SA Firefighter

Technical Discussion => ALL Rescue => Topic started by: rescue5271 on February 01, 2005, 11:29:09 AM

Title: joint rescue comp
Post by: rescue5271 on February 01, 2005, 11:29:09 AM
How many RCR brigades are going into this comp to be help at wayville show ground in March.Its a joint ses/cfs/mfs? we are are trying to get a crew together so this may be fun?
Title: joint rescue comp
Post by: kat on February 01, 2005, 07:02:49 PM
They are great to watch!! We've only participated once; a small competition at Coonalpyn that only had Stirling, Coonalpyn, Blackwood and Tailem Bend. It's a really good training exercise but it may be a bit imitimidating for crews new to the comps process. The experienced comps crews know all things the judges are scoring on (and have competed at national level) But I'm sure you'll be provided with all the appropriate documentation. There's a bit more to it all than competent rescue evolutions  :) I'd be really keen to do something like that on a Regional level but I guess they're pretty resource intensive. Good luck, I really hope Naracoorte get in a nomination and I am sure will get a lot out of the experience.
Title: RCR Comps
Post by: fire03rescue on March 16, 2005, 02:44:31 PM
I think that the wining teams from all 3 services will go to New Zeland in October
Title: joint rescue comp
Post by: Mike on March 23, 2005, 04:15:37 PM
A team will be going to NZ at least........
Discount rates will be available to any member wanting to go have a look at the comps, just need to show CFS ID.......

Should be a great weekend :D
Post by: rescue5271 on March 28, 2005, 06:42:51 PM
:cry: Well we have had to pull out of the comp due to a team member's work with harvest in the vine's so next year is looking good Hope all that are going will have a good time and enjoy the day's in the sun
Title: Re: RCR COMP
Post by: corocfs on March 31, 2005, 06:22:23 PM
Quote from: rescue5271:cry: Well we have had to pull out of the comp due to a team member's work with harvest in the vine's so next year is looking good Hope all that are going will have a good time and enjoy the day's in the sun

i hope you have informed the organisers of the competition of your withdrawal. if you havent and then dont rock up, there will be hell to pay, and cyhances are your brigade will get fined the costs of un-used accomadation and meals.
Title: joint rescue comp
Post by: corocfs on April 04, 2005, 12:00:34 PM
Results for Overall Comp.

1st  place: Salisbury MFS
2nd Place: Blackwood CFS
3rd Place: Laura SES

i'll find out more of the results and post along with some pics in the pic section if its wanted..
Title: joint rescue comp
Post by: FF_Rayner on April 04, 2005, 08:05:50 PM
Quote from: corocfs
i'll find out more of the results and post along with some pics in the pic section if its wanted..

Yes plz
Title: RCR Comps
Post by: fire03rescue on April 05, 2005, 11:39:07 AM
What did you think of the RCR Comps  :?:  :?:

I would like to see more CFS brigades have a go :!:
Title: joint rescue comp
Post by: strikeathird on April 05, 2005, 04:12:02 PM
Salisbury MFS 1st
Blackwood CFS 2nd
Laura SES 3rd

Salisbury MFS - Winner of Best Medic
Salisbury MFS - Winner of Best Team Leader
Sailsbury MFS - Winner of Rapid Section
Blackwood CFS - Winner of Limited Section
Riverland MFS - Winner of Unlimited Section.

Some awesome work done by all teams!!  Particularly the Riverland MFS - Who did a fantastic cutout in a very difficult situation!!

(Please correct the above if they are incorect... Can't quite remember if the last 2 are correct)
Title: joint rescue comp
Post by: Good times on April 05, 2005, 08:40:20 PM
More impressive for the Riverland boys is the fact they are not rescue!!
SES do all rescue in the riverland.
Title: joint rescue comp
Post by: Mike on April 05, 2005, 11:12:34 PM
Any chance of getting a few pics posted..... was 4wd over near Ceduna and missed out.... Were there many new idea's being tried out this year??
Title: joint rescue comp
Post by: mengcfs on April 07, 2005, 10:45:30 AM
Enfield SES have some pics on their website.
Title: joint rescue comp
Post by: strikeathird on April 13, 2005, 03:12:20 PM
In the pics on the Enfield SES site, one of them shows an SES member with " MEDIC " on her helmet...  Are they trained Paramedics in the SES ranks... Or are they allowed to put that on there with Sen. First Aid qualifications...??

Just curious... In case I come across one of these members with MEDIC on the helmet on a job, I will be aware of what degree of First Aid training they have....

(I would doubt it would be only Sen. First Aid... as then Every second person would have the word MEDIC spralled across there helmet)!
Title: joint rescue comp
Post by: Mike on April 13, 2005, 11:30:37 PM
I think you'll find its there for competition purposes only (as there is a dedicated medic put into the vehicle). SES generally dont have any markings on their helmets (aside from names and the occasional "RESCUE" sticker.

You shouldnt be seeing anything like that in the field....
Title: joint rescue comp
Post by: strikeathird on April 16, 2005, 05:16:09 PM