I heard from a non firefighter that he saw Burnside pumper on the back of a truck the other day. can anyone confirm or deny this?
Quote from: bittenyakka on December 15, 2006, 11:32:50 AM
I heard from a non firefighter that he saw Burnside pumper on the back of a truck the other day. can anyone confirm or deny this?
The old one or a new one?
haha, rumors only, the old girl is going strong, just as it has been for the past 25 years.... So no, it isn't being piggy backed around on any trucks....
Senior Firefighter
Vehicle Replacement Team
Burnside Brigade
You may not want to tell us but what has the Vehicle Replacement Team discussed and agreed on?
I did hear(rumour) that burside had placed an order for a new pumper as they did not wont the type 2 pumper :?
Why wouldnt they want a type 2?
well it was apparently the old one. but this has been disproved.
Quote from: bittenyakka on December 15, 2006, 06:47:43 PM
well it was apparently the old one. but this has been disproved.
Wasnt that the one Happy Valley have now because they didnt want a Type 2 :wink:
Little birdy told me that CFS are chipping in the equivelant money of a type 2 and burnside is coming to the party with the difference in cost for the pumper they wan't.
As far I can't really confirm nor deny any "rumors" that may be out there. All that can really be said is that the brigade has established a working party that is meeting regulary with state & regional staff to discuss various pro's / con's in various different appliances to try and find some outcomes for heavy urban interface areas. This has involved assessment of vehicles & techniques such as the "type 2" and others. There is currently no spec's written, nothing is "signed off", no chassis have been ordered / delivered or build for the brigade and the process is ongoing. There is currently no financial agreement in place either. Am happy to keep people posted when something does happen but at this stage there really isn't anything to be talking about, sorry!
Nice to finally get some of the stupid rumours quashed. keep us up to speed on any developments.
well it was my grandfather who told me and the only truck he would recognize is BP mainly because it is a Volvo so if HVP was a Volvo then it he may have been confused.
Happy Pumper was a Hino.... it was most likely the old Belair Pumper that was a Volvo and has most recently spent time at Murray Bridge until their type 2 arrived.
are you able to tell us why the "Type 2" wasnt suitable replacement?
and also how long are the CFS & Burnside going to keep going with the current pumper?
So for the benefit of all us curious folk out there what type of truck is Burnside looking for???
How much water??
Pumping Capacity??
Speciality Features (like BA Seats, CAFS, Rescue Capabilities etc...)
Is it a spcial build or a product already in service???
Any info would be nice but if you want to keep that to yourselves that fine :-)
a Scania with PTO driven pump, BA seats, automatic transmission, rescue capability, 1800L, in built foam delivery already in service in Adleiade and surrounding suburbs.
AKA MFS appliance :-D
And you would prefer a RED one yeah :lol:
There is nothing wrong with a type 2 and I can't understand why burnside knocked it back,there call rate has dropped over the years and they don't do many COQ as much as they did. They should have taken the type 2 and be done with it......... If CFS give them what they really want a MFS pumper then we again will have different type pumpers when at last we are starting to see standard pumpers come into this service.. may be there station is way to small for all that they have...
Do we build an applinace for the risks we (CFS) face, to for the risks others face???
CFS will undoubtedly turn this into a complete joke and make a laughing stock of any process they may have the states other 464 brigades following.
Did someone say standardisation.......when :-P
Kind of makes me laugh when people worry about what Burnside get as a new Pump. If they got extra cash that they can use fine as long as it does not cause the CFS to pay out more in maintenance on the thing down the track.
In saying that though they are by no means the busiest brigade with any extra special risks, so why do they need to be special.
Quote from: fireblade on May 11, 2007, 12:42:33 AM
In saying that though they are by no means the busiest brigade with any extra special risks, so why do they need to be special.
In my opinion, attitudes like that are the reason the CFS has the problems with the fleet that it does. If brigades like Burnside hadn't stood up for themselves and asked for decent equipment and appliances, we'd still be fighting fires with Hessian sacks on horseback.
I don't think its that drastic tell me one reason why Burnside need a better pumper than anyone else?
Whats wrong with the current Pumpers CFS are bringing out and in what area's are they lacking to what Burnside think that they need?
Just give them them a type 2 pumper as this is the path that cfs have taken in gettng pumpers out into brigade's that need that type of appliances. burnside brigade are no differant than any other urban brigade in region one or region 5 there call rate has dropped down and they dont do a lot of large jobs like they used to. They should be happy with a type 2 as I know a number of brigade's who have now got a CFS type 2 pumper are thrilled with their new pumper. So does anyone really know why they dont want a type 2??..
If they have that much money to buy their own appliances well let them but who will own the appliances it will not be the brigade but the CFS...
I think you just smacked the nail on the head 5271rescue. Plus i do a bit of travel around the country and us CFS lads do well for such a small state in regards to the appliances volunteer fire fighters get. :-D
well i think that is exactly it. if they have the cash buy a white Scania.
no offense to Burnside but when Norwood MFS is built they will lose so much space and a large chunk of bargaining power that they should grab what they can now.
You mean Beulah Park MFS. That wont make a great deal of difference to Burnside anyway. Most of Burnsides area is the foothills and freeway anyway. That shouldnt change. They will continue to support MFS at large jobs and for coq due to their strategic location and proximity to the city.
Beulah Pk MFS slab is being poured this week.New station is on The Parade east of Portrush Road :wink:
Imagine if corporate CFS gave into them and let them have some special truck i'm sure other brigades that interface with the metro area and do the same sort of COQ jobs and responding with MFS and are more busier than Burnside would be livered. Just look at Region 2-Saisbury, Dalkeith and Tea Tree Gully all busier than Burnside and not jumping up and down for a special appliance. I imagine brigade south of Burnside are busier to.
Quote from: fireblade on May 17, 2007, 03:55:27 PM
Imagine if corporate CFS gave into them and let them have some special truck i'm sure other brigades that interface with the metro area and do the same sort of COQ jobs and responding with MFS and are more busier than Burnside would be livered. Just look at Region 2-Saisbury, Dalkeith and Tea Tree Gully all busier than Burnside and not jumping up and down for a special appliance. I imagine brigade south of Burnside are busier to.
The point I was trying to make in my earlier post is that if Burnside do get a good truck, then when appliances come up for replacement in other urban brigades, they too can get a good truck like Burnside's. It'll actually be good for them, not bad. Other urban brigades should be supporting the fight, not complaining that Bursnide doesn't deserve a good truck...
I don't know the reasons why Burnside don't want a Type 2, but their appliance replacement group know their pumpers very, very well, and if they don't want it, there'll be a good reason. (I think the rear mounted pump was one of the reasons though).
I think you are missing the point CFS_Firey was not slinging mud at you or Burnside just stating some facts, myself and many others have stated nothing wrong with the new CFS pumpers and a lot of the metro fringe brigades currently do it with 24P's and soon the new 34P's. Everyone should have the same for a standardised fleet which is what the service is trying to achieve. Many reasons for this which i shouldn't need to state.
Plus corporate CFS do speak to brigades about wants and needs of Appliances hence Dalkeiths prototype 34P, Tea Tree Gully's new 14 CAFS prototype plus other brigades with prototypes. CFS has not got an open ended budget and runs a huge fleet compared to other services so you have to keep the appliances realistic, otherwise the cost of a single appliance would be greater and their would be less turn overs of applainces.So brigades would be running with the same appliance longer.
In closing the service has come a long way since i joined 15 years ago when there was appliances of many diffrent builds and rear entry numbers. :-D
No point in urban brigade's supporting what they want as the group will override that or make it hard for a brigade to get what that brigade wants..was it not the group who did not want eden hills to have a type two pumper????
how about we just put a bigger pump on 34ps. :|
Not being a pump wizz i couldnt give you the proper answer but i would imagine 1900lpm is probaly the most you will get from a motor driven pump. If you want more you will need to look at PTO pumps. But thats just me guessing.
As for Burnside wanting more then a type 2.....i know people say lets support them so the rest can get better in the future but seriously who is up for a new pumper in the next 5 years? Cos in 5 years everything will have changed again and what Burnside have achieved will be redundant, in a way.
And also how can the type 2 not be sufficient? Pretty sure NSWFB & CFA use the same truck and serves them just fine with probaly bigger cities then what SA have.
well said camo, so come on burnside play the game and take the type two or better still tell us all why you dont wont the the type 2?? I know a few brigade's who do over 200+ cals who would love to have the type 2 in their station...
I do beleive someone from burnside has already told us why they don't want the type 2 in another thread.
I agree with them and hope they see it through, the only reason other brigades have accepted the type 2 is because they thought that was as good as they could get and didn't have the man power to research the right truck or they were brigades that just had to grab whatever pumper they could get their hands on because the trucks they had were way under equiped. Burnside has a truck that can still do the job while they aim to get what they need.
And no i don't think the type 2 is suitable for the CFS.
Both those attutides are good, we all know Burnside are a passionate brigade and personally I think it is good to see some real interest in new trucks coming out. Unlike some members that i have spoken to and know absolutely nothing about the future or anything outside of their brigade.
Quote from: TillerMan on May 21, 2007, 12:22:29 PM
And no i don't think the type 2 is suitable for the CFS.
I think that is fine for you to say that comment, your more than entitled too.
But no one yet has said why the Type 2's are not suitable for the CFS.
Like i said before NSW & VIC both use these appliances and seem to be more then happy with them, so why not Burnside?
Blinky, what would have happened if Naracoorte got told they weren't going to have a stand alone rescue, and to stick the RCR and Hazmat gear on a 34P or a the pumper, would you have taken that advice and gone, no worries, I doubt it, so why are Burnside any different. They can onyl try, it just so happens they have a bit more bargaining power than most, or is that balls.....
Yeah that brigade you mentioned have a lot of power and influence. That is why they are the only urban brigade in the state that is driving around in a 25 year old appliance..lol.
Quote from: pumprescue on May 21, 2007, 05:49:01 PM
Blinky, what would have happened if Naracoorte got told they weren't going to have a stand alone rescue, and to stick the RCR and Hazmat gear on a 34P or a the pumper, would you have taken that advice and gone, no worries, I doubt it, so why are Burnside any different. They can onyl try, it just so happens they have a bit more bargaining power than most, or is that balls.....
Hmm...My feeling is they are two seperate things....
Burnside have been offered a type 2 that is more than adequate but they want more.
A stand alone rescue compared to rescue shoved onto an appliance where it doesnt fit properly isnt adequate. In Naracoortes Case anyway.
good to see that living in compton (??) and knowing what is required there is the same as knowing what is required in metropolitan adelaide....
Quote from: mack on May 21, 2007, 08:34:43 PM
good to see that living in compton (??) and knowing what is required there is the same as knowing what is required in metropolitan adelaide....
Settle petal :-P
I wish to thank those brigades who are giving ongoing support to Burnside. To those individuals that wish to nothing but rubbish the hopes, dreams and current technology Burnside are fighting for to enhance that available to all volunteers your words have been taken on board and greatly not appreciated. We are all volunteers out there fighting for improved conditions and supporting each other. I do not wish to discuss the ins and outs in relation to our replacement appliance on such a public forum. If anyone wishes to discuss matters in more depth do not hesitate to contact me offline at skirkmoe@hotmail.com also station / appliance tours can be organised.
Senior Firefighter
Burnside Brigade
Im not saying im correct but it would seem no one can tell me why a type 2 isnt good enough. Ill gladly apologise and support Burnside if they can tell me why they have decided to go this way.
And having said that i do support Burnside and any brigade around the state that wishes to improve the quality of service the CFS provides but i would also like to know why.
I personally think the type 2 is not adequete because there are no areas in CFS that are just Flat Urban Stuff. Most of Vic is fairly flat. I would like to see an appliance with more ground clearence made, maybe a mercedes Atego. Another big thing is only one hose reel, CFS have always had 2 reels and do not have 38mm wajax fittings to make using flaked 38mm hose easy like in Vic and NSW.
I think more of a pumper tanker style appliance is the way to go maybe even with dual rear axle, One in each urban group that can do massive asset protection and can also deal with building fires, mvas etc. Also a better pump and roll system is needed with a spray bar and fire curtains. I also have no idea why CFS have gone away from Roof monitors as we seem to be getting less and less crew so a remote roof monitor could well save an exposure at a building fire. Another reason a pumper tanker would be good is you could have 4000L of water for use in areas with no mains water which there is alot of.
Our stand alone rescue is not the issue here and one that should not come into this topic,we dont have back up RCR or HAZMAT brigade around the corner...If burnside get what they want then so be it..It just makes it hard when CFS are trying to finally have pumpers that are standard across the state.As for the comment that a type two is only good on flat ground urban areas well mate you have it wrong..NSW have type 2 pumpers in the BLUE MOUNTAINS and is there not one at eden hills??? Lat time I checked and not so long ago they where all going well in the hills...
The main thing i have againt the type two's is the fact that they only have one REAR MOUNTED hose reel. Even the Dennis has two... the other thing i dislike is the fact the the pumps are completly electronicaly controlled, and the positioning of the inlets/outlets. Midmount pumps are much better suited in urban pumpers IMO!! It woul also be nice if CFS chose a cab that could house BA seats, as they make the donning up process much, much quicker!! I understand that the reason for not implementing half of these features/functions is $$$, but what is the price of a life??? If someone dies in a burning car because you only had 1 HP line that you could use imediatly instead of two, the cost of all cfs urban pumpers having two HP lines is well and truly justified.
Thats it all comes down to money and lets face it CFS does not have enough to replace its fleet that in some cases in need of replacing. TWO H/P lines are good rear mounted pumps where installed as they are easier to service or replace the pump if it dose not work... What ever Burnside get will be there baby,maybe they will get a type 2 body on a scania????
The other problem with the Type 2s is they are only a medium pumper. Whilst that's fine in most instances, there are areas that would benefit from a heavy pumper.
I don't necessarily believe that CFS need to design a new truck - there are plenty of decent heavy pumpers out there. Choosing a tried and proven truck that is more suited to some of the needs of local areas would be a much better way to go.
The type 2 is not the be all and end all in modern pumpers. I really like the look of some of the heavy pumpers that QRFS are building at the moment. I haven't seen one in operation, but the specs and design looks good.
Unfortunatly, i think The (our) Dennis has scared cfs away from trying out other heavy pumpers...
Quote from: Pixie on May 22, 2007, 11:40:06 PM
Unfortunatly, i think The (our) Dennis has scared cfs away from trying out other heavy pumpers...
But this wouldnt be a second hand truck, so there wouldnt be as many problems you wouldnt think. Would be dissapointed if they succeeded with their quest but only became a one off appliance.
Yeah well we all know standardisation went out the window a long time ago.
So what areas do you think will need a heavy pumper and why??? If and when burnside get a pumper will they also not need a bigger station??
Quote from: 5271rescue on May 24, 2007, 06:01:34 AM
So what areas do you think will need a heavy pumper and why??? If and when burnside get a pumper will they also not need a bigger station??
They already have a pumper, so the new one would just take the place of the old one in the same station...
Their current pumper is also a heavy pumper, so I can understand them not wanting to replace it with something inferior...
Are you sure it is a Heavy Pumper...? Can anyone tell me the gpm / (or lpm) of the pump on Pumper....?
Eeek! No, I'm not sure its heavy and I don't know the GPM... Sorry :oops:
if its the same as cleve pumper its only a medium
My bad...
The point still stands about not needing to modify the station though...
The only Heavy Pumper in the CFS fleet, as I understand it, is Seaford Pumper (the Dennis). The Heavy Pumper is defined as a pump with a pumping capacity of 3785 lpm (1000 gpm) and above.
