HB 76-2004 : Dangerous goods - Initial emergency response guide has been released August 2004. Previous version was 1997.
Provides emergency response information for dealing with accidents, spills, leaks or fires involving dangerous goods. Information on hazards, protective clothing and emergency procedures is given. This Handbook may be used with the transport or storage of dangerous goods as listed in the 6th edition of the ADG Code and the 13th edition of the UN 'Orange book'. The lists of UN Numbers and Shipping names correspond with those in the aforementioned documents, and are referenced to the appropriate emergency response guides.
So does anybody know if CFS Brigades have had these distributed? We received one per appliance when the last one was released but I haven't seen this update yet. :roll: I've seen plenty of the old old ones in appliances (pre 1997).
HI Kat! - Welcome to the forum.
I have spoken to Wayne Atkins (Senior State Training Officer CFS) he assured me that CFS has ordered them. Don't know anything about delivery time but if we hear anything we will post an update.
I understand that the guides are being distributed now. Has anyone had theirs arrive?
Yes ours arrived last week. Looks like one per Brigade rather than one per appliance. It's usurped it's predecessor in the yellow pocket!
Does this replace the blue book or another publication already out???? :?
all new books are in service in the Naracoorte group and the old one's have all been collected,the new books where used at a BFF1 course that was just run in the region.
I found the latest version of the ERG BOOK that was given out to HAZMAT Brigades is available in PDF form,,Having installed it on our station computer it is of great backup importance,logistically and also as we have 2 units,one hazmayt the other RCR,,one book only was constricting. Pt Wakefield Brigade is using this form under the canopy of logistics,and have had many inquiries from other groups that think this is the way of the future,as it stops the tying up of the radio operator in the trucks at a scene,,also if the truck without the book arrives on the scene and has to radio SOC for info before proceeding at a scene,,cheers this is a great communication tool for brigade ideas information swapping :P
So where do we get this in PDF format?
at hazmat.comkat,,about a 2meg download,,if not posted there,ill send it tto you if need be
Any chance you can provide a link?? am having a bit of difficulty finding the site in reference???
if you go to http://hazmat.dot.gov/pubs/erg2004/erg2004.pdf with this you can download the 2.8meg file or view it on line,,or go to main site at
http://hazmat.dot.gov/pubs/erg2004/gydebook.htm cheers all ...jim_ptwakefield
Cheers Jim
Very handy, have already given a copy to brigades in the area......