SA Firefighter

General Discussion => Forum Suggestions => Topic started by: Damien on September 15, 2006, 12:56:51 PM

Title: Gallery
Post by: Damien on September 15, 2006, 12:56:51 PM
im not sure where to post this so ill post it here :)

i tried uploading some pictures that i have of a gas bullet

but its not letting me upload, i press upload and it comes up with some error
Title: Re: Gallery
Post by: Damien on September 15, 2006, 12:58:36 PM
comes up with this error

Warning: move_uploaded_file(/home/safire/public_html/components/com_ponygallery/img_pictures/originals/user_420_gb1.jpg) [function.move-uploaded-file]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/safire/public_html/administrator/components/com_ponygallery/common.ponygallery.php on line 41

Warning: move_uploaded_file() [function.move-uploaded-file]: Unable to move '/tmp/phpQ7xrDO' to '/home/safire/public_html/components/com_ponygallery/img_pictures/originals/user_420_gb1.jpg' in /home/safire/public_html/administrator/components/com_ponygallery/common.ponygallery.php on line 41
Filename bad, or unable to copy uploaded image to originals directory.
Title: Re: Gallery
Post by: Firefrog on September 15, 2006, 01:06:13 PM
We have locked down some security functions and forgot to test the gallery software.

Will look into it...... :-D
Title: Re: Gallery
Post by: Damien on September 15, 2006, 01:36:58 PM
thanks firefrog :)
Title: Re: Gallery
Post by: Firefrog on October 02, 2006, 11:28:19 AM
A new gallery is coming - In testing now. If we like it it will be implemented otherwise the search continues.