Then there are several Medium Pumpers, (with the "Type 2" build being a Medium Pumper) which is defined as a pump with a pumping capacity of between 2838 lpm (750 gpm) and 3785 lpm (1000 gpm)
Light Pumpers, of which the bulk (all?) of the 24P & 34P's fall into, are defined as a pump with a pumping capacity of between 1892 lpm (500 gpm) to 2838 lpm (750 gpm)
I believe these pumping capacity figures are defnitions used under AFAC...
Just doing some checking of info...I have Burnside Pumper with a Darley JMP400 pump, and the info obtained from the Darley pump site, lists the JMP as around 500gpm..making that appliance only a Light Pumper (remembering of course, we are talking about technology that is at least 25 years old - at the time it would have been the bees knees! :-D )
I am certainly no pump expert, and the info I have may not be correct (I don't know the accuracy of the info that was given to me ) but if it is, Burnside Pumper is only just a Light Pumper.
If anyone can provide further info re this, please do - as I said, the info I have been given may (or may not) be accurate.
Talking to the fellas and lady from Burnside the other night they said that they are able to hook the pumper up to the bronto for jobs, would have thought you would need more water than 500gpm for that??
No a medium pumper will do the same thing....
There is a huge difference between Burnsides pump and the pumps on a CFS 24P/34P. I have been on the end of a Burnside HP line, the big difference is the pressure stage, and for their area, with long driveways and the need for long hoselays, this pump is brilliant, a 24P pump would not be able to match it for performance, and no one can say otherwise until they have used both appliances. A 24P only has a single stage volume pump, no good through HP lines.
The type 2 has a really good pump, 750 GPM 2 stage pump. :-D
Preasure is everything when you are working with sidelines, until you FEEL the difference of a 1 stage 2 stage or even 3 stage pump you will never know.
But the pumping capacity of the pump, and the pressure out the end of a high pressure line are not necessarily correlate...eg the bigger the capacity of the pump, does not always equal a higher pressure at the end of your hp line....?
As I understand it (and if anyone can shed some more info on this topic, feel free to) but the classification of the light / medium / Heavy Pumper goes generally on pump capacity, rather than the pressure out the end of the hose... :|
And obviously, things will be different between a single stage & two stage pumps (the Darley JMP which I believe is fitted to the Burnside is a two stage pump), PTO's vs stand alone, and of course if we have a volume pump vs pressure pump, and undoubtedly many more factors....
Mmm, i think Burnsides pumper has a 400gpm 2 stage pump which as you said would have been great for it's day.
You can hook any appliance up to a Bronto even a 14 if you are desperate, just depends on how high the boom is and how much water if any you want to come out the end.
If CFS were to get heavy pumpers or pumper/tankers i would think 1 in the following groups and they can decide which brigade can use it best... Mawson, Heysen, Mt lofty, Para and maybe east Torrens and Kyeema. Maybe also down the SE and the Riverland.
An appliance is what it is, and simply classifying it to an arbitrary light medium or heavy appliance is pointless. Its all about the total fit out not the numerical value of the pump. From memory Burnside pumper has either a JMP400 or JMP450 pump. After a search of google I couldn't find much on either of these pumps but as someone pointed out it was top stuff about 25 years ago. From memory Burnside Pumper was made by mills-tui, about the same time Belair had their pumper built at Carey Gully. They are (were) similar appliances so I don't know who ripped off who or if they somehow came to a very similar design independently...
As for boosting into the bronto it depends how they set it up. With the variable flow control branch on the platform they can adjust it to give the water pattern required with a particular flow rate. So with a low flow rate setting on an appliance like Burnside Pumper, it would be just enough, but for the full surround and drown option on the nozzle you require at least two pumps of slightly greater capacity than what they could deliver.
I would imagine that Burnside are talking about assisting boosting into the bronto, as I don't see the MFS leaving the bronto without a MFS tender as primary boost. I recall seeing a photo in the paper that showed Burnside or Belair boosing into the bronto at the Mitcham Shopping Centre fire.
As pumprescue points out a two stage PTO with two 90m hose lines is great for long driveways in hilly areas. You just don't get the same performance from a single stage or pump packs. What the CFS/CFA's obsession with pump packs is, I'll never know. They'd say because its a unit it can be unbolted and a new one put on, but thats still one big job with all the fittings to disconnect and reconnect. With a PTO your only stuffing around one big engine (that you would have been anyway) and maybe one very small one for pump and roll. Whereas with the pump pack your carrying and maintaining 2 engines. Seems to me to be a duplication with no extra increase in capability, unlike the PTO with auxiliary for pump and roll. As pip point out, and Ive previously ranted about, there are lots of pump variables and pump performance issues involved. Its just a matter of getting the pump that matches the the task. The little 8Hp pumps (or what ever they were) on the old 14's around 20 years ago use to make for some lively HP work. They were no good for anything else but for the type of volumes you run 2 HP lines at, but they cranked up some good presssure. I don't know about the modern 14s. Anyway for the type of work the CFS does massive pump volumes aren't required. You exhaust the water supply rate usually with the pumps we have. No point getting larger volume pumps when the problem is the water volume from the main or where ever you get it from. I assume the only time massive volume capability may come in handy is when your trying to pump out flooded areas like they were out north a year and a half ago.
As for burnsides game plan and how this fits into their future Im not sure. Under SACAD they may not run up the freeway as often, therefore reducing their call rates. Their main game will be thrashing their trucks running around on the hills face, strike teams and hazmats. In the last lot of COQ they didn't even leave their station. I suspect in the last couple of years that they have done more EMA with their tanker then with their pumper.
I'm led to believe there is a disparity between what they want, what they need and what they may get. But Burnside are smart operators and know what their on about so I wish them well and they don't need to justify their actions to anyone here.
Quote from: Hicksflat14 on May 25, 2007, 01:29:16 PM
...But Burnside are smart operators and know what their on about so I wish them well and they don't need to justify their actions to anyone here.
I don't think anyone was demanding justification. Just interested to know.
I guess we will all just have to sit back and see what they get,I am sure that the brigade will get what it wants but at the end of the day it comes down to the cost... Mind you there are a couple of fire appliances on ebay...
The old Belair Pumper with JMP450, same pump as Burnsides, boosted the Bronto at Mitcham and the Abbey at Blackwood Cold Stores with no pressure or flow issues whilst pumping for volume. The arguments about 2 HP lines for a pumper... I know Eden Hills are very happy with their set up and with flaked 38mm lines in the rear lockers haven't had any operational issue with the change.
Just came back from a trip to victoria and was talking to both paid and volunteers and they all agree the rear mount pump and one HP line is the way to go.Makes life at easy but also with flake hose you would be surprised at how fast they can get the hose out.
I've worked off mid-mount and rear mount pumps. If your familiar with your pump and a good operator it shouldn't make a huge difference but I've heard a lot of blokes like the rear mount for ease of working both sides of the street. As for the one HP line I think I would prefer two even with the lockers with trays of lay flat in them.
Only concern I have with one HP line on our Type 2 is the fact that the pump operator does not have a resource available if there is a burnover situation,and th crews have the HP line 30 plus metres out. :-o
And before anyone says it "Burnover" remember the Canberra fires where normal ACTFB Pumpers were overcome in residential streets.Ash Wednesday also had the same potential.Food for thought even though none of us wish for another Ash Wednesday or Black Tuesday
You could run out a shortline of 38mm hose for protection...the thing is we all need to look at changing the way we do things and with new appliances coming out I am sure that we all wll have to have a re think.i guess we could ask eden hills,nuri or millicent how they feel with only one hp line but I would say that it does the job.
Another issue to think about with 38's is, especially with trees etc in the path of most hill faces around adelaide is the couplings being so massive. I challenge someone to drag a 38 through a house or up a tree covered hill without having to double back repeatedly to unhook couplings fromm objects. It may be quick to deploy, but is more awkward in action. HP lines have smooth profiled couplings and are more flexible when charged.
Also make up time is significantly increased with lay-flat hose. This is not only wasting time (especially with work to get back to for volunteers) but also for mobility on the job. If a rapid change in location is required, and you have 4 lengths of 38 out, they have to be left and run the risk of being burn't, lost, and the appliance may run out of hose later. It takes less than 2-3 min's to make up a full 90m of hp line.
Yes they may be expensive initially, but in the big picture, lay flat does not have the endurance of HP line, nor does it have the mobility and ease of operation often required in the foothills or structures.
As for 2 lines, i have been on countless jobs where having 2 hp lines was absolutely vital, and a 38 would have been heavy and unsuitable.
I think the cost cutting of having one HP (not even - most are 25mm low pressure attack lines!) is wasting money and time in the long run.
To carry another "short length" of 38mm hose.... then the appliance would eventually turn into "hose carrier". At the end of the day if we have to carry more and more lengths of hose to compensate for just making up in the first place there won't be room fo BA, RCR and full stowage kit etc. At the end of the day being able to rapidly deploy, make up and redeploy time and time again is something important. As for having 2 lines my understanding it's part of the CFS "Asset Protection" (not sure of the complete name for it) training package. When i get time i'll look up the correct name.
2 HP lines is absolutely vital. Many of the Pumpers that were built in the 80`s also had a short 5 or so metre rubber protection line for the protection of the appliance when the main lines were a long way from the appliance. This is a concept I think should also be looked at in the future designs.
The only way that I can see you getting two HP lines is to have a mid mount pump with 2000lt water and 100lt of a or b class foam rear hose lockers but then again its not up to us its up to the state committee
Quote from: 5271rescue on July 09, 2007, 08:38:54 PM
The only way that I can see you getting two HP lines is to have a mid mount pump with 2000lt water and 100lt of a or b class foam rear hose lockers but then again its not up to us its up to the state committee
Hmmm that sounds like what brigades use to purpose build for themselves anyway in the past but alas along came the plastic fantastics.
CFS wont be buying Scanias with two HP reels and midmount pumps anytime soon though Bill :wink:
Heard there's some movement around about this appliance...
Apparently Scania Cab Chassis, Rear Mount Rosenbauer 750 GPM PTO Pump and 3 HP lines (2 mid mount & 1 rear)
Can anyone shed some light?
3HP lines?????
Maybe more like what they want than what they are going to get?
Why on earth would you want three HP lines on an urban pumper :?
Um So you don't need to carry any other hose?? sounds a bit to crank :roll:
yeh....would be good to have 3 during Asset Protection....be able to quickly move places, instead of trying to haul a 38 line onto ur Rack/Crew Deck.
Sorry to disappoint all but you can keep up the good stories about 3HP lines and all the rest for that fact as at this stage they are only stories and no truth to any of it.... Sorry to disappoint! :-)
Can you shed any light Stefan?
There are getting a truck but who really knows??????
Get what you are given a Type 2 aint that bad :lol:
Just give them a type two why are they so specail anyway????
A brigade is finally fighting for what they think they need to appropriately cover their area, and all people can do is whinge and criticise..?
They where offered a type two pumper what was wrong with that???
Burnside are currently still in consultation with Staff etc in relation to this matter. No further to report at the moment, it's not that i don't want to it's just still ongoing as you have seen as per the recent page...
As for the "Just take a type 2 comments"... Lets just get over all this crap, we have been through it all before and it's getting old now.
My views only.
Quote from: Stefan KIRKMOE on August 04, 2007, 05:52:54 PM
As for the "Just take a type 2 comments"... Lets just get over all this crap, we have been through it all before and it's getting old now.
Well said.
Quote from: Stefan KIRKMOE on August 04, 2007, 05:52:54 PM
Burnside are currently still in consultation with Staff etc in relation to this matter. No further to report at the moment, it's not that i don't want to it's just still ongoing as you have seen as per the recent page...
As for the "Just take a type 2 comments"... Lets just get over all this crap, we have been through it all before and it's getting old now.
My views only.
Damn you guys still talking about Burnside Pumper. It's easy they'll get a Type 2 or what they want, then the rest of the CFS urban fringe brigades that are busier than Burnside will be putting their hands up for one. I can see it now.
I think we should leave this topic alone and basically watch this space as nothing moves rapidly when CFS HQ has got their hands on it. :-D
No one had said a thing for nearly 2 months blade... ???
This root of the problem still remains that CFS do not make, or purchase any decent Urban Pumpers. The type 2 are ok... but really nothing special. They are still a commercial truck with a firetruck rear end thrown on.
Quote from: fireblade on October 02, 2007, 10:38:07 AM
Damn you guys still talking about Burnside Pumper. It's easy they'll get a Type 2 or what they want, then the rest of the CFS urban fringe brigades that are busier than Burnside will be putting their hands up for one. I can see it now.
whats the p[rob with that though?
Quote from: mack on October 02, 2007, 04:19:15 PM
Quote from: fireblade on October 02, 2007, 10:38:07 AM
Damn you guys still talking about Burnside Pumper. It's easy they'll get a Type 2 or what they want, then the rest of the CFS urban fringe brigades that are busier than Burnside will be putting their hands up for one. I can see it now.
whats the p[rob with that though?
Yeah if they make 1 why not 5?
wah wah wah... here we go again......I'll look back in another 2 months and see if anything has changed again....
QuoteDamn you guys still talking about Burnside Pumper. It's easy they'll get a Type 2 or what they want, then the rest of the CFS urban fringe brigades that are busier than Burnside will be putting their hands up for one. I can see it now.
Actually I don't think you know anything about the situation at Burnside, they have already stated that a Type 2 is not an option and that they are prepared to put their own dollars in towards a suitable replacement for the Volvo. Other urban fringe brigades are already in line for a Type 2 but not Burnside.
So who has said a type 2 is not a option......
why don't we all support this. most people would agree that some of th best trucks ever in CFS were made specifically by those lucky brigades. In this day an age where everytrhing takes ages lets support burnside in developing their own truck and mabey a processe will come out of it that other brigades can use to do similar.
Sounds good but would only work if your brigade has the money........
It shouldn't be up to individual brigades to fund the R&D for their own appliances.
I reckon if CFS said you can have a 34p or $x ( x= cost of 34p) to put to wards your own appliance it would work. because for 90% of the state standard cfs appliances are fine.
the "custom" appliances these days would still need to go under the scruitiny of the CFS Risk assessment team....and would still have to follow standards...
I did not think brigade's where allowed to have large amounts of money in the bank???so what ever happended to the funding for the 34p auto that burnside was going to get?? as that gone else where???
yeh i think the days of homemade appliances are long gone....even the application for a new Onkaparinga Tanker has to go through CFS HQ.
Quote from: Zippy on October 03, 2007, 04:31:15 PM
yeh i think the days of homemade appliances are long gone....even the application for a new Onkaparinga Tanker has to go through CFS HQ.
I don't think people mean "homemade" they mean custom designed for that brigades needs - and built professionally...
Isn't it funny that people complain that CFS HQ don't consult enough with the volunteers about appliances, but when a brigade decides to push for an appliances they need, those same people tell them to shut up and take what everyone else has...?
Wake me up when it's over in a few years :-D
There are 464 other brigades to worry about
So where is the new scania pumper that they are getting....
where is the Mack pumper they are getting :P
Wheres the seagrave....
How bout a recycled and born again 'pimp my ride' Dennis! :-D
Like the one at seaford.....
Cheers Bill... noone else got the subtlety of FBRT's post.... :-o
Rumor i heard was theyd be getting a Volvo FM9 to play with.
No surprise their, it would have to be a Volvo because BMW don't make trucks, they need to fit in with the Burnside demographic. :-D
Ah, in that case it may well be a Merc? ;)
It doesn't matter as long as it can get them to the coffee shop for a Latte.
