I was going to put this into the offtopic area, but it is all about fire service heritage so figured the general arena would suit it more...
Basically, I will start off the thread with a couple of trivia questions, from either past or present " Fire Services ".. (Not limiting it to any one service..)..
When the correct answers are given, or if over a week or so no one finds the answer, a different question can be posted, or i'm sure I could rustle a few more up... - Hopefully we will all relive some memories, learn something and have a bit of a smile..
Question time...
1)What appliance, made by Mills Tui, at one stage featured the radio callsign VL5NO, on its doors? - Hints - The appliance is over 20 years old, and is STILL currently in service in the SACFS.
2) In 1990, what was the make of the front running ladder appliance? - The hint is in the word ladder....
3) In 1984, if you dialled the following number 391-2666, which SACFS station would you be calling?
Enjoy, and goodluck.
My guess (after a 8 days straight of work, and a few glasses of wine..) are:
1. Burnside Pumper
2. International
3. A brigade in what was the Mt Barker Group......Mt Barker or Greenhills maybe?
3.Alarm number for Littlehampton CFS.
I'm impressed.
I should have clarified the ladder question, I should have typed the make of the ladder setup, that being the Morialta (sp) ladder appliance.
Excellent work.
Any takers on some questions?
I don't actually know the answers to some of these questions, so I can't say if you're right or not...
4. what is the oldest SACFS/EFS brigade (including FFA's)
5. what is the newest SACFS brigade (as above)
6. Who was the first Director of the EFS?
4.. Are we taking about station age, or brigade age...?
5. As above
6. Don't reckon EFS ever had a Chief Executive officer.... :-)
I right royally screwed that up didn't I... I've edited my post above to be correct ;)
Thanks Pip
6. Don't reckon EFS ever had a Chief Executive officer.... :-)
Mr F.L Kerr
5. Tuckey Brigade?
Tuckey brigade is correct, However the first director of the EFS was Tom Meany (Director from 1946-49). Kerr took over from Meany, and was the longest serving Director/CEO of the EFS/CFS...
Re: Question 4, I've been doing some research and haven't found anything final (the first "brigade" formed, 'Belalie' no longer exists, so I'll wait to see if Pip knows what the "official" oldest brigade is...)
Technically, the bulk of CFS brigades are the same age..... - 30 years old, since that is when the EFS became the CFS (legislation was proclaimed in 1976...!)
And is Tuckey really the newest brigade? I am still trying to get it confirmed, but I think that Tuckey brigade existed previously, and was closed somewhere around 15 years ago.....? But, it may have been a sub station, rather than a full brigade....but I'm not sure!!
As for oldest one..there is a current brigade that can track its history back to 1914..but I can't remember who...
There are a few other old ones - Glencoe was founded in 1922 (but isn't the oldest one)
Here's one.
In 1985 who was the chairman of the VFBA ?
johmn forester
hmmm... I thought it was Peter J Swann.. - I will double check.
I don't think John Forster was ever the Chairman of VFBA...he was the secretary for some time, and then became the Executive Officer for a while too.......
New question
How many appliances from a certain Far South East CFS group were deemed unroadworthy during an inspection in the 80`s?
4 ?
Yes Bill all. Read it in the Tried by Fire book.
What was the call sign of the appliance that suffered a burnover at Mt Bonython in Ash Wednesday 2, resulting in the death of a fire fighter?
Carey Gully?
Yep! :D
Quote from: RescueHazmat on October 25, 2006, 02:02:54 PM
hmmm... I thought it was Peter J Swann.. - I will double check.
Have confirmed it was Mr Swann..
Fairly easy one..
Q) What year did the SACFS move into the Waymouth St building?
Its a little know fact but Kalangadoo had a volunteer bushfire brigade back in 1900s long before it was formed as a EFS brigade in the 1950s
Q) How many brigades got over 300 calls last year?
Morhett Vale
Morphett Vale 300
Dalkeith 307
Mount Barker 310
Salisbury 365
Stirling 310 :-P
how many brigades got 1 or less? LOL
10 :-P
which brigades saved the seven hills pub on ash Wednesday 2
In what year did Kangaroo Island brigades which was previously Region 3 become a part of Region 1?
Clue....in 1994 they were still Region 3 :wink:
I reckon the KI Group has always been in Region 1...there were at least two Groups on KI previously, which eventually merged to form the current KI Group within the last 8 years or so.... :|
Got some idea that one may have been the Dudley Group...?
No, KI only joined region 1 when they did the big shake up of regions and went from 9 to 6 regions... Don't know the year though...
Kangaroo Island may have changed regions, but the KI Group I don't reckon existed then..... :|
Q) In what year did the South Australian Fire Services (SAMFS, SACFS) change from all red emergency warning devices, to both red and blue?
Quote from: RescueHazmat on October 31, 2006, 10:48:54 AM
Q) In what year did the South Australian Fire Services (SAMFS, SACFS) change from all red emergency warning devices, to both red and blue?
late 1994 early 1995 :| :? :? :?
