I would like to hear some feed back on level one gear(wildfire) what do people think of it,what are groups giving their members and wear and tear does it provide effective protection. Our group is looking at only buying nomex for level 1 jobs and level 3 gear for all CABA members.
Get in quick and buy the level 1 and 3 nomex gear. I thought that after 1 Jan this year you could only purchase the new turnout gear, which is hot as hell :evil:
I would like to find out if this is correct :?:
Id reccomend level 3 nomex for all members wether they are BA operators or not. our whole group wears nothing but level 3 nomex all year artound to any incident.
For BA jobs it is worn with the liner and for grassfires or hot weather jobs the liners are taken out. Quick and easy to change.
Level 3 gear offers more protection than the level 1 i feel. and at any job it provides enough comfort depending on how it is worn (with or without liners).
Ive also heard that the nomex gear isnt going to be available soon, so you'll probly have to move wuick if your group wants it
thanks all for your reply,I understand there are a few problems with the new level 3 gear,mainly that it has to go back to adelaide for cleaning,that direct sun light will harm it? Funny I always thought we spent alot of time in the sun. We have been informed that you can not buy the new gear(L3)??????????????
I've heard that Regions are putting a stop on Brigades buying up on current Level 3 nomex gear and are going to ensure that they buy the new stuff as we have to met the Australian Standards now in place and if we don't then we're probably in breach of the OHS&W act! Bugger cos the new stuff is really hot, and you'll probably have to take 2 sets of gear to some jobs (ie Wildfire in Urban areas...) :oops: <= we 'll end up a bit red faced, and not from embassment, rather heat!
Well why don't we use the SAMFS idea and issue all FF with the new Level 3 gear with a nomex work shirt suitable for fighting rural incidents, then it takes away the need for 2 sets of gear, just thinking out loud.......
i wouldnt mind seeing CFS members being issued with a lightweight nomex type shirt. but yeh, otherwise BA operators will probably be required to take theyre structure gear to every job they do even if theyre not wearing it, just on the chance theyll need it....
hmmm a second thought...
the only thing with having structural gear and a rural workshirt type thing.
this would mean that everyone would definitely have to wear structure pants at least to a rural incident (or VA) and it would also mean that arriving at the station for a call, you wouldnt just have pull on 2piece, you'd have to change your shirt... could pose issues.
From what I have seen, the SAMFS guys just chuck the shirt on top of thier day wear and put thier pants on, it wouldn't be hard to leave most buttons done up and slip it over the top, a lot of us now leave t-shirts at the station so no biggy. All you have to do then is bring the jacket and leave it in the truck until its needed.