Quote from: OMGWTF on April 06, 2008, 01:06:52 PM
Cheers Bill... noone else got the subtlety of FBRT's post.... :-o
All will be revealed......soon :wink:
Im sure Google will have the answer...
Nah checked it. Nothing there... :-)
I'll put money on it having wheels. In fact, I'll put money on that being the only thing that is similar to what the Burnside lads signed off on.
Ok here's the low down from the inside....
1) It will be a truck driven by an engine...
2) Likely to have a number of wheels, some that give the vehicle momentum and some that give it direction...
3) It will have some new technology, it's called a "pump" and designed to move liquid (generally known as H2O) from Point A to Point B...
4) It will have the ability to transfer the above "H2O" from point to point...
5) Likely to have space to the rear of the cabin and before the brake lights to be able to carry equipment to perform what it's required to do...
6) And latest rumour on the street is that it may be fitted with twin 1,000m 12mm "Gardina" technology first attack hose & the brigade is putting in extra funds to have snap lock fittings and branches that comply with water restriction regulations.... :wink:
I don't know how one vehicle has caused so much opinion and stir and isn't yet even being built... How come say Naracoorte Pumper, Stirling Pumper, Nara Rescue, Ceduna 22 don't get as much recognition, arn't they all one offs?
i think everyones just eager to see the result mate :-D
the answer to that is that you are doing such a great job to push for progress in technology and equipment in the CFS that we all want to no How?
Not to mention it as been surrounded by mystery and rumor and there hasn't been any official "press relese" to the rest of the CFS or the world.
Seriously it will be good to see the finished product so other brigades can see what persistence can achieve, instead of here take this.
Gday all,
I am on the design team for the new Burnside Pumper and can give you all a status upgrade.
Cab Chassis: Volvo FM9 crew cab, 340Hp 1600Nm torque
CABA : 3 In cab seats 1 OIC, 2 Crew, driver set in locker.
HP Reels : 2 x 90m reels electric rewind 40mm full flow swivel joint
Water : 3000 L
Body : Integral Aluminium with aluminium roller shutters
Locker space : approx 7 cubic meters
Pump : Darley LSRH 1000 rear mount two stage capable of
3800Lpm @ 900 Kpa for full volume
and approx:
3000Lpm @ 800 Kpa
500 Lpm @ 2600 Kpa Simultaneous pressure.
Delivery approx November this year
Built by LiQuip in QLD
If anyone would like more info just ask!
Is the cost going to be viable for CFS to produce in the future or is it only avaiable to those with excess cash ?
Quote from: pumprescue on July 10, 2008, 12:10:07 PM
Is the cost going to be viable for CFS to produce in the future or is it only avaiable to those with excess cash ?
I asked a similar question of a Burnside CFS member and gee I got a passionate response...
Quote from: pumprescue on July 10, 2008, 12:10:07 PM
Is the cost going to be viable for CFS to produce in the future or is it only avaiable to those with excess cash ?
Might help to define "viable" as the CFS doesn't seem to have enough money for anything...
As in not over $400.000 that seems to be the magic number, anything over that and Arthur just laughs at you.
Bajdas, I have had a similar response in the past.
haha, time to be prepared to spend a bit more i say! $$$ for Quality. 7 better trucks is gonna last you 20 years, while 10 cheaper trucks are going to last you 10 years.
Your looking at $207,000 for that type of volvo and thats excluding GST & on roads. So you add in the cost for the rear build, and all the other bit n peices you would be looking at roughly $500,000.
Its looks like a well laid out truck.
No shortage in power thats for sure!!! Am surprised that it's 3000L but if you've got the space go for it.
Am looking forward to the finished product
I heard that the pump is now going to be a Rosenbauer.
Any truth to that rumour Rainer?
There is no doubt its going to be a good truck, I am just wondering if it can be engineered to appeal to the CFS and be available to those of us without money that need a truck like this.
QuoteThere is no doubt its going to be a good truck, I am just wondering if it can be engineered to appeal to the CFS and be available to those of us without money that need a truck like this.
Lets start with a euro chassis, volvo or scania?
Not when they are $200,000, the Isuzu's are waaaaaay under that. Its hard to get CFS to buy into a truck like this unless you can wave your own cash under their nose and even then look how long its taken Burnside to get CFS to agree, how old is their current truck, 27 or something ?
hmm valid....its gonna be interesting the implementation of the new IZUZU NextGen Chassis's bit of a different look..
MFS Spare Scania's would be ideal :lol:
Quote from: Alan (Big Al) on July 10, 2008, 02:56:40 PM
No shortage in power thats for sure!!! Am surprised that it's 3000L but if you've got the space go for it.
Am looking forward to the finished product
AAAhhh but thats exactly what they need for the drag races up the freeway isnt it?
3000L sounds pretty good to me.. more time to play before desperately needing to plumb in.
The new FTR900 crew cab isuzu are approx $107,000 including GST & on roads.
The new Isuzu chassis are pretty advanced compared to the previous models. Makes you wonder whether its just another that can go wrong on the fireground?
I'll have a volvo over an Isuzu ANY day..
Gday all,
James , the main pump is definetly a Darley LSRH 1000 as is the auxillary (1.5 AGE) 18Hp Briggs&Stratton
It (the auxillary) supplies the Hp lines and the "halo" system in emergencies via an automatic incab system.
Cost difference between NSW type 2 and burnside Volvo is about $140K (Volvo about $480K)
Also im sure the Burnside guys would be more than happy to bring the truck around to your station for a show and tell when its commissioned.
The Forefront of the CFS ;) Lets wait and see. Good on ya guys and girls!
$480,000 :-o bugger, thats the last one of those we will ever see. The 2007 type 2's were only $330,000 on the road ready to go I can't see CFS coming up with an extra $150,000, oh well, if only we old had fat bank accounts.
its a 25-30 year lasting appliance that takes as long to save up for im guessing?? that is one massive achievement, providing burnside and the hills facezone with optimum fire cover and asset protection ;)
Yeah, its good for them, but what about the rest that don't have huge bank accounts....what ever happened to everyone being equal now, isn't this a typical example of the old days pre-ESL where we have those with bucket loads of money getting top of the range gear, and those without getting the basic "what can be afforded" truck and some of us have to push you know what up hill to get even that !
I just find it outrageous that CFS allows brigades like Mt Barker, Millicent,Nuriootpa, Morphett Vale etc to get around in the bare basics, and less and then agree's to this very well specced pumper to be built for Burnside-----who essentially have nothing to speak of in their very small area, remember we can't use the MFS back up arguement, those of us that have worked on SFEC upgrades know full well about that !!
I am not having a go at Burnside at all, all the power to them for convincing the CFS to allow this, I just hope that this is not a once off, but for that kind of money, thats going to be the last and only one we see. Its not for lack of trying from some other brigades, but how the hell are we supposed to bargain when we don't have money to bargain with. If CFS offers you a Type 2 what are you suppose to say "no thanks, we don't want one, we are going to hold out for something better" again, if you have no money and the risk to need a pumper what are you suppose to do.
Ps: I am sorry if I offend anyone, but thats how I feel.
Quote from: Rainer on July 11, 2008, 10:46:37 AM
Gday all,
James , the main pump is definetly a Darley LSRH 1000 as is the auxillary (1.5 AGE) 18Hp Briggs&Stratton
It (the auxillary) supplies the Hp lines and the "halo" system in emergencies via an automatic incab system.
Cost difference between NSW type 2 and burnside Volvo is about $140K (Volvo about $480K)
Also im sure the Burnside guys would be more than happy to bring the truck around to your station for a show and tell when its commissioned.
Were the brigades criteria met or did they have to comprimise on some things?
Quote from: pumprescue on July 11, 2008, 02:42:29 PM
Yeah, its good for them, but what about the rest that don't have huge bank accounts....what ever happened to everyone being equal now, isn't this a typical example of the old days pre-ESL where we have those with bucket loads of money getting top of the range gear, and those without getting the basic "what can be afforded" truck and some of us have to push you know what up hill to get even that !
I just find it outrageous that CFS allows brigades like Mt Barker, Millicent,Nuriootpa, Morphett Vale etc to get around in the bare basics, and less and then agree's to this very well specced pumper to be built for Burnside-----who essentially have nothing to speak of in their very small area, remember we can't use the MFS back up arguement, those of us that have worked on SFEC upgrades know full well about that !!
I am not having a go at Burnside at all, all the power to them for convincing the CFS to allow this, I just hope that this is not a once off, but for that kind of money, thats going to be the last and only one we see. Its not for lack of trying from some other brigades, but how the filtered are we supposed to bargain when we don't have money to bargain with. If CFS offers you a Type 2 what are you suppose to say "no thanks, we don't want one, we are going to hold out for something better" again, if you have no money and the risk to need a pumper what are you suppose to do.
Ps: I am sorry if I offend anyone, but thats how I feel.
What would be achieved by refusing Burnside. I hate the all should be equal philosophy. If they have done the hard yards to afford something that benefits the community I am all for it. The fact that they have little in their own area is a mute argument. Look at what they actually respond to and the immediate risks in the hills above. It's may prove to be an ideal appliance to support other brigades. These days a brigades own area is becoming less important with the closest most appropriate resources going.....(but that's another story.. :wink:
Progress is progress the state needs brigades to show leadership and demonstrate what can be achieved. Good on them!
I hope Burnside people will post pics here when they can!!!!
So why don't we go back to council funding then, Those that are broke get a standard 24, those councils with cash can spec trucks that are actually needed for their area, and those that don't need it but have bucket loads can do what they like as long as it meets CFS specs.
By the way I know full well where the truck are actually used, but the people in khaki REFUSE to take that into account when you go for SFEC upgrades.
Well looks like we got some serious fundraising to do then to be able to get that sort of equipment, if only all of our citizens gave $5 dollars each, we would be loaded :lol:
Quote from: pumprescue on July 11, 2008, 03:56:44 PM
So why don't we go back to council funding then, Those that are broke get a standard 24, those councils with cash can spec trucks that are actually needed for their area, and those that don't need it but have bucket loads can do what they like as long as it meets CFS specs.
By the way I know full well where the truck are actually used, but the people in khaki REFUSE to take that into account when you go for SFEC upgrades.
Well looks like we got some serious fundraising to do then to be able to get that sort of equipment, if only all of our citizens gave $5 dollars each, we would be loaded :lol:
Many brigades and SES units are far better off with central funding. See Adelaide Hills SES, Salisbury CFS etc who had to fight tooth and nail to get anything out of their councils. Many others were probably in the same situation and have a solid future thanks to centralised funding, not to mention better/newer appliances and stations.
ESL might have been a four letter word initially but it stops cruel councils from holding back funds or using the attitude we are urban and dont need the CFS, especially the ones that had to make large contributions for MFS coverage.
ESL here to stay. Dont be jealous that others have better than you its just a fact of life.
I think it's great what Burnside are doing, yes it would be great if more CFS brigades had the money to do the same.
But CFS only has a small budget, the 80's were great to some brigades. About 12 good appliance were built.
Quote from: uniden on July 11, 2008, 04:15:12 PM
Quote from: pumprescue on July 11, 2008, 03:56:44 PM
So why don't we go back to council funding then, Those that are broke get a standard 24, those councils with cash can spec trucks that are actually needed for their area, and those that don't need it but have bucket loads can do what they like as long as it meets CFS specs.
By the way I know full well where the truck are actually used, but the people in khaki REFUSE to take that into account when you go for SFEC upgrades.
Well looks like we got some serious fundraising to do then to be able to get that sort of equipment, if only all of our citizens gave $5 dollars each, we would be loaded :lol:
Many brigades and SES units are far better off with central funding. See Adelaide Hills SES, Salisbury CFS etc who had to fight tooth and nail to get anything out of their councils. Many others were probably in the same situation and have a solid future thanks to centralised funding, not to mention better/newer appliances and stations.
ESL might have been a four letter word initially but it stops cruel councils from holding back funds or using the attitude we are urban and dont need the CFS, especially the ones that had to make large contributions for MFS coverage.
ESL here to stay. Dont be jealous that others have better than you its just a fact of life.
Errrrm, isn't what you described exactly what is happening, all that is different is those without the cash have the minimum now.
Hey, we have done well, have the best truck that CFS can supply, we just don't have the cash for the upgrade :cry:
Good luck to the guys and gals at Burnside, looking forward to seeing a top notch truck.
Are brigades able to put in extra funds to get a better appliance?? IS that what has happenned with Burnside? Heard a story that Stirling wanted to put in funds when they initially got their pumper but were not allowed too, anyone elaborate on that? Might have got a better appliance...lol.
I agree with what you are saying & I wouldn't like to go back to the pre ESL days. (In fact I will be soon :wink: )
It doesn't matter for us special builds are no longer allowed.
Hopefully the special will be the blue print for others.
Quote from: pumprescue on July 11, 2008, 02:42:29 PM
Yeah, its good for them, but what about the rest that don't have huge bank accounts....what ever happened to everyone being equal now, isn't this a typical example of the old days pre-ESL where we have those with bucket loads of money getting top of the range gear, and those without getting the basic "what can be afforded" truck and some of us have to push you know what up hill to get even that !
Equality is a myth. Different brigades have different requirements, & differing levels
of generosity of the people they serve. If Burnside have been able to inviegel extra
cash out of their residents, BEWDY !!
I just find it outrageous that CFS allows brigades like Mt Barker, Millicent,Nuriootpa, Morphett Vale etc to get around in the bare basics, and less and then agree's to this very well specced pumper to be built for Burnside-----who essentially have nothing to speak of in their very small area, remember we can't use the MFS back up arguement, those of us that have worked on SFEC upgrades know full well about that !!
CFS under-equipping brigades that should have better is a whole 'nuther issue.
CFS / ESL funds vs. resident generosity...
I still say the original ESL calculation should have been kept. CFS & SES would have
twice the money to spend on appliances, VSO's, stations, etc under the original
proposal. But no... the pollies had to buy votes by reducing the amount of money WE
have available to help people with.
I am not having a go at Burnside at all, all the power to them for convincing the CFS to allow this, I just hope that this is not a once off, but for that kind of money, thats going to be the last and only one we see. Its not for lack of trying from some other brigades, but how the filtered are we supposed to bargain when we don't have money to bargain with. If CFS offers you a Type 2 what are you suppose to say "no thanks, we don't want one, we are going to hold out for something better" again, if you have no money and the risk to need a pumper what are you suppose to do.
Take the Type 2.
It's a really nice truck. Not perfect, but really, really good. Streets better than a
24/34 or 34P. If you need something bigger again (eg. a SEM Heavy Pumper) then surely
your SFEC will state that? In which case you have the option of digging in your heels,
calling in the CFSVA & the local Member.
Ps: I am sorry if I offend anyone, but thats how I feel.
Do SPAM Teams do "offended by stuff I read on tha intarweb" calls ? :-D
Quote from: Alan J on July 12, 2008, 12:38:58 AM
CFS under-equipping brigades that should have better is a whole 'nuther issue.
CFS / ESL funds vs. resident generosity...
I still say the original ESL calculation should have been kept. CFS & SES would have
twice the money to spend on appliances, VSO's, stations, etc under the original
proposal. But no... the pollies had to buy votes by reducing the amount of money WE
have available to help people with.
I agree AJ. If the CFS refuse to upgrade a brigade to the necessary equipment they leave themselves liable to a whole heap of trouble.
