Here is one for you firefrog, How private are our private messages? Can you look at them yourself?, I did notice while looking at "who's on-line," it said you were "reading their messages." what does this mean because it could go both ways, as yours, or ours?
Technically speaking it is possible for me to read PM's but that would involve digging into the database and well that is just too hard. Plus it's just not my style. There is no web interface that allows moderators or Administrators to read other people's PM's.
A Private message is just that a private communication between two or more members. What you saw in whos online was me reading PM's sent to me from others... :-D
You can feel safe knowing we don't read your PM's! :-)
Yes I Have Sent A Few Discussing Emergency 3, And Fire Captain 2 / Fire Department 2 Games.