoever can get the requied resources their fastest. In an ideal world we as FF's would acknowlage that our job is to protect lives and do the job. It is sad that getting more calls to your brigade name brings some benifits eg funding and being noticed. The ability to remove a large ammount of human control from the dispatch center will be good.


Quote from: pipster on October 26, 2006, 05:19:35 PM
Remember each service will still have their own Comcen... they just won't have the initial call receipt & dispatch function.......


I believe that SES will not have a fully manned Comcen 24x7, just us volunteers when the inevitable happens. Otherwise it is up to each SES Unit to run the incident operation.
Andrew Macmichael
lives at Pt Noarlunga South.

My personal opinion only.


Quote from: bittenyakka on October 26, 2006, 08:28:05 PM
Hang on isn't the MFS adimently saying that they don't want to be involved in the politics of dispatching brigades?

Isn't this also a very good benifit of getting SACAD that the computer will take into account many variables and dispatch whoever can get the requied resources their fastest. In an ideal world we as FF's would acknowlage that our job is to protect lives and do the job. It is sad that getting more calls to your brigade name brings some benifits eg funding and being noticed. The ability to remove a large ammount of human control from the dispatch center will be good.

If you want to talk about dispatch politics, you would hope that when SACAD comes in, the correct resources gets turned out. Tree down next to the fire station? CFS/MFS. Storm damage to a house? If life risk, CFS/MFS, if not then SES. Animal rescue? CFS/MFS. RCR? the closest RCR Resource.


Quote from: 2090 on October 27, 2006, 02:02:33 AM
If you want to talk about dispatch politics, you would hope that when SACAD comes in, the correct resources gets turned out. Tree down next to the fire station? CFS/MFS. Storm damage to a house? If life risk, CFS/MFS, if not then SES. Animal rescue? CFS/MFS. RCR? the closest RCR Resource.

This will get me a bite....but the above is stupid....the closest and best equiped resource to resolve the problem for the community....and SES will always have a role, so get use to us being around. :-P
Andrew Macmichael
lives at Pt Noarlunga South.

My personal opinion only.


That goes back to how the SES respond,their response times and the fact that they aern't as common as CFS. which has been discusses elsewhere


:evil: Cant wait until they move SACAD to Chain for dispatch  :evil:

Cheap labour over there these days isn't it???



don't you mean China or India? :?


I dont think they would wanna move SACAD to China cause the operators over there would have to use an Atlas to find locations of each emergency  :lol:
Kalangadoo Brigade


yes china  :mrgreen:

*eyes where glued open at that time of morning when i posted that*


or will be fire service personell in charge of the comcen with civilian call takers.

Until you have worked in a emergency CRD centre or emergency call centre wouldn't bag anyone especially sapol call centre, they do a good job with some of the idiots they have to put up with.


I'm not sure sure they do....I seem to end up with a problem with the majority of jobs I get from the call do many of my collegues....   :-(

Mind you, I feel for people who end up having to work in call centres.....many of them aren't perhpas the nicest place to have to work (or just with the idiots you ahve to deal with...)

There are three types of people in the world.  Those that watch things happen, those who make things happen, and those who wonder what happened.


the ideal would be calltakers from MFS and CFS working side by side in the same Comcen, helping each other and learning from each other. No way can I be happy to say bring in civilians... much better to have people with firefighting background so they know the right questions to ask, and can anticipate the needs of the firies on the ground. One firefighter / supervisor would get far too busy on an "it's-hitting-the-fan-day" to supply all the fire know-how across the board.


So has anyone other than me been inside the cfa VICFIRE call taking centre??? or does anyone have a understanding of how it works?? The caller taker takes the call and follows a flow sheet/set of SOPS gets all the information they can and passes the job to the dispatcher and your off and running..... Now most of the staff that work in VICFIRE do come from an emergency service back ground and are well aware of what must be asked and so on....would be good if both service could work from one site under the name safecom....
blinky bill
my view only


Ive been inside SAPOL com centre, they have actual cops working in there.

Alan (Big Al)

SAAS mostly don't they have outsourced to private persons and a few paramedics aren't that happy with it but they gut it out i guess.
Lt. Goolwa CFS

SA Firey

Quote from: Ryan on October 29, 2006, 10:29:07 AM
Ive been inside SAPOL com centre, they have actual cops working in there.

SAPOL's call centre is staffed by civilians with a supervisor.SAPOL Comcen is staffed by Police Officers who dispatch the jobs via the CAD system to patrols.They have a Comms Sgt and SDO on duty also. :wink:
Images are copyright


Quote from: 5271rescue on October 29, 2006, 10:27:43 AM
So has anyone other than me been inside the cfa VICFIRE call taking centre??? or does anyone have a understanding of how it works?? The caller taker takes the call and follows a flow sheet/set of SOPS gets all the information they can and passes the job to the dispatcher and your off and running..... Now most of the staff that work in VICFIRE do come from an emergency service back ground and are well aware of what must be asked and so on....would be good if both service could work from one site under the name safecom....

YEP, three large centres in Adelaide (could be more) & the owner of one is bidding for part of SACAD. Not sure if the outsourced call centre is part of the bid document though.

Information I heard is that whoever takes the calls will have SLA on time taken to process the call (like the outsourced Vic call centre). So this means if an operator goes on holidays, they will need to go through some re-training time before answering calls again. This is so they are efficent with the process and up to date with any changes to SOP's.
Andrew Macmichael
lives at Pt Noarlunga South.

My personal opinion only.

Alan (Big Al)

Probably wrong section but i don't get this??

13:25:03 05-11-06 MFS: RESPOND Hazmat Incident 05/11/06 13:24,91 VICTORIA ST,VICTOR HARBOR, MAP 309 P 15 ,,CNR OVAL ROAD. CONTACT VICTOR HARBOR FIRE ON TALK GROUP 195,2016 41 431*CFSRES:

I can understand the slavage unit from adelaide responding but why 431 from christie downs, wouldn't back up from local crews be a lot quicker, but i don't know the full details of the incident?????
Lt. Goolwa CFS


It must be MFS area for a start, the pod from town as you said speaks for itself, 41 is the DO and I would be only guessing but 431 for either additional hazmat crew for the incident (or prolonged incident), COQ as it is MFS area, or a bit of both...

All at a guess :)


Quotewouldn't back up from local crews be a lot quicker
Do you mean local CFS crews? It could be because they wanted Hazmat operators...


if they wanted HAZMAT operators, then i would suggest that Willunga, Strathalbyn(at a stretch) and Yankalilla (which are all HAZMAT brigades) would be closer...

who cares anyway, we dont know jack about what the job even was.


Rusty, i guess having civilian call takers that are trained properly and supervised by an experienced person can't be worse than at the moment where someone could have just joined the CFS and answer the alerts phone and give life saving or life ending advise and turn out whoever they can think of off the top of their heads.