Burnside Pumper sets an excellent precedence for brigades to argue for individual equipment. The CFS offered a Type 2 which was rejected. Burnside was able to obtain the additional cash (by the sounds of it $140k) and so has built a custom appliance. Now this precedence has been set everyone can build up / customise their appliance. You don't need to have $140K laying around, but $500 for a upgraded light bar and siren or perhaps $5000 for a different pump or drive train maybe all that's needed for someone's brigade. In fact, moving the equipment storage around shouldn't cost anything extra, so brigades should be able to just pick where they want to put what.
Why stop there. Progressing with this idea, everything should be optional and individual. Here's an idea, why doesn't SAFECOM just cut down on the bureaucracy and give brigades the money to select the best equipment that suits their needs? I bet nothing that smart has ever happened in the past.
So let's all thank Burnside for taking this step, cause now we all can point the finger to their example and go shopping for what we want by telling CFS to stick it up their filtered. Pimp my appliance - here I come.
Well said Hicksy
The can of worms is now well and truly open, and the worms are everywhere.
I want a remote control monitor on our pump, if CFS say we can't have it all we have to say is "you let Burnside do it" and they have NO come back, we do at least have the cash for that.
Thanks again Hicksy
If your brigade has the money then you should be able to buy what ever you want..If it was only that simple.....Lets face it who has a cool $150K sitting around to spend towards a new pumper......
Why does it need to involve large sums of money? As i said, the precedence has been set. The CFS pays for the base grade and brigades can option it up with the money they have.
I agree with HF14 but on the other hand why should brigades have to put in the money to achieve what they should of got in the first place? Fair enough if you would like to "pimp" out your appliance then yes you should put in the dosh.
In burnside's case they probaly are in line for heavy pumper, which they got. The optional extras that have been fitted then should come from brigade funds.
Consultation needs to start happening with brigades when there appliance is coming up for renewal. In some cases that may only take one meeting (standard rural brigade with perhaps a brigade bought generator), the truck should be designed to accommodate this otherwise storage space is wasted. In other brigades the process may take several weeks or months, with both sides pushing ideas around.
Standardisation is a good thing but not necessary in some cases. A heavy pumper designed for Burnside is very unlikely to spend any time anywhere else in the state, so why shouldnt it be specifically designed for them?
I can see CFS point of view here, if they let brigades do what they like then the trucks end up costing an arm and a leg as they are all one off's. When you look at what we have now there isn't a huge amount of room to move with changing locker sizes etc.
Quote from: Cameron Yelland on July 12, 2008, 03:39:18 PM
I agree with HF14 but on the other hand why should brigades have to put in the money to achieve what they should of got in the first place?
Well here is the great thing about this precedence. What Burnside did had nothing to do with their need and everything to do with cash. Burnside doesn't do more calls or have a higher risk than any other urban CFS brigade. These other urban brigades are told they can get by with just a 34P or in the case of HV then the type two Burnside rejected. Without any requirement for such a vehicle, Burnside pushed forward with their cash to get this great result for us all. So the CFS can't even use "need" as an argument as to why a brigade can't use the cash they have to option up on what the CFS were going to pay for as a stock appliance.
Want a skyjet? Well start saving because now you can get one for the price difference between it and a 34P.
You do relise that Burnside Pumper is the primary CFS appliance to go COQ into the City HQ station when the MFS is stretched? Im sure this will keep the MFS happy when it comes to CBD coverage.
Quote from: pumprescue on July 12, 2008, 02:42:32 PM
I want a remote control monitor on our pump, if CFS say we can't have it all we have to say is "you let Burnside do it" and they have NO come back, we do at least have the cash for that.
Thanks again Hicksy
Don't let's get carried away.
Burnside will get a vehicle with a fit-out & equipment list which
has been reviewed & approved by the HSE mob in Waymouth.
Pimping an existing appliance will still have to get past that
little hurdle. (lots of luck peoples - It is easier & safer to
just say "No"...)
The precedent to get a non-standard vehicle to test new ideas or
meet local needs is already well established. Region 7 have been
doing it for years (Blackwood CAFS, Cherry Gdns 34, Belair 14, etc)
Going even further back I'm sure there are other examples all
around the state - rescue appliances, & special gear to meet local
I think Burnside's new bus is no big deal.
QuoteRegion 7 have been doing it for years (Blackwood CAFS, Cherry Gdns 34, Belair 14, etc)
Hahaha, that cracked me up!
As I said we aren't allowed (Barmera & Bordertowns walkins were the last) however we can "option" them up with compressors/ bigger generators etc for trucks, canopies, different light bars, tool draws etc for utes @ unit cost of course!
maybe thats the way to go - just a thought
Oh yeah, its all good fun till someone gets their eye taken out!.....So you all pimp up your appliances, Burnsides includes, but is it YOUR appliance? NO that appliance is owned by the state government, will be an interesting discussion if they decide to apply the 7,7 & 6 scenario.
Have Burnside a written undertaking from the government?
What happens if in 5 years they decide to close Burnside brigade citing lack of response area and Beulah Park MFS as giving adequate coverage?
Question only with no malice or agenda intended! :mrgreen:
Quote from: jaff on July 12, 2008, 08:14:52 PM
Oh yeah, its all good fun till someone gets their eye taken out!.....So you all pimp up your appliances, Burnsides includes, but is it YOUR appliance? NO that appliance is owned by the state government, will be an interesting discussion if they decide to apply the 7,7 & 6 scenario.
Have Burnside a written undertaking from the government?
What happens if in 5 years they decide to close Burnside brigade citing lack of response area and Beulah Park MFS as giving adequate coverage?
Question only with no malice or agenda intended! :mrgreen:
Interesting thought. I guess another brigade could be inline for a new pumper soon?
Brigade could pull their 100 odd grand worth of gear out, and turn it back into a Volvo Chassis..
CFS HQ did advise that all moneys held by brigades belongs to the CFS, not that they would take it away, but the veiled threat was and is there.
It does smack in the face of everything CFS has ever said to those busy brigades with numerous A and B class risks and multi million dollar business complexes. Imagine if the large companies moving into say Mt Barker actually knew what fire firefighting capabilities they actually have there.
Thats just one of many examples, this is just a clear cut example of cash will get you everything, albeit with a 7 year fight.
Also Zippy, as much us those of us who have done SFEC upgrades over the last few years have tried, you can't use the MFS example at all, we tried that with all of our upgrade proposals and were told "MFS get what they get".
Ah well, we will still keep putting the fires out, fancy truck or not it just grinds my gears that those of us that have Type 2's have them for a reason, and we aren't ever going to be able to acheive the next level of appliance simply because we don't have the money :-(
Quote from: pumprescue on July 13, 2008, 07:55:35 AM
Also Zippy, as much us those of us who have done SFEC upgrades over the last few years have tried, you can't use the MFS example at all, we tried that with all of our upgrade proposals and were told "MFS get what they get".
Ah well, we will still keep putting the fires out, fancy truck or not it just grinds my gears that those of us that have Type 2's have them for a reason, and we aren't ever going to be able to acheive the next level of appliance simply because we don't have the money :-(
Have also been down that road, being told you cant use backing up MFS as reason for a pump, but also you cant have one cause the MFS are there? Anyway, as previously stated they have probably done another brigade a favour cause i cant see Burnside being around (in the capacity they are now) for another 20 years to enjoy the truck anyway. They'll probably just paint it red and give it to the MFS anyway. :wink:
good point pumprescue, just pointing out that burnside pumper will definitely fulfill its COQ requirements to station 20, which has significant high rise risks...id prefer a decent pumper over a 34P for that ;)
Quote from: Zippy on July 13, 2008, 09:26:57 AM
good point pumprescue, just pointing out that burnside pumper will definitely fulfill its COQ requirements to station 20, which has significant high rise risks...id prefer a decent pumper over a 34P for that ;)
There is no requirement for Burnside to for fill. That risk is MFS's problem and they are resourced accordingly. MFS will rarely leave station 20's area without an MFS pump or two. If there is a large enough incident that Burnside are COQ and there is a second incident involving a "high rise" fire then Burnside is not going to be the only CFS brigade involved.
As I said, Burnside pumper has nothing to do with need and everything to do with cash and power. All the best to them for using both to the benefit of their brigade, community and displaying the CFS now has a policy where a brigade can top up on the what state is offering for no other reason than the brigade has some cash. Many, and probably the majority of brigades, will just accept the base CFS design, but those brigades that believe they have a need and the motivation to fundraise and top up now have a clear path to follow for their new appliance.
The precedent to get a non-standard vehicle to test new ideas or
meet local needs is already well established. Region 7 have been
doing it for years (Blackwood CAFS, Cherry Gdns 34, Belair 14, etc)
Going even further back I'm sure there are other examples all
around the state - rescue appliances, & special gear to meet local
Not so AJ. The significance is in the detail. The precedence here is that the cost was shared between the brigade and state. The state paid for a type two and Burnside super sized it by chipping in the rest. The appliances you name above were paid for entirely by either the state OR Region 7. No super sizing involved. Cherry 34 and Cherry/Belair 14 were both purchased entirely by Region 7 and Cherry brigade funds. Blackwood CAFS was paid for entirely by state. There will be an example of State and Region 7 combining funds for an appliance to be delivered later this year although under a different arrangement and circumstances to Burnside Pumper.
so whose in charge of region 7 these days ? :evil:
Quote from: Zippy on July 13, 2008, 12:32:29 PM
so whose in charge of region 7 these days ? :evil:
ARTHUR: How do you do, good lady. I am Arthur, King of the Britons.
Who's castle is that?
WOMAN: King of the who?
ARTHUR: The Britons.
WOMAN: Who are the Britons?
ARTHUR: Well, we all are. we're all Britons and I am your king.
WOMAN: I didn't know we had a king. I thought we were an autonomous
DENNIS: You're fooling yourself. We're living in a dictatorship.
A self-perpetuating autocracy in which the working classes--
WOMAN: Oh there you go, bringing class into it again.
DENNIS: That's what it's all about if only people would--
ARTHUR: Please, please good people. I am in haste. Who lives
in that castle?
WOMAN: No one live there.
ARTHUR: Then who is your lord?
WOMAN: We don't have a lord.
DENNIS: I told you. We're an anarcho-syndicalist commune. We take
it in turns to act as a sort of executive officer for the week.
DENNIS: But all the decision of that officer have to be ratified
at a special biweekly meeting.
ARTHUR: Yes, I see.
DENNIS: By a simple majority in the case of purely internal affairs,--
ARTHUR: Be quiet!
DENNIS: --but by a two-thirds majority in the case of more--
ARTHUR: Be quiet! I order you to be quiet!
WOMAN: Order, eh -- who does he think he is?
ARTHUR: I am your king!
WOMAN: Well, I didn't vote for you.
ARTHUR: You don't vote for kings.
WOMAN: Well, 'ow did you become king then?
ARTHUR: The Lady of the Lake,
[angels sing]
her arm clad in the purest shimmering samite, held aloft Excalibur
from the bosom of the water signifying by Divine Providence that I,
Arthur, was to carry Excalibur.
[singing stops]
That is why I am your king!
Quote from: Hicksflat14 on July 13, 2008, 12:19:09 PM
As I said, Burnside pumper has nothing to do with need and everything to do with cash and power. All the best to them for using both to the benefit of their brigade, community and displaying the CFS now has a policy where a brigade can top up on the what state is offering for no other reason than the brigade has some cash. Many, and probably the majority of brigades, will just accept the base CFS design, but those brigades that believe they have a need and the motivation to fundraise and top up now have a clear path to follow for their new appliance.
I am trying very hard to see this as a Bad Thing, but cannot.
It's all very well for the 'have nots' to complain, but really, how does dragging
everyone else down to that level benefit anyone ? Like it or no, state will never
have the cash to equip us all the way we feel we should be.
I feel that if a brigade/group by luck of location, or more likely by dint of blimmin
hard work over many years, can rake together the local community's shekels to top-up
the guvvermints contribution to something they really want/need/can get... GO FOR IT !!
(But understand that upon purchase it is the property of SAFECOM & can be reallocated
elsewhere without notice or recourse... eg. it may be re-badged "Mt Barker Pumper" in
just a few years. :evil: )
There will be an example of State and Region 7 combining funds for an appliance to be
delivered later this year although under a different arrangement and circumstances to
Burnside Pumper.
you seem to be well informed... not so Hick I suspect. :wink:
Quote from: Zippy on July 12, 2008, 07:42:08 PM
QuoteRegion 7 have been doing it for years (Blackwood CAFS, Cherry Gdns 34, Belair 14, etc)
Hahaha, that cracked me up!
REGION 7 eh :lol:
CFS Locations
CFS has a State Headquarters and 6 Regional Headquarters across South Australia.
All Emergency Responses - In an emergency, please call 000.
CFS Headquarters
Region 1 - Mount Lofty Ranges
Region 2 - Mount Lofty Ranges and Yorke Peninsula
Region 3 - Murraylands and Riverland
Region 4 - Flinders, Mid North and Pastoral Areas
Region 5 - South East
Region 6 - Eyre Peninsula and West Coast
State Training Centre - Brukunga
Quote from: SA Firey on July 13, 2008, 06:50:31 PM
Quote from: Zippy on July 12, 2008, 07:42:08 PM
QuoteRegion 7 have been doing it for years (Blackwood CAFS, Cherry Gdns 34, Belair 14, etc)
Hahaha, that cracked me up!
REGION 7 eh :lol:
CFS Locations
CFS has a State Headquarters and 6 Regional Headquarters across South Australia.
All Emergency Responses - In an emergency, please call 000.
CFS Headquarters
Region 1 - Mount Lofty Ranges
Region 2 - Mount Lofty Ranges and Yorke Peninsula
Region 3 - Murraylands and Riverland
Region 4 - Flinders, Mid North and Pastoral Areas
Region 5 - South East
Region 6 - Eyre Peninsula and West Coast
State Training Centre - Brukunga
Thanks for that Jeff. :roll:
Holy Crap..... :-o
Are you trying to tell me region 7 doesnt exist??? its just some made up sarcasm... not a true CFS region??
Man.... what a let down.
AJ - i dont think the new appliance is any real secret.
Its just another deal between Fire and Rescue Australia and CFS, another CAFS that doesn't work.
Pumprescue agree with your earlier comments about busy stations being under resourced such as Mt Barker and M/vale etc. Barker is a classic they have large risk (rural, urban & large RCR coverage area) and yet have one pump that also is there rescue and this leaves the township often, leaving only an old 24P and 24, hardly adequate coverage, if this was a "country township" with retained MFS you can only imagine the equip it would have. They are also dual response to most calls into Hahndorf, L/hampton etc As an example Friday night there was a car fire in Hahndorf, barker had to send two appliances as hahndorf could not crew, only had one person at there station!!!!!!!!!!
Barker are getting a new 34P this year to replace their 24P, not sure if that is really an improvement to the situation for them though.
Quotesend two appliances as hahndorf could not crew, only had one person at there station!!!!!!!!!!
Bit a waste of a Type 2 pumper in there station ey then... lol
But i dont think it must always be up to Mt Barker to be the ones supplying the defaulting appliances....
Appliances from Balhannah, Bridgewater, Littlehampton can pretty much do equally the same.
Quote from: Zippy on July 14, 2008, 01:38:56 PM
Quotesend two appliances as hahndorf could not crew, only had one person at there station!!!!!!!!!!
But i dont think it must always be up to Mt Barker to be the ones supplying the defaulting appliances....
Appliances from Balhannah, Bridgewater, Littlehampton can pretty much do equally the same.
"Supplying" the defaults ???