The first organised fire fighting unit in this state was Wirrabara. According to the plaque in the township at the entrance to the forest.
what year was that chirp???
what is the cost of a new fireking??????
Glad to see you back online Senior Firey70 i suppose you'll be off for a while tomorrow until you get naother break from training :wink:
Quote from: 5271rescue on November 12, 2006, 05:55:12 AM
what is the cost of a new fireking??????
Cost is irrelevant CFA call them Webers...for obvious reasons why would you build a truck to drive through a burnover :evil:
Deadman Zone Training...safety zone,anchor point :-)
there a great truck and they have been tested to 1000 degrees
You would probably build a fire king to survive a burnover to save lives. Quite a few deaths have occurred in forest fires in SA over the years.
So back on topic.... How much would one cost?
I think around the $600,000 mark give or take a few bucks.
Who was CEO Don McArthur's predecesor?
lloyd johns,cost of the firekings $800,000 that is the one at mout burr
Correct 10 points Bill :-D
A great man who now lives in victoria.
How old is that station officer at MFS Station 70?
Ath & Senior 70 are ineligble for this question :wink:
63 years young
I thought 65. Ath? Senior 70?
Yes, hey you shouldnt ask the question of you dont know the answer lol.
is not athol the same age,only joking mate
Which is the biggest CFS group in the state? I am talking brigade numbers not appliances.
Edit: deleted stupid answer, group, not region! :roll:
Quote from: ath on November 18, 2006, 02:56:32 PM
Which is the biggest CFS group in the state? I am talking brigade numbers not appliances.
Wattle Range - 20 Brigades i think
Yes Wattle Range. Ok which is the smallest group??
Victor Group
How many volunteers are there in region 4?
Yep Victor group only has 3 brigades.
how many gas prop instructors are there statwide?
(hint: i know 4 of them) :wink:
Quote from: boy of probation on November 20, 2006, 03:12:59 PM
how many gas prop instructors are there statwide?
(hint: i know 4 of them) :wink:
Do you mean Level 3 Gas Prop operators? Or Hot Fire Pad Instructors - and of those, for Brukunga or for Region 5? They are all different qual's.
Quote from: Camo on November 18, 2006, 07:17:25 PM
How many volunteers are there in region 4?
2404 volunteers :-D
How many brigades are in Region Six?
Heres a question that people on here who are from Region 5 should be able to answer
Q: What fire season was the busiest for Kalangadoo
D.All of the above
Quote from: SA Firey on November 22, 2006, 11:09:29 AM
How many brigades are in Region Six?
59 (including the R6 ops brigade)
2 fire calls
Quote from: Robert34 on November 22, 2006, 02:51:27 PM
WRONG :lol: next person
According to the Promo Unit A & B are the correct answers
Ding Ding Ding we have a winner :lol:
Thats right Camo the 1997/1998 & 1998/1999 fire seasons were the busiest as we had 13 fire calls in both seasons
Whats is the average calls per year for Kalangadoo over the last four years?
who cares lol
Quote from: Camo on November 22, 2006, 09:42:20 PM
Whats is the average calls per year for Kalangadoo over the last four years?
Thats about right SA Firey cause our call out rate did drop significantly after the 1997/1998 & 1998/1999 fire season :-)
Heres another question
Q: How many active members did Kalangadoo brigade have in the 1980s & 1990s before the membership dropped to the current number of 6 today
15 at a guess
Around about that number cause its a know fact that in the 1980s even during Ash Wednesday Kalangadoo EFS was literally run & managed by the Kalangadoo Lions Club
Under the old cfs call signs what would these vehicles have been?
`Compton 25`
`Compton 31`
`Compton 42`
`Compton 53`
`Compton 64`
`Compton 71`
Compton 42 would have meant 4000 litre 2 wheel drive
Quote from: Robert34 on November 24, 2006, 02:38:34 PM
Compton 42 would have meant 4000 litre 2 wheel drive
Read the question old CFS callsigns :wink:
42 used to be for any tankers
"Compton 31" type callsign would have been what we now know as a 14...
And I'd have to disagree with you re the 42 callsign...I reckon it was closer to what is now our 24's .....
You missed the "81" call sign, which was used as part of the same series of call signs.. thoughts?
Pip :-D
compton has have a big new shed to get all those appliances...LOLOLO :roll:
Quote from: ath on November 24, 2006, 02:24:15 PM
Under the old cfs call signs what would these vehicles have been?
`Compton 25`
`Compton 31`
`Compton 42`
`Compton 53`
`Compton 64`
`Compton 71`
25 = ?
31 = QAV/Landcruiser type
42 = 24/34
53 = 22/32
64 = 14
71 = 12
Was i close?
You also forgot
22 = 2 wheel drive 2000Lt
42 = 4wd 2000Lt
Yes 24p you were on the money. The first number in the call sign identifies the type and the second number is less important. For example in the Lofty group Stirling used the 1 as the second number for their appliances while Bridgewater used 2 and etc. While Brigades like Mt Barker went sort of in size ie 51,52,73,74,25.
