SAAS / Re: OT Private - Industrial Paramedic & Pre-Hospital Care
« on: March 13, 2011, 02:50:10 PM »Saambo, this group has had a big grudge against SJ and SAAS for the past 2 decades and do not want to move forwards while certain members are in control e.g. certain forum member. enough said. They cater for the low socio-economic public and I think that the statuatory service should be free for these people like it is in other Australian states/territories. enough said.
Just because people come from or belong to a low socio-economic sub-set of the population does not mean that they should be subject to what at time may be questionable pre-hospital care. In a compassionate modern society these people should be able to have access to free quality assured PROFESSIONAL and QUALIFIED responders as mentioned by Saambo.