"Covering" surely !!
lol yeh....2pm on a monday at work, my bad.... :wink: i meant supplying the appliances to cover the response that was defaulted, but u know what i meant anyway :wink:
Quote from: scotty on July 14, 2008, 12:12:12 PM
barker had to send two appliances as hahndorf could not crew
Must have been a big car!
Quote from: CFS_Firey on July 16, 2008, 01:10:43 PM
Quote from: scotty on July 14, 2008, 12:12:12 PM
barker had to send two appliances as hahndorf could not crew
Must have been a big car!
How much water does it take :lol:
It is not about how much water was used at the car fire, standard response for the crews at mt barker, 2 trucks on all calls in their primary area, since the primary pumper failed on this job they sent back up from their station since they had crew, going out of their area for a "report" of car fire could end up in being anything so back up was coming since the primary brigade failed, i don't see the problem with this, if anything it shows a quality of service being provided and maybe highlighting to some people in higher places that a 2nd pumper should return to mt barker and is not required in some other place just down the street. It is going to make things hard when barker rescue is committed to an mva the other side of meadows supporting fellow group brigades and something happens in mt barker township and the mt barker brigade cannot get the support back from the next pumper in the group.
QuoteIt is not about how much water was used at the car fire, standard response for the crews at mt barker, 2 trucks on all calls in their primary area, since the primary pumper failed on this job they sent back up from their station since they had crew, going out of their area for a "report" of car fire could end up in being anything so back up was coming since the primary brigade failed, i don't see the problem with this, if anything it shows a quality of service being provided and maybe highlighting to some people in higher places that a 2nd pumper should return to mt barker and is not required in some other place just down the street. It is going to make things hard when barker rescue is committed to an mva the other side of meadows supporting fellow group brigades and something happens in mt barker township and the mt barker brigade cannot get the support back from the next pumper in the group.
Every other brigade has the same issue mate, if ya primary pumper is out at a RCR or Hazmat....Simple solution...Call another brigade....the closest and most appropriate.
Quote from: CFS_Firey on July 16, 2008, 01:10:43 PM
Quote from: scotty on July 14, 2008, 12:12:12 PM
barker had to send two appliances as hahndorf could not crew
Must have been a big car!
Hah!!! Said the member from Lofty Group...
Quote from: Zippy on July 17, 2008, 06:01:46 PM
QuoteIt is going to make things hard when barker rescue is committed to an mva the other side of meadows supporting fellow group brigades and something happens in mt barker township and the mt barker brigade cannot get the support back from the next pumper in the group.
Every other brigade has the same issue mate, if ya primary pumper is out at a RCR or Hazmat....Simple solution...Call another brigade....the closest and most appropriate.
And that would be.... Murray Bridge or Glen Osmond ? :evil: :-D
Quote from: big bronto on July 17, 2008, 05:32:41 PM
It is not about how much water was used at the car fire, standard response for the crews at mt barker, 2 trucks on all calls in their primary area, since the primary pumper failed on this job they sent back up from their station since they had crew, going out of their area for a "report" of car fire could end up in being anything so back up was coming since the primary brigade failed, i don't see the problem with this, if anything it shows a quality of service being provided and maybe highlighting to some people in higher places that a 2nd pumper should return to mt barker and is not required in some other place just down the street. It is going to make things hard when barker rescue is committed to an mva the other side of meadows supporting fellow group brigades and something happens in mt barker township and the mt barker brigade cannot get the support back from the next pumper in the group.
So committing one truck at an MVA leaves the township uncovered, but committing 2 trucks to a car fire is providing a quality of service to the community? :P
Only kidding mate, I understand where you're coming from...
Quote from: OMGWTF on July 17, 2008, 06:12:59 PM
Hah!!! Said the member from Lofty Group...
Well Done Barker. Two full crews out during the week day! What is your secret with daytime crewing??
Aren't you from Mt Barker jason? You ought to be able to answer that yourself...
hah? Littlehampton mate :-D
they must just all have jobs within the response area? strange ey...
A more believeable reason, would be minimal crewing of appliances (4 only)?
Quote from: Zippy on July 24, 2008, 04:56:02 PM
they must just all have jobs within the response area? strange ey...
A more believeable reason, would be minimal crewing of appliances (4 only)?
They do that for B Shift so i would imagine it carries through? But why not - 4 crew is sufficient at 99% of jobs and if you need more there is 2 more trucks at barker plus littlehampton only 5 mins down the road.
The real secret is the centrelink office and the high proportion of Housing Commission properties in the area. ;)
More brigades would be able to crew two trucks during the day if they got smart about their allocation of crew. Rather than throwing 6 on the one truck and having two at the station doing nothing, send 4 and 4. Really simple...
Perhaps time to bring it back to Burnside Pumper.... :)
So when will we see this great pumper????
last i heard was October- November
Quote from: bittenyakka on July 26, 2008, 09:15:14 AM
last i heard was October- November
Any particular year in mind ? :lol:
2008 :-D
When it comes it comes, so dont lose any sleep over it :lol:
Finally worked out a way to get these on here
Side stripes concept only as the Lofty Group are trialling some alternative 'High Viz" marking due to work on the Fwy (fog etc etc)
nest post is a layout dwg.
as above
Thanks for posting :-D
looks good
Finally!! Thats the best planned appliance ive seen for the CFS...it simply looks practical in every sense!
Awesome work guys for removing the Taxi Stripe look :D 10/10 for the reflective stripe pattern. I can see it being *very* effective for the times you are out on the freeway particularly in winter.
Any dimensions on the Midship Locker? Im particularly interested in the Depth.
Good work! I like the name of the appliance "Urban Rural Interface Appliance" :-D
Mid locker is approx 2100mm wide, and 670mm deep, however it is partially a through locker at the front.
Interesting, can I ask how its an urban interface appliance, they call the 34P an urban interface appliance to ? Does it have the ability to pump and roll or something does it ?
Looks good. Three cheers for the rear mount pump.
Are the CABA's still in the cab?
Hi All,
vehicle will have ability to have pump & roll by an aux pump positioned in the drivers side rear lower locker (below hose reel). There will be 3 CABA in cab, 1 being the officer and 2 in the back (next to the doors) with a benchin the middle to be able to carry a crew of 6 total. The main part of the through locker is to be able to carry a ferno 71 litter without putting it on the roof etc... There should be around 6 cubes of locker space at this stage....
Not only will it have pump and roll but the auxilary pump is an absolute ball breaker 1.5 AGE Darley coupled to a 18Hp briggs and Stratton which delivers to the hosereels and the "HALO" cab protection system.
The pump is fitted with an "in Cab" remote start and manual activation valve for the "halo" which basically means that the halo system can be activated at any time without leaving the cab.
The locker volume is almost 7.5 cubes.
Burnisde pumper just keeps getting better and better by the day!
Rainer have Burnside had an undertaking from HQ, that the new unit being built will spend its entire service life at Burnside or in Lofty Group?
Yeah, you would hate to build a truck that you don't really need and then lose it, wouldn't that be a kick in the nuts...
I would say it wouldstay at burnside all its life as they are the one's who have put money into....
Quote from: pumprescue on August 08, 2008, 04:36:29 PM
Yeah, you would hate to build a truck that you don't really need and then lose it, wouldn't that be a kick in the nuts...
Woah! Someones a bit bitter! :o
Not bitter, just realistic
Quote from: bill - Hynam CFS on August 08, 2008, 06:08:32 PM
I would say it wouldstay at burnside all its life as they are the one's who have put money into....
Not necessarilly Bill, all money is "CFS money" these days...
All money is "CFS money".... or maybe not...
Just because I work for the government, does that mean the money in my bank account is the governments or mine? Is a brigade is funded money out of the CFS pot of money, ie we need new jackets lets go out and get them, then yes that's CFS money... But if a rigade goes out and raises it's own funds, such as charges for bunoffs, election collection, sausage sizzles etc. Then that money raised by the BRIGADE VOLUNTEERS should be the money of that bridage, if they wish to purchase good for the benefit of the brigade then there's no problem with that.
If however the money is raised under the banner of "Supporting the CFS" or something similar and then the money gets used for a Hawaii Holiday fund or something then that's a totally different kettle of fish....
So when I go out and spend my time raising funds for my brigade then i expect that money will go to them.... There are plenty of brigades out there who do and would expect to do the same with their fundraising money...
Quote from: Zippy on August 08, 2008, 12:14:51 PM
Burnisde pumper just keeps getting better and better by the day!
Hah, still a little behind the 8 ball compared to what some people where saying. Far from the 'Heavy Pumper' that was touted by some around here! Although it's certainly a move in the right direction for CFS and their UI capabilities, having a truck that is more urban than rural but can tackle both.
Still can't quite supply a bronto ;)
Quote from: bill - Hynam CFS on August 08, 2008, 06:08:32 PM
I would say it wouldstay at burnside all its life as they are the one's who have put money into....
And what happens when places like Burnside get amalgamated into SAMFS? Or the whole shebang turns into a single service? As much as it might annoy the Burnside lads, at the end of the day, I'm sure the appliance will go where the power that be see fit. Once it has reached the end of its usefulness with Burnside, of course.
Quote from: Stefan KIRKMOE on August 08, 2008, 08:57:59 PM
All money is "CFS money".... or maybe not...
Just because I work for the government, does that mean the money in my bank account is the governments or mine? Is a brigade is funded money out of the CFS pot of money, ie we need new jackets lets go out and get them, then yes that's CFS money... But if a rigade goes out and raises it's own funds, such as charges for bunoffs, election collection, sausage sizzles etc. Then that money raised by the BRIGADE VOLUNTEERS should be the money of that bridage, if they wish to purchase good for the benefit of the brigade then there's no problem with that.
If however the money is raised under the banner of "Supporting the CFS" or something similar and then the money gets used for a Hawaii Holiday fund or something then that's a totally different kettle of fish....
So when I go out and spend my time raising funds for my brigade then i expect that money will go to them.... There are plenty of brigades out there who do and would expect to do the same with their fundraising money...
EEERR check your facts on that one tiger! :wink:
Well that is not TRUE....All money is not CFS money as if it was CFS would get of there bum and help raise that money...From what I know and lost of people know this the burnside brigade put in a large amount of THEIR OWN money into the pumper.So why should it not spend all its life with them?? hee volvo pumper has and that was bought by CFS..How about we just wait and see when they get it first before moving onto to the next issue of how long it will be there..
By The way if it is CFS money then why dont CFS replace gear that brigade's and groups have bought over teh years so as we can do our job????
It is CFS money, but imagine the political uproar, especially in a high profile area like Burnside, if they took it off them. Look what happened back in the mid 90's when the Burnside council tried to close the Burnside CFS as they thought they were no longer relevent, I don't think the council will go there again (not that they have to)
I think if the CFS deiced to come and take money from brigades they would quickly find it given straight back to those who donated it to the brigades.
On the other hand if all the money was pooled mabey it coul buy something quite useful...
But what if the brigade only survives another 5 years? What then? Do they sell it and give the money back? You can't honestly say that Burnside will be around in their current capacity for the next 20 years.(Like a lot of othe r urban fringe brigades)
I guess the money Burnside put in could of come from an account outside of the CFS, which therefore doesnt make it CFS money, but in the age of no trucks are owned by the brigades i guess the CFS can step in and take what they want?
But i agree if the CFS decide to move the truck the Burnside brigade should be reimbursed for the money they put in. Its only fair.
I would hope that the brigade has something in writting from those at the top should the brigade close or down size in the years ahead,But then again MFS still need CFS for COQ....
QuoteMFS still need CFS for COQ....
Pretty much. But it seems to happen less and less each year.
Quote from: Zippy on August 09, 2008, 11:05:57 AM
QuoteMFS still need CFS for COQ....
Pretty much. But it seems to happen less and less each year.
Nah probaly more along the lines there hasnt been any big jobs to warrant it?
No i am saying, If Joe public donates to Burnside CFS and and CFS/SAFECOM comes and says to burnside that they are taking their fund raised funds. I wouldn't be surprised if Burnside gave the money back to joe Public.
(the name Burnside is just being used in general terms but could represent any brigade)
I think it would be more likely that CFS would tell you to use brigade money to fund normal budget items rather than taking it away. So in a way you are using your own money to fund a CFS shortfall.
Quote from: Stefan KIRKMOE on August 08, 2008, 08:57:59 PM
All money is "CFS money".... or maybe not...
Just because I work for the government, does that mean the money in my bank account is the governments or mine? Is a brigade is funded money out of the CFS pot of money, ie we need new jackets lets go out and get them, then yes that's CFS money... But if a rigade goes out and raises it's own funds, such as charges for bunoffs, election collection, sausage sizzles etc. Then that money raised by the BRIGADE VOLUNTEERS should be the money of that bridage, if they wish to purchase good for the benefit of the brigade then there's no problem with that.
If however the money is raised under the banner of "Supporting the CFS" or something similar and then the money gets used for a Hawaii Holiday fund or something then that's a totally different kettle of fish....
So when I go out and spend my time raising funds for my brigade then i expect that money will go to them.... There are plenty of brigades out there who do and would expect to do the same with their fundraising money...
Stefan, ideally that would be nice, however its not how it works these days.... I shouldnt imagine there will be problems with Burnside Pumper going elsewhere. My point is though that it is the property of the CFS, not the property of the "burnside fire service" and therefore it is there resource to do with as they see fit.
But, unless brigades are hiding funds somehow, i think youll find all money is now the CFS as a wholes... Not long ago all brigades were advised of this by region/state, and the money was supposedly going to be rolled into the brigades budgets from state.... Not very nice, but what they decided to do apparently.
I asked the question not long ago and can confirm that all CFS brigade money is in fact able to be taken off you if they wanted too.
However having said that the government use us enough, without taking away our hard earned fundraising money as well, which would definitely create an uproar :mrgreen:
Burnside's area has remained reletively unchanged for years. All that can be developed, has been developed. There still exists a large (protected by national park status) rural risk in our area, and i think there will always be a need for CFS presence in the area.
the houses do seem to be getting somewhat bigger in that area tho.
Also don't forget that with dwindling volunteer numbers in the country, we may start depending on the brigades in urban areas to provide us resources when we need them...
Quote from: Gilly on August 10, 2008, 05:02:13 PM
Burnside's area has remained reletively unchanged for years. All that can be developed, has been developed. There still exists a large (protected by national park status) rural risk in our area, and i think there will always be a need for CFS presence in the area.
Thats what i was getting at, they might still be there but not in the capacity they are now? I.e they might end up becoming rural only?
Watch out everyone, they have a new truck, but it seems to have come with a big pair of huffy puffy pants whenever the issue of their livelihood comes up!
I mean, 170 odd calls a year doesn't really compare to other brigades around the Urban Fringe who are twice as busy and have more risk in their primary response area.
Yep refer to the future Topic :wink:
Quote from: 6739264 on August 11, 2008, 11:45:42 AM
Watch out everyone, they have a new truck, but it seems to have come with a big pair of huffy puffy pants whenever the issue of their livelihood comes up!
I mean, 170 odd calls a year doesn't really compare to other brigades around the Urban Fringe who are twice as busy and have more risk in their primary response area.
Shouldn't that be risk, you have to have risk first. As Gilly stated, they have huge rural risk......not sure how an urban pumper helps there. I know they don't go off road, and they need a larger pump for the long hose lays....but yeah. Its a simple case of if you have the money flaunt it, like residents that live in say Hackham might buy a Commodore (insert Isuzu) and residents in Burnside might buy Volvo's !!
Quote from: pumprescue on August 13, 2008, 07:50:49 AM
Quote from: 6739264 on August 11, 2008, 11:45:42 AM
Watch out everyone, they have a new truck, but it seems to have come with a big pair of huffy puffy pants whenever the issue of their livelihood comes up!