The 25 was a command vehicle with no water.
ok, heres a re-jig of my question...
How many level 3 gas prop/gas flange (orange portable cylinders) operators are there? Can you name them?
(hint: 3 are in my group)
Quote from: ath on November 25, 2006, 08:21:38 AM
Yes 24p you were on the money. The first number in the call sign identifies the type and the second number is less important. For example in the Lofty group Stirling used the 1 as the second number for their appliances while Bridgewater used 2 and etc. While Brigades like Mt Barker went sort of in size ie 51,52,73,74,25.
The 25 was a command vehicle with no water.
I have some idea that a 71 was a Rescue type appliance...but not sure. :|
The 81 Call sign was for portables... :-D
I have some idea that a 71 was a Rescue type appliance...but not sure. :|
The 81 Call sign was for portables... :-D
71 were Hazmat Units :wink:
Appliances with a prefix 7 were just medium 2wd appliances with water. Although the old state hazmat was called Burnside 71 or State 71 or something even though it didnt carry water. Stirling 12 was Stirling 71 too I think but it wasnt Hazmat.
I think the 7 was for a range of special appliances at the time but yes State Hazmat 71 was what I was referring to.
How many volunteers are there in Region Two?
10 points for you Camo :-D
What GRN channel does the "Emergency Call button" come up on?
Quote from: SA Firey on November 29, 2006, 01:12:27 PM
What GRN channel doe the "Emergency Call button" come up on?
Hang on ill go press it and find out! :wink:
GRN Talk Group 115
Quote from: Camo on November 29, 2006, 01:13:36 PM
Quote from: SA Firey on November 29, 2006, 01:12:27 PM
What GRN channel doe the "Emergency Call button" come up on?
Hang on ill go press it and find out! :wink:
It wasnt that hard to remember cause i've got the talkgroup programmed into my scanner :-D
I was making it easy for the new forum members as well,so now ill think of a bit harder one :-D
I was making it easy for the new forum members as well,so now ill think of a bit harder one :-D
Put another easy one for the new forum members (like me) so i can get it and it could to make me look smart that i answered a trivia question... lol :-P :-D :-D
What does the V & S mean as part of RECEO :-D
ventilate, Salvage
i didn't see the new post go up lol... and i could hav got that 1
oh well... i'll keep a beta eye out next time!! :-o
What is the pressure stored in a CABA cylinder used by CFS?
What is the pressure stored in a CABA cylinder used by CFS?
207 bar
:-D :-D i answered 1 lol!!! (i had 2 ask but still)!!!!
Quote from: lilmiss_firey on December 01, 2006, 09:22:09 AM
What is the pressure stored in a CABA cylinder used by CFS?
207 bar
:-D :-D i answered 1 lol!!! (i had 2 ask but still)!!!!
:-D nbothing wrong with asking.... now where were those party poppers.
Quote from: lilmiss_firey on December 01, 2006, 09:22:09 AM
What is the pressure stored in a CABA cylinder used by CFS?
207 bar
:-D :-D i answered 1 lol!!! (i had 2 ask but still)!!!!
Congratulations 10 points :-D
There are two types of helmets in service with the CFS what are the brands of them, and which one is for rural incidents?
you may want to re-word that question... cause i can think of at least 4 brands
Quote from: Mike on December 01, 2006, 10:01:48 AM
you may want to re-word that question... cause i can think of at least 4 brands
Read the question carefully :-D
there are lots of differant helmet type out there....
but im, thinking you may be looking for an answer of cairns and pacific is it?
i wouldnt know, only have my Cairns structural
2 Types: structural and "wildfire" (rural)
Brands: Pacific, Cairns, Scott-Aspen II, Bullard...
Rural: Pacific (generally bushranger), and cant remember id the Cairns rural helmet ever got approved???
Quote from: Mike on December 01, 2006, 10:18:30 AM
2 Types: structural and "wildfire" (rural)
Brands: Pacific, Cairns, Scott-Aspen II, Bullard...
Rural: Pacific (generally bushranger), and cant remember id the Cairns rural helmet ever got approved???
Well done Mike 10 points :-D
Rural helmet commonly referred to as Bushwackers :-D
what was mt lofty group formerly known as?
Quote from: probus on December 03, 2006, 03:05:01 PM
what was mt lofty group formerly known as?
The big hill outside of Adelaide group? :-D
Was it stirling group?
10 points camo. now...in which group would you find brigades whose brigade name begins with (e.g. S = stirling, A = aldgate, B = bridgewater etc) the letters: Y, R, P, M, I, H, C.
hehe, good luck
Southern Fleurieu.
Rapid Bay
Inman Valley
Hay Flat
Cape Jervis
What are the three sizes of delivery hose in use by CFS
Question: What year was the 1st EFS Volunteer Training School established in SA
Question: Who established this school.
