SA Firefighter

General Discussion => Forum Suggestions => Topic started by: Darius on August 09, 2006, 01:11:51 PM

Title: incorrect link
Post by: Darius on August 09, 2006, 01:11:51 PM

when I click "show all unread posts since last visit" and it says there are none, so then I click on the option to "click here to try all unread topics", the link is:;all;start=0 (;all;start=0)
however clicking it takes me to a page that says there are "no messages...".
Title: Re: incorrect link
Post by: Firefrog on August 09, 2006, 04:30:37 PM
Please log out then clear your cookies, Then log back in. A new cookie should fix this up.
Title: Re: incorrect link
Post by: Darius on August 09, 2006, 07:49:25 PM

no it's no different.  However it when it says "no messages" I'm wondering if it's just bad wording and should say "no posts" as it appears under "unread topics", but the way it says "no messages" implies it's referring to personal messages.  Got what I mean...
Title: Re: incorrect link
Post by: Firefrog on August 09, 2006, 09:50:47 PM
If you have read everything on the forum or have clicked "mark all read" Then when you go to show all unread posts it will say no messages, all are marked as read.

To see your private messages click the link near your user name in the login form.

I hope this makes sense..... :-D
Title: Re: incorrect link
Post by: Alan (Big Al) on August 09, 2006, 10:55:46 PM
If you load up the website then click out of it for whatever reason and then get back on the site the unread messages have dissapeared even though they are unread is this meant to happen??
Title: Re: incorrect link
Post by: Firefrog on August 10, 2006, 10:23:39 AM
Well yes and no. If you click "unread since last visit" you see only those posts that have been made since you where last on the site. To see a list of everything that you have not read on any of your visits you click the "show all unread" button.

Title: Re: incorrect link
Post by: Darius on August 10, 2006, 11:11:25 AM
Quote from: Firefrog on August 09, 2006, 09:50:47 PM
If you have read everything on the forum or have clicked "mark all read" Then when you go to show all unread posts it will say no messages, all are marked as read.

To see your private messages click the link near your user name in the login form.

I hope this makes sense..... :-D

yes it does, however I haven't clicked "mark all read" and I know I haven't read every post as there are whole threads I haven't read (like the word association one) since very early in the thread when I decided it was of no interest to me.

there appears to be a confusing double use of the word "messages", ie. one use is referring to private messages but another use is sometimes referring to posts or topics.
Title: Re: incorrect link
Post by: Firefrog on August 10, 2006, 12:22:46 PM
Yes the word messages could be misleading. In this context it is referring to new posts in the forum.
Title: Re: incorrect link
Post by: corecutters on August 11, 2006, 12:05:08 PM
I had a similar problem with the "Mark as Read" feature.. It now seems to be working :).
Title: Re: incorrect link
Post by: SA Firey on August 26, 2006, 02:43:39 PM
You have been deleted from the system you are the WEAKEST LINK :-D :lol: :-D :-D