I mean, 170 odd calls a year doesn't really compare to other brigades around the Urban Fringe who are twice as busy and have more risk in their primary response area.
Shouldn't that be risk, you have to have risk first. As Gilly stated, they have huge rural risk......not sure how an urban pumper helps there. I know they don't go off road, and they need a larger pump for the long hose lays....but yeah. Its a simple case of if you have the money flaunt it, like residents that live in say Hackham might buy a Commodore (insert Isuzu) and residents in Burnside might buy Volvo's !!
Burnside Pumper has been going offroad since they got it, and many many a time at Mt Osmond, and even the International before that :wink:
It dissapoints me that there seems to be an attitiude of resentment pervailing this thread and having read through I feel compelled to set a few records straight.
1.Burnside is not a "rich" brigade there seems to be an idea that we live in a community that is throwing money at us...well let me tell you something, ..The money that were putting into our new appliance has been raised over the last 26 years and was started when we took delivery of our last Volvo pumper by some forward thinking people at the time who realised that in twenty years this appliance will need to be replaced
I personally spent much of my early CFS career selling lamingtons or raffle tickets or meat trays or election collection or etc etc (you get the idea) and the whole time the money was raised in order to buy a new fire appliance.
I think you will find that if your brigade had saved its money (even in hackam..he he) instead of spending it on "I want it now" items then you would be in a position similar to Burnsides.
2. So we are getting a Volvo Pumper... well it hasnt been easy ....this process started 15 years ago with the formation of a committee to look at what our current appliance is doing and what it is likely to be doing in the future and consequently making allowances in terms of design to accomodate these future requirements.
We then examined what the current appliance capabilities were and drew up a list of requirements that the future appliance needed ...bear in mind we were running 90m reels and pto pump in 1983 when CFS was just getting its head around 30M reels and a GAAM MK300D.
What followed were 13 years of discussion with a parade of Infrastructure & Logistics Managers and Chiefs
The process has taken a tremendous amount of effort over a number of years so it is disappointing to see it being trivialised.
Finally, Burnside has lifted the Bar for expectations of a urban interface appliance and the ball is now in your court to run with it ..If we had accepted a Dennis or Type 2 then that would be all anyone could expect.
The question is are you (your brigade) willing to put in the hard work , not spend money on stuff you dont really need (save for 26 years), and stand your ground when the CFS tries to roll over you and give you an appliance you dont believe is fit for purpose, will you present a solid argument as to why you deserve something better and something that will last longer and be fit for purpose in 20 years time when the decision makers saying NO to you now are long gone.
end transmission
Quote from: Rainer on August 13, 2008, 09:40:15 AM
It dissapoints me that there seems to be an attitiude of resentment pervailing this thread and having read through I feel compelled to set a few records straight.
1.Burnside is not a "rich" brigade there seems to be an idea that we live in a community that is throwing money at us...well let me tell you something, ..The money that were putting into our new appliance has been raised over the last 26 years and was started when we took delivery of our last Volvo pumper by some forward thinking people at the time who realised that in twenty years this appliance will need to be replaced
I personally spent much of my early CFS career selling lamingtons or raffle tickets or meat trays or election collection or etc etc (you get the idea) and the whole time the money was raised in order to buy a new fire appliance.
I think you will find that if your brigade had saved its money (even in hackam..he he) instead of spending it on "I want it now" items then you would be in a position similar to Burnsides.
2. So we are getting a Volvo Pumper... well it hasnt been easy ....this process started 15 years ago with the formation of a committee to look at what our current appliance is doing and what it is likely to be doing in the future and consequently making allowances in terms of design to accomodate these future requirements.
We then examined what the current appliance capabilities were and drew up a list of requirements that the future appliance needed ...bear in mind we were running 90m reels and pto pump in 1983 when CFS was just getting its head around 30M reels and a GAAM MK300D.
What followed were 13 years of discussion with a parade of Infrastructure & Logistics Managers and Chiefs
The process has taken a tremendous amount of effort over a number of years so it is disappointing to see it being trivialised.
Finally, Burnside has lifted the Bar for expectations of a urban interface appliance and the ball is now in your court to run with it ..If we had accepted a Dennis or Type 2 then that would be all anyone could expect.
The question is are you (your brigade) willing to put in the hard work , not spend money on stuff you dont really need (save for 26 years), and stand your ground when the CFS tries to roll over you and give you an appliance you dont believe is fit for purpose, will you present a solid argument as to why you deserve something better and something that will last longer and be fit for purpose in 20 years time when the decision makers saying NO to you now are long gone.
end transmission
Well said Rainer :-)
Quote from: jaff on August 08, 2008, 03:47:39 PM
Rainer have Burnside had an undertaking from HQ, that the new unit being built will spend its entire service life at Burnside or in Lofty Group?
Before any other brigade or group put the money that it hadn't frittered away on "We want it now items" (as per your previous post) because they were careful not to overspend their groups budget continuously :evil: we would ask for an undertaking for the appliance to stay with the brigade for the duration of its service life, does Burnside have one!
Sorry to dissapoint, tee hee :-D
Cool thanks Rainer, someone has to play the devils advocate.
Your lucky you got it through before the new Regional Commander took over.....
Well said.
jaff who cares what the budget that R1 sets. If you need the stuff buy it they can;t tell you off for that.
Quote from: bittenyakka on August 13, 2008, 02:32:53 PM
Well said.
jaff who cares what the budget that R1 sets. If you need the stuff buy it they cant tell you off for that.
They will if you go overbudget, says the man with short arms and deep pockets :wink:
Many of those that are questioning the wisdom of Burnside getting the new rig have probably been struck by that little green monster perhaps..
Quote from: uniden on August 13, 2008, 04:24:37 PM
Many of those that are questioning the wisdom of Burnside getting the new rig have probably been struck by that little green monster perhaps..
Green monster or a dose of reality, call it what you will ;)
I think people are just asking the questions as it's great that Burnside have saved up for 26 years for their own truck, but what will happen when the face of the CFS and Burnside Brigade change?
If anything it will serve as an indicator as to what may happen to other brigades that have their own appliances and large scale fundraising efforts.
Or CFS have just allowed the biggest can of worms to be opened. If a brigade doesn't like what CFS is going to give them, they can go out and fundraise like hell to get the cash they need to buy what the think they should have.
While Burnside have worked hard to raise those funds, they are lucky to be in an area where they have a high population base from which to raise funds...
Many brigades would have no hope of raising any sort of decent money, due to the very small community they exist in.
Quote from: Pipster on August 14, 2008, 10:36:37 AM
While Burnside have worked hard to raise those funds, they are lucky to be in an area where they have a high population base from which to raise funds...
Many brigades would have no hope of raising any sort of decent money, due to the very small community they exist in.
Couldn't you also then argue that they have a bigger community to protect, and therefore a need for a better truck?
Bigger community? they have less houses than Basket Range would.
I am taking a motion to our next brigade meeting that we fundraise our backsides off over the next few years and ask CFS for the funding for a Type 2 and then chip in our own cash, they can't say no can they :wink:
PS: I can't wait to see this truck in the flesh, perhaps CFS should use it on promotional material.
So does that mean that say, a house fire in a small community is not as important as a house fire in a large community..?
Quote from: Pipster on August 15, 2008, 05:20:04 PM
So does that mean that say, a house fire in a small community is not as important as a house fire in a large community..?
My feelings exactly... spot on ... yes some volunteer organisations are enterpreneural & thus able to buy better equipment... OK, as long as the minimum equipment standard is adequate for the volunteer organisations who cannot raise the extra funds...
I assume this truck will be used in the air support & strike force role ? Thus used state-wide ?
** My thoughts & opinions only **
Err No.
i guess it will get used whenever and where ever the powers to be say.
I hear that Burnsides' "Fundraising" was merely the brigade deciding to stop buying Latte's, pampering their pooches and buying designer underwear.
The money that they saved was then redirected into the appliance fund and in 26 *months* they had enough.
Quote from: Pipster on August 15, 2008, 05:20:04 PM
So does that mean that say, a house fire in a small community is not as important as a house fire in a large community..?
No. That means there are more houses, more risk, and therefore more equipment can be justified. It's nothing to do with where it is.
Now that Burnside has opened the door so that brigade's can put money towards buying an appliance for their area I think we should all be allowed to do it...If we are able to to do fundraising then do it and put what ever money you can towards THAT type two pumper or a toilet in your station go for it...as Pip said it will be very hard in a small community to do this but there are ways...Bunnings will allow you to hold BBQ'S at there site once its open PIP and all money you make on the day is yours.....
I would like to know who will be paying for the upkeep and maintenance on the new burnside pumper?? Could we adopt a CFA brigade appliances policy if the brigade was to buy the appliance 100% would CFS pay for Fuel and maintenance and help with the change over in 20 years???
Well, considering a similar situation is occuring in Sturt Group as well, with State kicking in a chassis and body build and Sturt Group funding a self contained CAFS unit for a new Eden Hills appliance...
Meant to be a QAV to fill out there SFECs, but has somehow turned into a 1400L [i believe] dual cab hino [was a canter? but now a small hino?] so a bit large. But who really cares, another truck on the road!
Anyway the point among that ramblee is, already happened twice, surely it will keep happening. :?
So Eden Hills keep tweaking it up a little to all of a sudden have 3 large appliances, interesting, will watch this develpment with interest.
Nice to see that state is help all brigade's with new appliances......NOT..... one would hope if it is a CAFS that it does not have the same problems as the blackwood Lemon..... If its the HINO sitting in the MFS workshop mmmmm will it fit down the streets that they where having problems getting into???
I am looking forward to seeing the Burnside pumper once it gets here....
Your especially sour today Bill... :roll:
Have to say mate, in my opinion Blackwood 24 is not a lemon, sure it had a couple of teething problems, but has been sorted and is a great appliance, i would take it over any standard CFS build any day {except perhaps a type2)..
Minus the CAFS to cut costs and i think it would make a great standard 24 appliance.
BWD 24 CAFS was cheaper than the standard 24 and that included the CAFS side of things.
I would take Blackwood's truck over any of the 24 or 34 around.
Not sure why CFS did not stay with that design.
Good on the brigades like Burnside, Blackwood & Eden Hills ( plus another 2 brigades which have a few things in the pipeline) for pushing for better trucks.
Quote from: tft on August 16, 2008, 09:15:40 AM
BWD 24 CAFS was cheaper than the standard 24 and that included the CAFS side of things.
I would take Blackwood's truck over any of the 24 or 34 around.
Not sure why CFS did not stay with that design.
Well there ya go.... just shows the craziness.
Cheaper than a 24, so it was less than $250,000 ?
Hmm other brigades just sit and suffer :roll: :roll:
So we open up the can of worms of the brigade owned appliances. This then starts the old rich vs. poor brigade issue too. I see no issue with a brigade customising an appliance and equipment if it fits within their SFEC, but you don't want to see it turning into and open slather truck purchasing extravaganza.
Countdown until we see that 30 call a year brigade with Heavy Pumpers, Brontos and Heavy Rescues (with USAR stowage!)
They would be known as "Retained MFS"
:-D :-D :wink:
I don;t think you have to worry to much numbers.
a) brigades like Burnside who can justify what they are getting. Due to a large population base and hence development have a hard enough time getting the money form their fund raising. so a brigade that does thirty calls probably wont have the ability to raise the money.
Quote from: bittenyakka on August 17, 2008, 11:06:59 AM
I don;t think you have to worry to much numbers.
a) brigades like Burnside who can justify what they are getting. Due to a large population base and hence development have a hard enough time getting the money form their fund raising. so a brigade that does thirty calls probably wont have the ability to raise the money.
Don't worry, it was tongue in cheek.
Quote from: pumprescue on August 14, 2008, 06:28:39 AM
Or CFS have just allowed the biggest can of worms to be opened. If a brigade doesn't like what CFS is going to give them, they can go out and fundraise like filtered to get the cash they need to buy what the think they should have.
The can of worms was always open.
CFS tried to close it - Don MacArthur's CFA 24's were our first ever standard
appliance, & they are only 20 years old.
CFS failed.
Deal with it.
Quote from: tft on August 16, 2008, 09:15:40 AM
BWD 24 CAFS was cheaper than the standard 24 and that included the CAFS side of things.
I would take Blackwood's truck over any of the 24 or 34 around.
Not sure why CFS did not stay with that design.
Good on the brigades like Burnside, Blackwood & Eden Hills ( plus another 2 brigades which have a few things in the pipeline) for pushing for better trucks.
Is this the same Blackwood 24CAFS that is currently throwing inlets and outlets at its crew......I am guessing the materials and quality was the reason it was so cheap !! :roll:
MMM New 34 or one of the spare's that are around at the moment???
Food for thought, a Hino 24 back in 1990 cost $90,000 to purchase, when they were standard.
At the end of the day, the brigades that have these custom appliances, or brigade built, have put in the hard yards. The people whinging because they don't have them, have just sat there and complained about those brigades that have done something about it.
Burnside, good work, the appliance looks a treat!..
Quote from: Pixie on May 22, 2007, 03:49:20 PM
The main thing i have againt the type two's is the fact that they only have one REAR MOUNTED hose reel. Even the Dennis has two... the other thing i dislike is the fact the the pumps are completly electronicaly controlled, and the positioning of the inlets/outlets. Midmount pumps are much better suited in urban pumpers IMO!! It woul also be nice if CFS chose a cab that could house BA seats, as they make the donning up process much, much quicker!! I understand that the reason for not implementing half of these features/functions is $$$, but what is the price of a life??? If someone dies in a burning car because you only had 1 HP line that you could use imediatly instead of two, the cost of all cfs urban pumpers having two HP lines is well and truly justified.
Well nobody has died in a burning car in VIC or NSW because the Isuzu/Rosenbauer pumper 'only' has one HP hose reel. Obviously, if you need more water on a fire you use a 38mm, or a 64mm if the 38mm is insufficient.
Quote from: 6739264 on August 16, 2008, 11:28:18 PM
Countdown until we see that 30 call a year brigade with Heavy Pumpers, Brontos and Heavy Rescues (with USAR stowage!)
<cue sepulchral voice> "But if it saves just one life........"
Quote from: whiteknight on February 02, 2009, 02:27:09 PM
Quote from: Pixie on May 22, 2007, 03:49:20 PM
The main thing i have againt the type two's is the fact that they only have one REAR MOUNTED hose reel. Even the Dennis has two... the other thing i dislike is the fact the the pumps are completly electronicaly controlled, and the positioning of the inlets/outlets. Midmount pumps are much better suited in urban pumpers IMO!! It woul also be nice if CFS chose a cab that could house BA seats, as they make the donning up process much, much quicker!! I understand that the reason for not implementing half of these features/functions is $$$, but what is the price of a life??? If someone dies in a burning car because you only had 1 HP line that you could use imediatly instead of two, the cost of all cfs urban pumpers having two HP lines is well and truly justified.
Well nobody has died in a burning car in VIC or NSW because the Isuzu/Rosenbauer pumper 'only' has one HP hose reel. Obviously, if you need more water on a fire you use a 38mm, or a 64mm if the 38mm is insufficient.
What do you want a second HP line for? If you need water and multiple lines, you have plenty of hose already on the truck. Stop being a lazy firie who just wants to pull the hosereel off. Whats wrong with the position of the collectors/deliveries? They are far better placed than on a typical mid mount that has them split over two sides. Everything is brought into a central point that makes it far easier for the pump operator to keep an eye on and his feet on the supply lines.