Clue: The answer is in THE VOLUNTEER magazine. (Volume 2)
QuoteWhat are the three sizes of delivery hose in use by CFS
Quote from: aust_fire1 on December 07, 2006, 08:41:07 AM
Question: What year was the 1st EFS Volunteer Training School established in SA
Question: Who established this school.
Clue: The answer is in THE VOLUNTEER magazine. (Volume 2)
Without looking at the Vollie mag im gonna say Mt Lofy Ranges Training Centre and ill say Fred Kerr even though im pretty sure thats wrong.
Quote from: CFS_Firey on December 07, 2006, 09:45:32 AM
QuoteWhat are the three sizes of delivery hose in use by CFS
10m points CFS_Firey :-D
Well done with Who established it. That was Mr F.L.Kerr.
I am not sure where the 1st training centre was.
I am looking for the Year.
Clue: F.L.Kerr retired in 1979 so it must be before that date.
Burnside also use 50mm and I have also (unconfirmed) been told that Blackwood do too.... Someone may be able to confirm / deny this.....
Quote from: aust_fire1 on December 08, 2006, 04:39:04 AM
Well done with Who established it. That was Mr F.L.Kerr.
I am not sure where the 1st training centre was.
I am looking for the Year.
Clue: F.L.Kerr retired in 1979 so it must be before that date.
Silly me cant read.
Quote from: skirkmoe on December 08, 2006, 09:07:42 AM
Burnside also use 50mm and I have also (unconfirmed) been told that Blackwood do too.... Someone may be able to confirm / deny this.....
And we use 18mm too
garden hoses? :-P
Quote from: Ryan on December 09, 2006, 03:59:54 PM
garden hoses? :-P
Close!! 18mm with High Pressure Pump on our 14. 130 metres of line on the reel. We are in Mountain Goat country, and use this up and down the steep hills. Also, High Pressure gun on the end, conserves water very well
Many sizes by the looks but not all CFS standard :-D
How many Type 2 Pumpers are in service with CFS?
Eden Hills
Happy Valley
Mount Barker Rescue
Murray Bridge Pumper
But what about Naracoorte? Isn't that classed as a Type II as well? All be it an earlier version.
And Nuri
Of course, Nuri. Just didn't write that one in. So that is 7 plus Naracoorte (if it counts). I don't think Stirling counts as a type 2?.
Oh yeah forgot about the bridge having one :roll:
Type 2 is just the design name given to it as it originated in the NSWFB.
So Naracoorte and Stirling wouldnt be a type 2 Pumper although they may have nearly the same specs?
No Naracoorte is not a type two pumper hope when we get this one replaced that we get a type two....By the way we hope to get our pumper back next week and that way when can send the region 24 away for some TLC.....
Quote from: calspec on December 15, 2006, 10:57:25 PM
Of course, Nuri. Just didn't write that one in. So that is 7 plus Naracoorte (if it counts). I don't think Stirling counts as a type 2?.
7 is the correct answer
According to SEM promotional CD
10 points :-D
Quote from: 5271rescue on December 16, 2006, 09:04:30 AM
No Naracoorte is not a type two pumper hope when we get this one replaced that we get a type two....By the way we hope to get our pumper back next week and that way when can send the region 24 away for some TLC.....
Dont hold your breath Bill. By the time you get a new pumper the Type 2's will have passed and they will be onto some new design.
yep type 4 pumper
Quote from: 5271rescue on December 16, 2006, 01:25:32 PM
yep type 4 pumper
One just like Mt Buller would suit ya. Never get bogged again.
As said in this thread (http://www.safirefighter.com/index.php?option=com_smf&Itemid=53&topic=663.msg12981), a "Type 2 pumper" is actually a (NSW) "Pumper class 2" (http://www.nswfb.nsw.gov.au/education/equipment/vehicles/pumpers/pumper_class_2.php). Stirling and Mt Barker pumpers' would be "Pumper Class 3" (http://www.nswfb.nsw.gov.au/education/equipment/vehicles/pumpers/pumper_class_3.htm) or "Pumper Class 4" (http://www.nswfb.nsw.gov.au/education/equipment/vehicles/pumpers/pumper_class_4_scania.htm). I'm not sure how they work out the class of their pumpers, but I think its based on pump capacity and truck size, rather than who builds it, or what make the chassis is... (If that clears anything up! :-P)
How many brigades and volunteers are there in Region 5?
I won't answer the whole question (I'll let someone else answer some of it...!)
However, as of 31st July 2006, I reckon there were about 1862 fire fighters, 551 Auxiliary and 72 Cadets..... :-D
heres a current one
as of 0600 hours this morning, how many hectares is it estimated that was burnt at mt bold
around 1700 hectares
IIRC a media release around 12:30am put it at about 1600 Hectares. CFS Firey's suggestion of around 1700H by 6am sounds pretty good.
and growing too :|
5000 Hectares now :-o
Since been revised to 2000 hectares
Quote5000 Hectares now
Ah I don't think so...
hmmm... shouldn't some more questions be put on here... i c it hasn't been used for a while...
i was enjoying watching the questions going up then answers being debated about lol... :-D :-D
ur a stirrer! :evil:
How many firefighters does it take to change a smoke alarm battery?
ok how many camo
Quote from: SA Firey on January 09, 2007, 10:47:43 PM
How many brigades and volunteers are there in Region 5?
