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Messages - firefighter_sa

SACFS Vintage Appliances / Re: Collection of vehicles.....
September 28, 2013, 01:50:13 PM
Hello Pip

At the moment - new job at another mine site it taking a lot of my spare time so in short, not yet (but looking) and spending available time with the family.

Hope life is treating you well

SACFS Vintage Appliances / Collection of vehicles.....
September 27, 2013, 07:27:20 PM
hi there all

Haven't been on the site for a while updating pictures of my collection:

First one - ex army fire service - but was used as a CFS vehicle at the old township of Kingoonya.

Fitted with a Coventry climax 500gpm pump - 400lt of water, towing additional 400lt in the trailer

The second is EX Snowy Hydro Fire Fly one of 4 brought into Australia - with 3 remaining

Fitted with 300gpm Coventry Climax fire pump - 300lts water

These two are Ex Woomera Emergency Service - which were then used with the EFS & Jervious & Bute

Both fitted with AMAG rear PTO driven fire pumps with 300lt water.

Group picture

SA Firefighter General / Hi there all
September 27, 2013, 04:56:19 PM
Hi there all

Well after a break and change of jobs I am back to check out the website.

Country Fire Service / Re: SACFS Service Medals
February 07, 2010, 06:26:52 AM

Hi there

QuoteSo you dedicate 10+ years to something which is a big call as it impacts on your work, family and social life especially if you're in a busy brigade.

So the CFS decide to show a bit of appreciation, what a nice thing to do. I'd place a bet all you on here that are having a cry will still be lining up at your stations to receive it!

We had several members - including myself which were presented with medals on Australia Day (Euan made the trip up North to present them)

I have been a CFS members for 25 plus years and one of our long term members received a 60 year award - all I have to say is well done to those whom deserve it.


Hi there JC

All the best - and enjoy the trip away.

Country Fire Service / Re: Paid jobs
October 30, 2008, 10:29:03 AM

Hi there all

Its already been said prior in the post.........

With the money there offering there not going to get someone there for the long haul or with a alot of experience.....

For those whom dont already know me, I work in the private sector and our starting package is around the 20-30k highter plus and far less responsibility. 

I have the greatest respect for the service as we have some great people within but were lossing them rapid pace - and you dont have to be a rocket scientist to work out why...........

QuoteFound hiding in Strathalbyn today was their old Blitz and an old Land Rover at the National Trust Museum

Do we have pictures - thanks

Country Fire Service / Re: Urban Pumpers
July 19, 2008, 10:26:58 PM
QuoteSo let me get this straight,the people who are involved with the design and distribution of Government Fire Vehicles are not the ones who put their lives on the line using this equipment.Funny that.You cant polish a turd,but you can roll it in glilter


I canot speak for the MFS - but I believe this is wrong.  I know of only three people within the technical services side of CFS whom are involved with truck designs are all volunteers as well.

Please dont take me wrong - but the CFS is becoming a changing agency and trying to please all is difficult.  Look at the stats 10 years ago majority of our work was rural fires, but today with the urban sprawl - Structure Fires and Vehicle accidents are becomming our No 1 response.......

With this in mind our rolls have become quite diverse - and I except the need for specalist vehicles for some brigades. 

I just dont like - and this is maybe the wrong term but "Blackmail" by brigades using media to benifit there causes, its just causes problems for all concerned

Its my views

Country Fire Service / Re: Fire Trucks/Appliances
July 18, 2008, 10:45:01 PM

Hi there

Thanks - I will pm you as I have a few additional questions.

Country Fire Service / Re: Fire Trucks/Appliances
July 18, 2008, 09:15:40 PM
Hi there

Been reading & trying to understand what is being said......

I have been working for the Mining Industry for quite a few years - and we would also be classed as a "Private Fire/Rescue/Medical Service".

We run rescue trucks - fire trucks and Ambulances all with the necessary lighting/sirens etc to be identified - no different to Woomera Emergency Services as we comply with the local authorities (SAAS & CFS etc)

QuoteAnd no one in the fire industry will ever sell there equipment to the mines, they rather lease to have the income and the mines rather lease so they can claim on tax.

We have NEVER had emergency vehicles under leasing arrangments - they have always been bought out right.

QuoteIt is difficult to read and understand ones context, with so many contradictions and incorrect statements.

It does scare me with what has been said - reading between the lines your a private organisation working in conjunction with CFS & MFS - my question whom pays for this service as keeping trucks & trained personal is not cheap?

Please dont take it offensively just trying understand what you have stated....