Trust me, if someone dies in a car fire and your argument is "We only needed one more HP line" Then you should be kicked out for sheer incompetence and I'd wager they were well and truely gone no matter what happened.
"SACFS: Building appliances on incompetence and ingnorance since the dawn of time"
oh yeah....Burnside Pumper, thats right thats what we're talking about.
Had my first look at the photos the other day. Looks a tidy appliance (apart from thate silly side checker striping). Look forward to seeing it on the run.
All I'll add is that if some Brigades and Groups don't push the envelope (and the CFS) in appliance design and features then we'd still be running around in plastic 24s. Lots of design features in the current 34 and 34P appliances are the result of fitouts that were done on the various proof of concept appliances that are around.
Well done Burnside, looks good
I had a look at http://www.fire-brigade.asn.au/Appliance_Display.asp?Service_Code=SACFS&Station_Code=BURN and the last update is 17th December 2008.
Is that the new Burnside pumper or old in the picture ?
that would be the old girl.....i hope :-)
yeah that is the old one.
Any details of the pump fitted to the new Burnside Pumper, also who are the builders?
Liquip are doing the build, cant remember the pump details.
Quote from: Rainer on July 10, 2008, 11:43:11 AM
Gday all,
I am on the design team for the new Burnside Pumper and can give you all a status upgrade.
Cab Chassis: Volvo FM9 crew cab, 340Hp 1600Nm torque
CABA : 3 In cab seats 1 OIC, 2 Crew, driver set in locker.
HP Reels : 2 x 90m reels electric rewind 40mm full flow swivel joint
Water : 3000 L
Body : Integral Aluminium with aluminium roller shutters
Locker space : approx 7 cubic meters
Pump : Darley LSRH 1000 rear mount two stage capable of
3800Lpm @ 900 Kpa for full volume
and approx:
3000Lpm @ 800 Kpa
500 Lpm @ 2600 Kpa Simultaneous pressure.
Delivery approx November this year
Built by LiQuip in QLD
If anyone would like more info just ask!
If people read this thread, the information was placed here about what the specs are so please read above....courtesy of Lofty GO :-D
Any update on the November 2008 eta? Running late for any reason?
Lateness due to the fact that this is the first of this type of appliance built and we were of the opinion that if weve waited this long (26 years) for a new appliance its worth getting it right...
We were up there today and it looks a million dollars im sure one of the boys will put photos up soon..
At this stage all going well (fingers crossed we will pick up Wed next week back in Adelaide on the weekend. ..I hope.
New Burnside pumper. Volvo FM 340hp
Darley LSRH1000 (3800Lpm)
Myself and 4 brigade members have driven it back from Qld.
Not a bad looking beast apart from the striping..
Nice when can we see it in the flesh?
I like it, apart from the very poxy looking mini bar at the back.
Well done lads very good indeed.
First ever truck in CFS in the last 5+ years to skip "sitting at the MFS workshops" ?
Quote from: Zippy on March 01, 2009, 01:40:35 PM
First ever truck in CFS in the last 5+ years to skip "sitting at the MFS workshops" ?
nope :lol:
looks awsum well done guys..any idea of $$$$ value??
congrats to Rainer and all the Burnside boys.....nice looking truck (yes yes, we all agree the stripes will take some getting use to....move on), certainly looks like a fire appliance, which is lways a good start.
Might be a touchy point.....but can we get an idea of the final cost? For no other reason than to compare with a current 34P or Type 2
How was your experience with the builders? Were they responsive, provide u much in terms of technical design drawings or plans before the build? Any issues unresolved??
Lastly.....and the $64 question.....what involvement did CFS Fleet people have, and were there any hurdles there - feel free to NOT answer the last part if its gonna be a bun fight lol
Nice work guy's bet you can't wait to have in in your station. Now at least once it is on line it should take some heat off Bridgewaters Pumper :-D having similar stripping. Look forward to the the first photo shoot with them together. :wink:
Hi all
Appliance arrived at the station at 2:30pm today, and is going to MFS engineering to get radios fitted, and a few minor issues sorted out.
CFS Vehicles and Infrastructure were involved, managing the contractural side of things, as well as the communications with the builders etc. The brigade was responsible for the design and the operational issues, with the approval of CFS.
Final cost has not been finalised yet, however it fell within the anticipated budget. Please call me for any further info on the cost side of things. 0402 629 246.
Tom Gill
looks good,there are more photo's on OZFIRE of the new pumper....
Quote from: Gilly on March 01, 2009, 03:56:43 PM
Hi all
Appliance arrived at the station at 2:30pm today, and is going to MFS engineering to get radios fitted, and a few minor issues sorted out.
CFS Vehicles and Infrastructure were involved, managing the contractural side of things, as well as the communications with the builders etc. The brigade was responsible for the design and the operational issues, with the approval of CFS.
Final cost has not been finalised yet, however it fell within the anticipated budget. Please call me for any further info on the cost side of things. 0402 629 246.
Tom Gill
what was the budget tom?
Burnside Pumper arrived on Sunday afternoon.
A few people gathered for the first squirt
More than us normal brigades can ever dream of.....why didn't we rattle the tins harder :x
Looks very nice and great remote monitor
Quote from: Darren on March 03, 2009, 07:25:16 AM
More than us normal brigades can ever dream of.....why didn't we rattle the tins harder :x
Look what has happened in the past with lots of appliances being built that are not standard. The list is huge from the last 20 years.
Well done to Burnside for keeping up the standard.
rattling tins...whats that (my brigade doesnt want to do it...id be prepared to spend hours out on the tin)
Its not about being standard...infact being standard cant let us progress...
I want to see several things on burnside pumper STANDARD on the STANDARD Cfs builds.
Eg...remote control monitors, Better Chassis's, Less Pumper crew decks, Rescue/hazmat pumpers, more suitable COQ appliances for MFS.
Budget-wise? Build better but less new trucks, and Refurb 1998-2005 appliances for the less busy brigades.
It looks like this pumper is intended to be state of the art.
I find it hard for an appliance like this covering off road capabilities, it's too much like an MFS truck, and if you ask christies downs, this type of appliance is no good when it comes to scrub and grass!
You havent seen the pictures of it with its 4WD Clearance hydralics have you...It has nearly the same clearance as a 34P at the Rear.
206 this is not a rural truck it is an urban pumper with high water cpacity capable of asset protection amongst many other roles. Burnside didnt purchase this with the idea of going off road.
Not everything cfs does is off-road...infact make it 10-20% of the work?
I just thought a majority of cfs trucks are built with the potential to go off road
Quote from: Hazmat206 on March 03, 2009, 10:48:00 AM
I just thought a majority of cfs trucks are built with the potential to go off road
Haz....none of the 2 wheel drive appliances the CFS have are designed to go off-road. There are plenty of Type 2 pumpers, Rescue, Hazmat and still a couple of General Pumpers that are all 2WD.
In a well rounded service there is a need for both. I'd be really keen to see a cost/benefit comparison between a Type II and the Volvo Pumper Burnside has. The need for an Urban pump does exist in some Brigades (and just needing to pump lots of water doesnt constitute a need).
The cost of the Type 2 vs the Volvo would be to prohibitive, so unlikely we will ever see another one. Type was $330,000 equipped, from memory the Volvo was around $480,000 empty. Can't see CFS wanting to spend another $150,000 for what is essentially a better cab/chassis.
how about this configuration:
Scania Chassis
burnside pumpers locker/body layout
Type 2's Pump. (Rosen, RH30??)
I would love the Volvo, but at the end of the day I think the build eg pump, lockers is the most important part.
I could live with HINO and a good pump and locker layout
Quote from: Zippy on March 03, 2009, 03:18:21 PM
how about this configuration:
Scania Chassis
burnside pumpers locker/body layout
Type 2's Pump. (Rosen, RH30??)
Nah the Darley pump they have is awesome, I reckon if you jumped on a CFA type 4 heavy order you would be happy.
Quote from: Zippy on March 03, 2009, 03:18:21 PM
how about this configuration:
Scania Chassis
burnside pumpers locker/body layout
Type 2's Pump. (Rosen, RH30??)
zippy I've driven both a Volvo...and a Scania, both late models. Personally, I thought the Volvo setup was better. Don't be swayed by red-envy, theres a reason they have the Scanias, and it doesnt have too much to do with it being a better truck chassis
red envy? who says im relating volvo/scania to that....more like BA Seat EnvY!! the CFS Standard Chassis cant provide space (and leg room) for BA Seats.
Quote from: Darren on March 03, 2009, 04:15:57 PM
Quote from: Zippy on March 03, 2009, 03:18:21 PM
how about this configuration:
Scania Chassis
burnside pumpers locker/body layout
Type 2's Pump. (Rosen, RH30??)
Nah the Darley pump they have is awesome, I reckon if you jumped on a CFA type 4 heavy order you would be happy.
Question is...would CFS...and would they be happy lol.
Quote from: Zippy on March 03, 2009, 05:24:15 PM
Question is...would CFS...and would they be happy lol.
Question is, do you know there is more to this firefighting business than Scanias and 'cool stuff'?
There is far more to building a truck than just "Wow, this looks good and everyone else uses it"
It's great to see that Burnside has pushed the envelope and has ended up with a very good looking piece of firefighting kit, that also happens to be functional! (Who'd have thought?) They even managed to move away from the old faithful "We all need Scanias" line of thinking.
Yeah, there are a few bits and pieces that I personally don't really like, but at the same time, there is no use getting into a shitfight about personal opinions, when the truck as a whole works well and is a monumental win for the CFS brigades and pumper design.
Any reason that the CFS still wont look into the full height rear end, like the CFA/MFB/NSWFB have dabbled with? It seems to allow a fair amount more stowage.
As I said, well done to Burnside, it has certainly shown the rest of the state what is achievable in terms of appliance design. If only we could all end up with such a shithot looking truck.
(Just don't tell anyone who used CoQ as a justification for the pumper that the thing still can't supply a Bronto ;))
It certainly appears to be quite functional, however ill reserve my opinion for when i actually see it stowed.
Some may think im a little sick, but the checker doesnt look that bad....
Top effort by all involved :)
Quote from: Mike on March 04, 2009, 07:17:15 AM
It certainly appears to be quite functional, however ill reserve my opinion for when i actually see it stowed.
Some may think im a little sick, but the checker doesnt look that bad....
Top effort by all involved :)
"NO MIKE" we dont think that your a little sick....... bordering on retarded..yeh! :-D
Even looks like a real firetruck!
Not a council truck :-D
exactly :D
Quote from: jaff on March 04, 2009, 08:45:34 AM
"NO MIKE" we dont think that your a little sick....... bordering on retarded..yeh! :-D
:-P :-)
Quote from: Gungellan34 on March 04, 2009, 08:46:12 AM
Even looks like a real firetruck!
Not a council truck :-D
Oh, in what magical place do you live in?
Firetrucks are RED, Council trucks are WHITE! :P
QuoteFiretrucks are RED, Council trucks are WHITE!
Correct me if im wrong, but the main reason behind our trucks being White is Ash Wednesday and the Rate of new appliances built...not enough time to get them painted Red?
Wonder what the 2009 Emergency Fire service would be like in SA?
Quote from: Zippy on March 04, 2009, 12:47:33 PM
Correct me if im wrong, but the main reason behind our trucks being White is Ash Wednesday and the Rate of new appliances built...not enough time to get them painted Red?
Wonder what the 2009 Emergency Fire service would be like in SA?
Not enough time to paint trucks red? Hahaha, congrats on taking that one hook, line and sinker.
While you're at it, can you get me a long stand and a left handed screwdriver?
Good to see everyone wearing appropriate PPE with good traffic control in place in the photo above :roll:
Nice looking truck and the battenburg deffo works when out and about, have experienced it on the freeway several times now.
Quote from: Shiner on March 04, 2009, 01:00:14 PM
Good to see everyone wearing appropriate PPE with good traffic control in place in the photo above :roll:
How are those sour grapes treating you?
I'd make the same comment no matter what brigade, appliance, situation. This forum is a public one, the photo is viewable by anyone/everyone, surely we should try and do the 'right' thing in the public eye?
Regardless of that and being in no way up to speed with the politics etc that have followed this around, the truck looks fantastic and should easily be up to the jobs it will be put to.
I can however relate to the brigades position and some of the negative and positive reactions and comments being a member of the brigade that houses the Region 3 Hook Truck come Tanker.......
It'll be a awesome crowd control vehicle in the *future*...for when recession/depression hits. :evil: :mrgreen: :-)
What kind of supply does a Bronto actually require? Doesn;t it depend on how much water they want at the tip? and sometimes how much water you can actually get?
Anyone see CH7 News tonight....were Dads Army are'nt we, but Arthur hinted at brigades able to do their own buildups for "smaller appliances" :wink:
Quote from: Zippy on March 04, 2009, 01:45:08 PM
It'll be a awesome crowd control vehicle in the *future*...for when recession/depression hits. :evil: :mrgreen: :-)
Wont be any problem squirting the crowds with the riot monitor :-P
any further detail safirey??
Nah no build ups, but they will have 8 new prototypes and you can pick from that.
Quote from: Zippy on March 04, 2009, 07:55:05 PM
any further detail safirey??
Suss the video out Zippy http://au.news.yahoo.com/#embedded-video-top then click on Dads Army :wink:
oh so the news report was pretty much telling the state about Aurthur's "fit for purpose appliance" discussion paper. no biggie :-D
lol....makes me want headphones at work...rather than just seeing visuals.
He also said that a brigade will be able to at long last select the appliances that they want for their area, understand that there is a paper floating around saying this in some groups....
Now that CFS have said brigades can now pick their next appliance I hope we see of few more of these pumpers...
Quote from: Bill Corcoran on March 06, 2009, 03:30:56 PM
Now that CFS have said brigades can now pick their next appliance
Burnside boys it looks good. but what ever happened to the Millicent / Bridgewater (i think) (Built by Skilled in Vic) style Hino style pumpers.Hp and Lp stages on pump 750gpm Quad 64mm inlets, Quad 64mm outlets and just in case a 125mm storz inlet. Add another hose reel and you have a useful truck.
All in look good, need to see it stowed and used in anger.
Quote from: firey666 on March 06, 2009, 07:14:33 PM
Burnside boys it looks good. but what ever happened to the Millicent / Bridgewater (i think) (Built by Skilled in Vic) style Hino style pumpers.Hp and Lp stages on pump 750gpm Quad 64mm inlets, Quad 64mm outlets and just in case a 125mm storz inlet. Add another hose reel and you have a useful truck.
All in look good, need to see it stowed and used in anger.
I beleive your thinking of the original NSWFB style "Type 2" pumpers on Isuzu chassis that Nuri and Millicent originally got.
Burnside were offered one but turned it down to build their own which was more for their area and stowage.
I think firey 666 was referring to what was called an URP...Bridgewater has one, Nuri, Bordertown and a few others.....now commonly called a 24P
I do think he meant the type 2 he described it down to a tee but meh.
Quote from: Alex on March 06, 2009, 05:56:58 PM
Quote from: Bill Corcoran on March 06, 2009, 03:30:56 PM
Now that CFS have said brigades can now pick their next appliance
I think someone's put 2 and 2 together and got 37.
Its a government department, they change the rules to suit so 2+2=37 is possible. Kinda like the matrix :-D :-D
can we please have the 2 Burnside pumper threads merged Mr Moderators.....pretty please
Quote from: Bill Corcoran on March 06, 2009, 03:30:56 PM
Now that CFS have said brigades can now pick their next appliance I hope we see of few more of these pumpers...