81 brigades and 2613 volunteers :-D
How many brigades and volunteers are there in Region 2? :wink:
Quote from: wilma on January 28, 2007, 09:32:02 AM
ok how many camo
Well at least 4 to ride the truck (as per sops) and at least two to change the battery. One on the ladder and one footing the ladder. :-D
Sorry that was pretty lame.
Quote from: SA Firey on January 28, 2007, 09:48:00 AM
How many brigades and volunteers are there in Region 2? :wink:
Counted 84 brigades....
AND there would hav 2 b 3064 volunteers
i could even say there r 11 groups 2!!!
:-) :-)
wow how smart am i?? lol (i think just 2 much time on my hands)!! :-D :-D
Quote from: loopylou on January 27, 2007, 10:04:39 PM
ur a stirrer! :evil:
lol.. i try to be :evil: :evil: :evil:
Quote from: lilmiss_firey on January 28, 2007, 09:12:37 PM
Quote from: SA Firey on January 28, 2007, 09:48:00 AM
How many brigades and volunteers are there in Region 2? :wink:
Counted 84 brigades....
AND there would hav 2 b 3064 volunteers
i could even say there r 11 groups 2!!!
:-) :-)
wow how smart am i?? lol (i think just 2 much time on my hands)!! :-D :-D
10 points lil_missfirey 8-)
Q: In BA what does METOPDOG stand for / mean (roughly)
Quote from: CFS_Firey on January 29, 2007, 09:59:04 AM
Q: In BA what does METOPDOG stand for / mean (roughly)
M=Minimum of 170 Bar
E=Report to ECO
T=Teams of two personnel
O=OIC kept informed
P=Personal DSU takes priority over incident activities
D=Don in Fresh Air
O=One out all out
G=Guidelines consider use
Name three methods of hosework using CFB techniques?
gas cool, paint, pencil
Which CFS Brigade has the most appliances?
are we talking in total housed at that brigade?
both Stirling and Burnside have 5 (but in Burnside's case 2 are state resources).
well i thought it would have been Stirling as i wouldn't have counted Burnsides car.
I would of thought Dalkeith would be up there with their 14,24,24P,34P and hazmat appliance.
Dalkeith don't actually have there 34p yet. I know from a friend that they are training on it at the moment, what with the monitor and Hydralic Pump. Dalkeith 34P will replace there 24P which is going to be refurbished.
All appliances are state resources now.
Quote from: alphaone on March 16, 2007, 01:52:40 PM
Dalkeith don't actually have there 34p yet. I know from a friend that they are training on it at the moment, what with the monitor and Hydralic Pump. Dalkeith 34P will replace there 24P which is going to be refurbished.
Thay dont have 34P at present its been sitting at NE Isuzu for quite a while gathering dust :-P
it was at there station today
Must have only just got it back then
Ok here are a few CFS quiz qu.
1. What speed are you allowed to do through roadworks sign-posted at 25km/hr while responding priority one?
2. Approximately how far from burning cannabis should a staging area be setup?
3. What's the proword to use when you didn't quite catch a transmission? (minus points will be issued...)
4. Do CFS personnel have authority to order residents to evacuate?
1. I don't yet drive
2. ???
3. "say again"
4. i would say we don't
25kph no excuses
as close as possible HAHAHA
say again
with that last one, under the old Country fires act doesn't an officer have the authority to take control over any property... i would assume that the SAFECOM act would be the same...?? if this is so wouldnt they be able to order someone off the land??
Hmmm, not quite, anymore takers?
Bittenyakka gets 10 points for answer to 3.
So glad you didn't say "repeat" :-D
Quote from: Pixie on March 18, 2007, 07:51:56 PM
with that last one, under the old Country fires act doesn't an officer have the authority to take control over any property... i would assume that the SAFECOM act would be the same...?? if this is so wouldn't they be able to order someone off the land??
Officers may have had the authority to enter property, break into property under certain circumstances, take control of things like power / gas etc, and can turn it off / arrange to turn it off, but CFS has NEVER had the power to forcibly remove a person from their property (and hopefully CFS won't ever have that power.)
Police do not have the power to forcibly remove people either...although under certain circumstances, they can prevent people returning to an area......
Its amazing what the words "get out" will do with a gun in your hands. :-D
Oh and a police uniform :roll:
LOL Camo if we can't get a Halligan I doubt they'll give us a gun :-D
10 points for Pip, under normal circumstances we can't force anyone to evacuate their property. However there is a particular circumstance under which CFS does have the authority to order an evacuation....any other takers?