Country Fire Service / Re: CFS job advert
June 17, 2008, 12:43:06 AM

Hi there

Quotebut the money is not that good here in SA when you look at what they get interstate..

Its been mentioned further up in the post - lack of $$$$'s....

I see the teachers are on strike tomorrow (Tuesday)and with the figures the quoted in the paper last week - and the CFS pays more than 10k less.....

Your right the CFS Staff would be the most poorly paid fire service in Australia - and credit is due to some of the staff, they work long & hard for peanuts.....

My views


LandRover Ex Gumaracha Car for you Wayne needs a lot of work

I have heard they wanted to give this vehicle to some one whom was going to restore it - do you have any contacts at Birdwood we could spreak to?.  Also within your collection do you have any pictures of "Ex Gumaracha Car 1"

Many thanks


I can get in touch with someone at the museum if you'd like. Im with Birdwood Brigade...

Could you please ask - it would look good restored.....

SA Firefighter General / Re: Moomba Job
June 07, 2008, 10:17:09 AM

Hi there

It pays between 60-70k  - in relation to other ESO positions (Money is poor)

Apart from the money - its good points: Its 2 weeks on 2 off, only on call for nights and flying in and out of Adelaide.........

SA Firefighter General / Re: Professions
December 26, 2007, 01:28:41 PM

Emergency Services Officer BHP Roxby Downs
Hi there all

Blinky I am sure some thing can be arrange regarding releasing appliances for the fire engine run - will bring it up at the next meeting on the 11th November.

Quotethere is a shed at peterborough thats got 4 in it plus back end of 2 units from the west cost and word is the Eudunda's EFS truck once it is restored it will be going there too


Unless something has happened in the last week while I have been on nightshifts - this is un-true.  The shed at Peterbrough we have ear marked as storage facility for the Heritage group still has not been approved for use.........

SA Firey

QuoteLandRover Ex Gumaracha Car for you Wayne needs a lot of work

I have heard they wanted to give this vehicle to some one whom was going to restore it - do you have any contacts at Birdwood we could spreak to?.  Also within your collection do you have any pictures of "Ex Gumaracha Car 1"

Many thanks

Quoteyou write in a manner that suggests you are familiar with the Brigade / town

I agree.......
Country Fire Service / Re: cfs volunteers
September 15, 2007, 09:08:23 PM

QuoteTraining & administrative requirements have multiplied

OFF Topic / Re: Horse Flu
September 13, 2007, 04:27:13 AM
Hi there

On a positive note - its a huge saving in our family. 

Seen more of the wife and kids in the past few weeks as they are not travelling to horse events most weekends.

One thing I am anoyed with - the media seem to be indicating the ban on horses in SA has been lifted - but not really true.  The Poney Club association has banned most event's until further notice, and I like there thought process.

All the best

OFF Topic / Re: Horse Flu
September 06, 2007, 01:48:21 PM

Hi there

Unless I am mistaken - you still canot move your horse around SA unless you get permission - and large gathering of animals like show are also not allowed.

OFF Topic / Re: Horse Flu
September 06, 2007, 09:56:22 AM
Hi there

I think there is still major restriction in place for SA - Just noticed alot of the smaller country shows have cancelled all there horse events.

I know the Quorn show (this weekend) and Wilmington (Following weekend) have had to cancel all horse events.

This is going to have a huge effect on these country shows - as majority of there crowds are horse related people.  So please if you get the chance please still suport your country shows where possible durring this difficult time.

All the best


Hi there

This is a political touchy subject SES/CFS etc.

I beleive there is a place for both services -  but in smaller communities its a huge drain on volunteer numbers, and has the potiential of generating power plays between services.

My views


All Equipment discussion / Re: Ordering of PBI Gold
July 28, 2007, 03:45:34 AM

Your not alone

There is still quite a few still waiting for there PBI.


Hi there

Why dont you apply for the job with WES - its not a real active place but its a good starting point within the carrer as an Emergency Services Officer.

I know for a fact with the amount of mining activities within SA ( and the money they are offering) they are having trouble getting people with qualification, give it a try.

have a go - apply.


Hi there

Well done Darius - I agree the VFBA is only as strong as its supporters.

The VFBA through my life time as managed to achieve some wonderful things - but please take into consideraton Rome wasnt built in a day.


Hi there

Been a bit slack - the restoration is complete and it was used in the 15 minute of flame event at the Adelaide Show.

Many thanks to ashes for the pictures.


This picture was taken prior to going to Adelaide - enjoy