Can I upsize it for 50cents and have a shake!
Quote from: SA Firey on March 04, 2009, 05:44:54 PM
Quote from: Zippy on March 04, 2009, 01:45:08 PM
It'll be a awesome crowd control vehicle in the *future*...for when recession/depression hits. :evil: :mrgreen: :-)
Wont be any problem squirting the crowds with the riot monitor :-P
The crowd will have to be provided with eye protection before the monitor can be used, wouldnt want to upset OH&S :-)
Quote from: Shiner on March 04, 2009, 01:00:14 PM
Good to see everyone wearing appropriate PPE with good traffic control in place in the photo above :roll:
traffic control thats what the monitor is for isn't it?? :evil:
Quote from: jaff on March 07, 2009, 06:48:07 AM
The crowd will have to be provided with eye protection before the monitor can be used, wouldnt want to upset OH&S :-)
Now I'm thinking about the OH&S Issues associated with those...erm... "Adult" Films. Thanks champ!
Its funny, for most of us the Type 2 is out of reach, be nice to be offered one let alone be able to knock it back and do a Burnside.
But I would rather see fire in a Type 2 than a stop call in fancy Volvo.
Quote from: 6739264 on March 07, 2009, 10:57:07 AM
Quote from: jaff on March 07, 2009, 06:48:07 AM
The crowd will have to be provided with eye protection before the monitor can be used, wouldnt want to upset OH&S :-)
Now I'm thinking about the OH&S Issues associated with those...erm... "Adult" Films. Thanks champ!
Bow chicka bowbow.......Im hearing ya!
Quote from: pumprescue on March 07, 2009, 07:01:21 PM
But I would rather see fire in a Type 2 than a stop call in fancy Volvo.
And we have a winner!
But man 150 calls and a handful of CoQ is the stuff that "What if" dreams are made for...
I did hear that it cost $450K for the pumper would that be right???/
Quote from: 6739264 on March 03, 2009, 10:31:08 PM
Quote from: Zippy on March 03, 2009, 05:24:15 PM
Question is...would CFS...and would they be happy lol.
Question is, do you know there is more to this firefighting business than Scanias and 'cool stuff'?
(Just don't tell anyone who used CoQ as a justification for the pumper that the thing still can't supply a Bronto ;))
Looking at the specs the pump is 1000gpm same as the mets pumpers. So why couldnt it??
Quote from: Bill Corcoran on March 08, 2009, 04:30:21 PM
I did hear that it cost $450K for the pumper would that be right???/
That'd still be cheaper than Stirling's pumper...
Only because Stirling's pumper has been rebuilt so many times and still not right, if only they hadn't tried to scrimp and save in the initial build...oh well
1 topic as requested
Guys once again, good on the Burnside crew, If they are able to knock back a type 2 and then plan what they want and then order the vechile. Why not.
I know next time i'm in town i will be talking with Stef and going on down for a guided tour.
We unfortunately have a type 2, Few issues with it. But the key here did not have a say.
Once again burnside Well done.
Regards Stan
Quote from: bittenyakka on August 17, 2008, 11:06:59 AM
I don;t think you have to worry to much numbers.
a) brigades like Burnside who can justify what they are getting. Due to a large population base and hence development have a hard enough time getting the money form their fund raising. so a brigade that does thirty calls probably wont have the ability to raise the money.
Let me know if i am wrong but doesn't burnside only have a very very small number of streets with houses on them actually in their primary area. Remember what you do with MFS does not and should not contribute to your appliance allocation. If they need an appliance of this sort in Burnside why did MFS not extend their boundary a few streets.
I think its great that Burnside have what they wanted in the way of a URBAN pumper it now opens the doors for alot more brigade's to get up and fight for what they want for their community.Sure a type 2 pumper would have done the job and this was offered to the brigade but they said NO and used some of their own money towards the cost of the pumper.....
Quote from: big bronto on March 09, 2009, 04:04:13 PM
Quote from: bittenyakka on August 17, 2008, 11:06:59 AM
I don;t think you have to worry to much numbers.
a) brigades like Burnside who can justify what they are getting. Due to a large population base and hence development have a hard enough time getting the money form their fund raising. so a brigade that does thirty calls probably wont have the ability to raise the money.
Let me know if i am wrong but doesn't burnside only have a very very small number of streets with houses on them actually in their primary area. Remember what you do with MFS does not and should not contribute to your appliance allocation. If they need an appliance of this sort in Burnside why did MFS not extend their boundary a few streets.
Almost 4 streets. Also a tunnel. :-)
Quote from: Bill Corcoran on March 10, 2009, 06:00:27 AM
I think its great that Burnside have what they wanted in the way of a URBAN pumper ...
Actually it's an urban / rural pumper, that's why they have the cab halo system, auxiliary pump, raise able suspension etc...
Actually it's an urban / rural pumper, that's why they have the cab halo system, auxiliary pump, raise able suspension etc...
No it is an Australian URBAN pumper tanker, this is the way of the future for Australian urban fire fighting appliances. MFB have had aux pumps, halo systems and adjustable suspension put on all their new pumper tankers to meet the new risks facing the Australian urban fringe areas.
Also i am confused as to why the new burnside truck has the outlets at the rear and not the side to make life easier for crews and to provide space for a pump operator.
so the old seaford dennis pumper
and the new burnside pumper
in a pump-off who would win?
It woulld be close, the Dennis is rated at 1250 GPM, but I reckon you could get more water into the Volvo.
Quote from: firestorm on March 11, 2009, 11:50:10 PM
so the old seaford dennis pumper
and the new burnside pumper
in a pump-off who would win?
I think Darren would be correct...
have seen the new one at volvo and it looks gud :-D wait and see how it preformes
Any reason burnside pumper has gone back to london round and not stuck with the storz outfit?
All of our other vehicles are london round, so we have adaptors for the stortz, that will be left on permanently. We may change over to london round fittings, if the adaptors are a pain in the filtered.
YAY well Done Burnside :-)
Doing its first job in style...
yeah, watched it from the sidelines in traffic.....good work by them :D
plenty of people managed to ignore the M1 CLOSED TAKE NEXT EXIT SIGN
Seems the job went well.
Good Job by the glen osmond boys by the look, didnt see many other trucks there doing much on the cctv footage. Would be interesting to see how much things would change if that was mfs area, i reckon 2 pump would give a few people a run for their money.
Quote from: big bronto on April 22, 2009, 09:52:16 AM
Good Job by the glen osmond boys by the look, didnt see many other trucks there doing much on the cctv footage. Would be interesting to see how much things would change if that was mfs area, i reckon 2 pump would give a few people a run for their money.
One would assume the reason for 2nd alarm would be the considerable high risk of a Car Pile up occuring...and therefore a much larger incident.
Also i am confused as to why the new burnside truck has the outlets at the rear and not the side to make life easier for crews and to provide space for a pump operator.
we did this to get as much locker space as we can and it has worked very well in the training and testing we did. it is surprising how much room there is even with all hose in/out..
They should just shut down burnside and let samfs handle everything its stupid they got a new pumper like they did we are filtered cfs not filtered mfs Country Fire Service is filtered burnside in the Country NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Its filtered stupid
Quote from: track400m on June 05, 2009, 12:16:22 PM
They should just shut down burnside and let samfs handle everything its stupid they got a new pumper like they did we are filtered cfs not filtered mfs Country Fire Service is filtered burnside in the Country NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Its filtered stupid
Mate, your wrong. And im not from burnside, and personally entirely support them. Until MFS can manage to run 1 major incident and 3 other non major incidents at once, without needing CFS Change of Quarters let alone Response to the actual jobs....they do need this pumper. It is a benefit to both the Country Suburbs (Peri-urban interface) and the Metro suburbs.
The Country Fire Service is more than you think it is mr track400m.
Burnside would have to be one of the only brigades that i know where they can get out the door in under 4 mins day and night and i have to say that new pumper is great well done to them for using their heads to draw it up.. Close them down why?? they can get out the door and support MFS and SAAS well so there is no need to close them down,may be they only just need a longer engine bay as its a very tight fit with pumper and 24....
Lot more brigades around the state that have the same tutnout time. in under 4 mins day and night
Quote from: Zippy on June 05, 2009, 12:32:06 PM
Quote from: track400m on June 05, 2009, 12:16:22 PM
They should just shut down burnside and let samfs handle everything its stupid they got a new pumper like they did we are filtered cfs not filtered mfs Country Fire Service is filtered burnside in the Country NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Its filtered stupid
Mate, your wrong. And im not from burnside, and personally entirely support them. Until MFS can manage to run 1 major incident and 3 other non major incidents at once, without needing CFS Change of Quarters let alone Response to the actual jobs....they do need this pumper. It is a benefit to both the Country Suburbs (Peri-urban interface) and the Metro suburbs.
The Country Fire Service is more than you think it is mr track400m.
Here here...
Pfft, we will all be one service eventually, and the public couldn't care less what colour truck they got :-P
..*zzzzzzziiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnggggggg PLOP*..
Don't take the bait guys.. If his/her outlook on the service is that un-educated, let him/her have his rather foolish opinion.
:-D A Type 2 would be fine for them at the end of the day there only gonna be backing up the mfs anyway but then again if they have the money they should have this appliance but is it going to cost the cfs down the track them new volvos arnt the best in parts lol filtered volvo drivers lol
Quote from: Army_emergency_responder on June 09, 2009, 09:04:46 PM
:-D A Type 2 would be fine for them at the end of the day there only gonna be backing up the mfs anyway but then again if they have the money they should have this appliance but is it going to cost the cfs down the track them new volvos arnt the best in parts lol filtered volvo drivers lol
lol lol lolololol lol lol lol
I hear them Blackhawks aren't the best at staying in the air? lol lol
If you're the cream of the lol Army lol Emergency lol Responder lol crop, then by god I wish the military would hire people over the age of 14.
Quote from: 6739264 on June 10, 2009, 12:33:49 AM
Quote from: Army_emergency_responder on June 09, 2009, 09:04:46 PM
:-D A Type 2 would be fine for them at the end of the day there only gonna be backing up the mfs anyway but then again if they have the money they should have this appliance but is it going to cost the cfs down the track them new volvos arnt the best in parts lol filtered volvo drivers lol
lol lol lolololol lol lol lol
I hear them Blackhawks aren't the best at staying in the air? lol lol
If you're the cream of the lol Army lol Emergency lol Responder lol crop, then by god I wish the military would hire people over the age of 14.
i am currently going through recruitment now
Yeah Army_Emergency_Responder why aren't you old and arthritic like all the CFS crews. Huh!!! Why aren't you petty, fat and only for traffic duty while the Professional Emergency Services- SAMFS and SAAS work??
Yeah you could be young, keen and motivated as you probably are... or you could be SASES or SACFS and as useless as a Pussy in the Mars Bar.
Btw he is actually right.
Quote from: 2468 on June 10, 2009, 11:06:17 AM
Yeah Army_Emergency_Responder why aren't you old and arthritic like all the CFS crews. Huh!!! Why aren't you petty, fat and only for traffic duty while the Professional Emergency Services- SAMFS and SAAS work??
Yeah you could be young, keen and motivated as you probably are... or you could be SASES or SACFS and as useless as a Pussy in the Mars Bar.
Btw he is actually right.
I wonder if they test for lolworthyness?
Quote from: 6739264 on June 10, 2009, 02:30:04 PM
Quote from: 2468 on June 10, 2009, 11:06:17 AM
Yeah Army_Emergency_Responder why aren't you old and arthritic like all the CFS crews. Huh!!! Why aren't you petty, fat and only for traffic duty while the Professional Emergency Services- SAMFS and SAAS work??
Yeah you could be young, keen and motivated as you probably are... or you could be SASES or SACFS and as useless as a Pussy in the Mars Bar.
Btw he is actually right.
I wonder if they test for lolworthyness?
Because i run for Australia and dont you worry i have seen as much as most old arthritic cfs volunteers haha i have got a commendation so stay on topic i said about the new pumper you idiot
[edit - fixed quoting]
Quote from: bittenyakka on June 10, 2009, 06:30:54 PM
Quote from: Army_emergency_responder on June 10, 2009, 07:20:22 PM
Because i run for Australia and dont you worry i have seen as much as most old arthritic cfs volunteers haha i have got a commendation so stay on topic i said about the new pumper you idiot
We can be commendation buddies and totally bag Burnside's new truck. Pity they got the lol colour lol wrong lol
I hope the commendation wasn't for your decimation of the English language?
Hows the T-Shirt fitting? Is it the bright pink one in your display pic?
Break it up gentlemen. (or is it ladies?)
me thinking that mr army may have another account going on the annoying non punctual hard to decipher posts he has been submitting remember your not sending a text or in a chat room you can take your time and think your posts through if you have a spare hour or two lol
But seriously army if had an ounce of knowledge about what Burnside have gone through, put up with & fought for to get this truck, then that pea in you head may have a different perspective on things.
Time to start doing entrance exams when starting SAFF accounts.
and it's not even school holidays yet
Quote from: 6739264 on June 11, 2009, 02:41:18 AM
Quote from: bittenyakka on June 10, 2009, 06:30:54 PM
Quote from: Army_emergency_responder on June 10, 2009, 07:20:22 PM
Because i run for Australia and dont you worry i have seen as much as most old arthritic cfs volunteers haha i have got a commendation so stay on topic i said about the new pumper you idiot
We can be commendation buddies and totally bag Burnside's new truck. Pity they got the lol colour lol wrong lol
I hope the commendation wasn't for your decimation of the English language?
Hows the T-Shirt fitting? Is it the bright pink one in your display pic?
Where can lol i lol get won lol off dose shirts?lol lol
Quote from: Hazmat206 on June 11, 2009, 09:36:36 PM
Quote from: 6739264 on June 11, 2009, 02:41:18 AM
Quote from: bittenyakka on June 10, 2009, 06:30:54 PM
Quote from: Army_emergency_responder on June 10, 2009, 07:20:22 PM
Because i run for Australia and dont you worry i have seen as much as most old arthritic cfs volunteers haha i have got a commendation so stay on topic i said about the new pumper you idiot
We can be commendation buddies and totally bag Burnside's new truck. Pity they got the lol colour lol wrong lol
I hope the commendation wasn't for your decimation of the English language?
Hows the T-Shirt fitting? Is it the bright pink one in your display pic?
Where can lol I lol get won lol off dose shirts?lol lol
Target :-D Chk Chk Boom
Quote from: JC on June 11, 2009, 08:47:47 AM
Time to start doing entrance exams when starting SAFF accounts.
Jesus don't do that, most of the people of here would be sent back to year 9 at school for Maths, Physical fitness, and English skills.
Quote from: SA Firey on June 12, 2009, 08:58:38 AM
Quote from: Hazmat206 on June 11, 2009, 09:36:36 PM
Quote from: 6739264 on June 11, 2009, 02:41:18 AM
Quote from: bittenyakka on June 10, 2009, 06:30:54 PM
Quote from: Army_emergency_responder on June 10, 2009, 07:20:22 PM
Because i run for Australia and dont you worry i have seen as much as most old arthritic cfs volunteers haha i have got a commendation so stay on topic i said about the new pumper you idiot
We can be commendation buddies and totally bag Burnside's new truck. Pity they got the lol colour lol wrong lol
I hope the commendation wasn't for your decimation of the English language?
Hows the T-Shirt fitting? Is it the bright pink one in your display pic?
Where can lol I lol get won lol off dose shirts?lol lol
Target :-D Chk Chk Boom
Cotton on sorry mate lol
lol cheers lol lol