Hey Wilma I missed your reply in there, sorry - yes indeed 10 points to Wilma for answer to qu 1. Roadworks sign posted at 25km/hr must be traversed at 25km/hr even under a priority one response. Same with operating school crossings.
Unfortunately those 10 points will be taken away after seeing Wilma's answer to qu 2 :roll:
OK then what is the distance then blue Ive never heard of it to be honest :cry:
would that one circumstance be HAZMAT...??
1. As previously said, 25kmh
2. Down wind, only joking. Up wind, 20 meters away
3. Say again
4. NO
20m is too close. I think you'll find it somewhere in the COSO's.
2.150M uphill and upwind from burning cannabis
3.Say again
Top marks for SA Firey :-D
The circumstances where CFS can order an evacuation (although it is CFS policy to avoid doing so) is when a declaration is made under the Emergency Management Act 2004. Although the way the legislation reads, it would seem that to enact those powers we would all need ID Cards...
Next question please :)
I know we have asked which is the buisiest brigade but which is the buisiest group?
Quote from: bittenyakka on April 23, 2007, 04:47:11 PM
I know we have asked which is the buisiest brigade but which is the buisiest group?
My guess would be:
1) Para Group (Salisbury & Dalkeith both score well)
2) Mawson Group (Happy Valley & Morphett Vale both do well also)
Quote from: Camo on April 23, 2007, 06:52:23 PM
Quote from: bittenyakka on April 23, 2007, 04:47:11 PM
I know we have asked which is the buisiest brigade but which is the buisiest group?
My guess would be:
1) Para Group (Salisbury & Dalkeith both score well)
2) Mawson Group (Happy Valley & Morphett Vale both do well also)
I do believe and also taking last years stats that ...
**drum roll please**
Para group would be the busiest group - with a pretty large total of 1109 calls last year (give or take a few)
Closely followed by
Mawson group with also a large total of 987 calls last year (also give or take a few)!!!!
(that did include stop-calls!! - i might add...)
:-D :-D
and i do believe if i can work out that... i do hav far 2 much time on my hands!!! :-P :-P :evil:
Who was the latest brigade to receive a new 34P?
Quote from: SA Firey on May 03, 2007, 11:04:53 PM
Who was the latest brigade to receive a new 34P?
I guess no-one knows? :?
Or perhaps they just keep appearing so were unsure what 'latest' should refer to :lol:
At that stage it was Sellicks 34
Quote from: SA Firey on May 22, 2007, 09:39:11 PM
At that stage it was Sellicks 34
Well thats a bit different considering you asked which 34P was the latest to be delivered.... :-D
Jamestown, ceduna, and 8 more to go
Paringa got a new one according to the promo site
Paringa got a 34....although I reckon Mallala would be the latest 34 (got it today...)and the one before that would have been Jervois....
Not sure what is happening with the 34P's...to my knowledge, Ceduna got the first 34P of this build, followed closely by Jamestown...not aware of any others that have been delivered at this stage....
Mount graham(wattle range) should have theres this week once they fix it.....Yes its sitting in moores stuck in 4wd not bad for a new appliances....
Not quite Bill. :-D You know what im talking about.
good on ya :lol:
How many cartoon fire fighters can people think of?
eg. Fireman Sam
and have they all been portrayed as male?
well there is
station officer Steel
and that is about the limit of it.
Name all the brigades affiliated with CFS but are crewed by others services (example: a certain brigade up north at a certain creek)
*Olympic Dam Emergency Service
*National Parks and Wildlife
*Forestry SA
Quote from: Robert34 on June 05, 2007, 03:50:38 PM
*Olympic Dam Emergency Service
*National Parks and Wildlife
*Forestry SA
ok, but i'm after where each of these brigades are.
There are also a couple that are set up as CFS brigades that respond to all types of calls like we do. Who are they and where are they?
Is it Leigh Creeek :-D
There are a number of "Industrial Brigades" in the State, which do not follow the CFS structure, and are not strictly affiliated with CFS (although they are often crewed by people who are CFS Volunteers in another life...)
Carter Holt Harvey Nangwarry and the Australian Submarine Corporation have brigades as well :-D
Moomba I believe now has a brigade, as do many of the Private Plantations - particularly on Kangaroo Island, and in the South East.....some may follow the CFS structure, although many work in a similar was to private farm units...
Some include
Green Triangle Forest Products
ITC ( i think)
Quote from: pipster on June 06, 2007, 01:42:38 PM
Moomba I believe now has a brigade,
I am lead to believe, by a relative who works at Moomba, that all their emergancy responses, training, etc, is done by Santos Fire and Emergancy Services employees. I may be wrong, and if so I will stand corrected, however that is what my cousin told me.
yep that is correct.
DEH at mambray Creek also respond to all types of CFS calls, as opposed to just vegetation fires.
Quote from: uniden on June 06, 2007, 03:14:03 PM
Some include
Green Triangle Forest Products
ITC ( i think)
You left out Statewide Forest Services as well :wink:
Quote from: uniden on June 06, 2007, 03:14:03 PM
Some include
Green Triangle Forest Products
ITC ( i think)
ITC = yes, part of Wattle Range group.
Timbercorp = no. They put slip-ons on their utes. Some have been CFS/CFA trained, but are not a brigade & don't seem to have really regisitered their existence with the CFS. They are also instructed by their hierarchy not to fight a fire unless it's on Timbercorp land (for insurance purposes).
Have seen some larger Timbercorp appliances. Looked like ex VIC NRE Isuzu`s.
Yes, you're right uniden. I remembered that half way through the avo.
Quote from: probationary one on June 05, 2007, 03:54:47 PM
Quote from: Robert34 on June 05, 2007, 03:50:38 PM
*Olympic Dam Emergency Service
*National Parks and Wildlife
*Forestry SA
OD emergency services isn't affiliated with SACFS at all, we have Mutual aid agreements with them thats about it, but on say that word on that grapevine is that may change to a Leigh creek setup.
Quote from: alphaone on June 06, 2007, 03:52:35 PM
Quote from: pipster on June 06, 2007, 01:42:38 PM
Moomba I believe now has a brigade,
I am lead to believe, by a relative who works at Moomba, that all their emergancy responses, training, etc, is done by Santos Fire and Emergancy Services employees. I may be wrong, and if so I will stand corrected, however that is what my cousin told me.
Thats correct, the ESO's at Moomba are their own "service" so to speak, and have nothing to do with the CFS.
Affirmative about Moomba, they are hired through Chubb.
Are you sure? .. - I know that is the case at Whyalla at the Port Bonython(sp) SANTOS site, but thought the ESO's at MOOMBA were santos employees.. ??
You could be quite correct though...
One of my mates is going for an eso job up there he put me down as a referree and a lady from chubb rang me up.
Oh ok.. Learn something new everyday.. :-)
Just speaking to a mate from Moomba.. - He is under the impression that the Fulltime Firies are SANTOS employees, but Temps or extras are sourced through Chubb.. some then offered permanent positions with SANTOS after a duration of service..
lol.. This is a good trivia question anyway ! hehe
Yeah that sounds right as he is applying for a 3 month temp job with hopefully fulltime work to follow
Where do i go and sign up as i've been after a job like that for ages :-D
Unable to just "signup" rob. - You would have to apply when the positions are advertised. - Keep your eye on the paper or sites like careerone and seek.
- Goodluck.
Or have firefighters from your station in the job :wink:
Q. Which brigade can say that they have a pokies venue at their station???
A .
Quote from: rescue5271 on October 24, 2007, 04:20:15 PM
Q. Which brigade can say that they have a pokies venue at their station???
A .
Quote from: rescue5271 on October 24, 2007, 04:20:15 PM
Q. Which brigade can say that they have a pokies venue at their station???
A .
You mean what station has a pokies licence, or which station has room for pokies? If the latter is the case, I agree with 6793264, Multiple!
No I mean which brigade HAS attached to its station a pokies venue...
I'm going with Morphett Vale, they have a bar, function centre and pokies connected to their station. I think it's all part of the same community club facility.
kangarilla have the footy clubrooms attached i don't know if there are pokies in there tho
Quote from: Crankster 34 on October 25, 2007, 12:52:44 PM
I'm going with Morphett Vale, they have a bar, function centre and pokies connected to their station. I think it's all part of the same community club facility.
Yep i reckon your on a winner there. No pokies at Kangys though.
Well done crank....
Does anyone know how many actual strike teams (of appliances) went to KI for the last lot of fires?
Quote from: CFS_Firey on December 17, 2007, 09:37:04 PM
Does anyone know how many actual strike teams (of appliances) went to KI for the last lot of fires?
ell at the peak i believe there was 200 trucks on the island
Now lets translate that to alarm levels...
i think
should cover it!!
Blue, In regards to your post earlier about what speed can emergency services vehicles travel through roadworks (even though we have discussed this personally thought i would post here for others!!. I will use school crossings as an example because they are are similar to roadworks. i was informed recently by a policeman who came to school for road traffic training for my students that emergency service vehicles travelling P1 (lights and sirens) are exempt from all standard road laws except driving with undue care. so watch out because the little kiddies with the lollipops are trained (and do) write down number plates and all other relevant details of people not driving properly through crossings and forward onto police.
This is really a catch 22 situation as speeding through a school crossing is generally driving with undue care.
And also someone may be able to correct me, but i believe that standard SOP's instruct MFS/CFS drivers to adhere where possible to speed limiting??
So let me know if any of these details are wrong anyone, but thats what ive been told by police.
CFS COSO 8 states clearly 25 k/mh through school crossings and roadworks...no exceptions :wink:
wow, quick reply, thanks for that.
Was pretty much what i was thinking
So footy,slow down on those road works at compton.....
Quote from: rescue5271 on January 23, 2008, 04:14:47 AM
So footy,slow down on those road works at Compton.....
Lots of camera's out there at the road works and the un marked cop car....
nope, no speeding fines on my books...
and road works at compton? yeah right. I didn't think anything got built at Compton, ive heard about a certain shed that should have been completed for over a year now.
Anyway, won't catch me around compton for a while... i'm now hassling those in blue in the land of the river!!
How long ya up there for????
Won a permanent job teaching up here which is very exciting. Not sure how long I will be up here, i think i have to be here at least 3 years.
On another note, is it only region 5 who sends out weather messages during fire danger season?
Sure looks like it.......
So Footy when are you going to change your display picture to a red truck..lol.
hmm red truck, that would imply that i'll be joining the mets up here??
maybe my new truck will be a hybrid like blue's truck. Half white Half Red??
Anyone know the current count of active fire fighters in the CFS?
Not enough?
what about Active & Regular well trained Fireground Firefighter's?
Both very helpful and insightful contributions. Thank you gentlemen. (Assuming of course, that numbers is male....)
From the 2007-2008 CFS Annual Report
Firefighters 11 026
Operational support members 3 677
Cadet members 1 008
Staff (full-time equivalents) 102
Brigades 422
HAZMAT brigades 33
Road crash rescue brigades 68
Regions 6
Groups 52
Hmmm, that number looks a little optimistic to me.... Would be nice if it was right though!
Quote from: CFS_Firey on January 12, 2009, 03:18:16 PM
Hmmm, that number looks a little optimistic to me.... Would be nice if it was right though!
Half plus 7 ;)
Quote from: Zippy on January 12, 2009, 03:33:25 PM
Quote from: CFS_Firey on January 12, 2009, 03:18:16 PM
Hmmm, that number looks a little optimistic to me.... Would be nice if it was right though!
Half plus 7 ;)
Unless you're 13 or younger. ;)
I'd say you could slash the 11000 by about half, to give you a rough number.
I'm sure someone out there can answer this for me!
What does "SARC CANT" stand for in relation to pager messages sent out
Thankyou and stay cool
State Air Resource Co-ordinator "Mr. Cant"
Thanks for that swift reply
Shouldn't be too hard, but some may not know....
Q)What were the following stations previously called?
Station '30' now Oakden
Station '31' now Golden Grove
Quote from: Hazmat206 on March 30, 2009, 09:46:20 AM
Shouldn't be too hard, but some may not know....
Q)What were the following stations previously called?
Station '30' now Oakden
Station '31' now Golden Grove
Quote from: SA Firey on March 30, 2009, 10:55:26 AM
Quote from: Hazmat206 on March 30, 2009, 09:46:20 AM
Shouldn't be too hard, but some may not know....
Q)What were the following stations previously called?
Station '30' now Oakden
Station '31' now Golden Grove
Here's one for you.
Who was Station 23, and who took their place as a new station.
was that norwood, now beulah park 21?
No,it's always been Beulah Park
23 was thebarton.
Hazmat206 - beulah are only 12 months old, and never existed before hand.
Sorry, didn't even see the question! :lol:
Quote from: Alex on March 30, 2009, 05:09:06 PM
23 was Thebarton.
Hazmat206 - beulah are only 12 months old, and never existed before hand.
We have a WINNER :wink:
What was the old Glen Osmond appliance callsign when it ran a C1600 ACCO Pumper?
whiskey oscar foxtrot tango alpha mike?
Quote from: SA Firey on June 06, 2009, 11:03:39 AM
Quote from: Alex on March 30, 2009, 05:09:06 PM
23 was Thebarton.
Hazmat206 - beulah are only 12 months old, and never existed before hand.
We have a WINNER :wink:
Oh Alex you only answered one half of the question :-D
Quote from: SA Firey on June 17, 2009, 03:47:53 PM
Quote from: SA Firey on June 06, 2009, 11:03:39 AM
Quote from: Alex on March 30, 2009, 05:09:06 PM
23 was Thebarton.
Hazmat206 - beulah are only 12 months old, and never existed before hand.
We have a WINNER :wink:
Oh Alex you only answered one half of the question :-D
Brooklyn Park
21 was North Adelaide, 22 was originally Norwood, then Glynde, which was once 36. Angle Park 36 was once 26. Does anyone remember what Station 34 was?
Was Glynde once called Firle or is this just my imagination?
Quote21 was North Adelaide, 22 was originally Norwood, then Glynde, which was once 36. Angle Park 36 was once 26. Does anyone remember what Station 34 was?
A big guess, was it Penfield ??
Quote from: mattb on June 18, 2009, 08:26:13 PM
Quote21 was North Adelaide, 22 was originally Norwood, then Glynde, which was once 36. Angle Park 36 was once 26. Does anyone remember what Station 34 was?
A big guess, was it Penfield ??
Correct Matt :-D
Quote from: Hazmat206 on June 18, 2009, 06:32:44 PM
Was Glynde once called Firle or is this just my imagination?
Negative always Glynde, your imagination is running wild :lol:
What was unique about Fleet 48, and where was it stationed? :-D