SA Firefighter

General Discussion => SAMFS => Topic started by: PF_ on February 19, 2006, 09:15:32 PM

Title: Moore's Engineering
Post by: PF_ on February 19, 2006, 09:15:32 PM
Does anybody know what kind of mechanics work on the firetrucks at Moore's?  Is it a normal mechanic or Diesel mechanic. 

Am curious to know as might do work placement there if I cant get into an MFS for a work placement.    Kinda like work experience, but different, as have to do qualifications and have OHS certificates etc.
Title: Re: Moore's Engineering
Post by: medevac on February 19, 2006, 09:34:04 PM
i would presume desiel mechanics...
Title: Re: Moore's Engineering
Post by: PF_ on February 20, 2006, 05:58:15 AM
Is it based at Murray Bridge?

Thought there was a place at Angle Park that worked on appliance's.  Unless theres 2 different places....
Title: Re: Moore's Engineering
Post by: medevac on February 20, 2006, 07:20:01 AM
mmm.. well theres more than one, the moores engineering is at murray bridge, but obviously they do more than just fire appliances, and then there is also MFS engineering, wherever that is...
Title: Re: Moore's Engineering
Post by: PF_ on February 20, 2006, 03:23:20 PM
Quote from: medevac on February 20, 2006, 07:20:01 AM
mmm.. well theres more than one, the moores engineering is at murray bridge, but obviously they do more than just fire appliances, and then there is also MFS engineering, wherever that is...

Aahh, MFS Engineering is what Im after, dont wanna end up working on a cherry picker :-P
Does someone know where it is?
Title: Re: Moore's Engineering
Post by: medevac on February 20, 2006, 04:43:55 PM
if your after work experience there, then i would contact SAMFS during business hours on there general business line...

im not sure if they can give you specific work experience like that though, i have a mate who did work experience with SAMFS back during school, he ended up spending 5 dAYS there, all in diff areas... not sure how it works, u probly have to speak to SAMFS HR or something like that..
Title: Re: Moore's Engineering
Post by: PF_ on February 20, 2006, 04:54:02 PM
I tried to get into gawler for Work Epxerience but you cant do that anymore.  But Im hoping to get intoa  different area of MFS rather than a station.

But, Work Ed. is different as we do assignments on the job and also have to do OHS stuff to gain certificate's which is why it might be possible to do something for MFS with Work ed, as you dont have to have OHS for work experience.  The school pathways co-ordinators organise work ed. stuff.  They might have a bit more power over arranging something.
Title: Re: Moore's Engineering
Post by: medevac on February 21, 2006, 06:39:01 AM
Quote from: P F on February 20, 2006, 04:54:02 PM
I tried to get into gawler for Work Epxerience but you cant do that anymore.  But Im hoping to get intoa  different area of MFS rather than a station.

im pretty sure they cant put you at any station other than 20 for work experience, as obviously you cant ride the trucks... so its abit of a problem to leave you there by yourself, plus you probly wouldnt learn anything anyway.

where as , at 20, i think you go through comms, then they take you on daytrips to places like the trainingcentres, workshops, etc
Title: Re: Moore's Engineering
Post by: PF_ on February 21, 2006, 08:32:50 AM
Yeah, station 20 would be alright to go to, can at least get an idea of what goes on etc.  Prolly wouldnt be much of a problem at 20 as there would be people there a lot of the time.
Title: Re: Moore's Engineering
Post by: medevac on February 21, 2006, 08:57:30 AM
there would always be people there, as all the admin stuff plus comms is based there, so it would be all good
Title: Re: Moore's Engineering
Post by: probie_boy on March 20, 2006, 10:22:50 AM
ha, i did my work experience at lauckes flour mill in strath. surprisingly good fun, plenty of stuff to do
Title: Re: Moore's Engineering
Post by: PF_ on March 20, 2006, 12:41:32 PM
Doing it at daimler Chrysler in May.  Guess I couldnt do it at the Engineering place.
Title: Re: Moore's Engineering
Post by: probie_boy on March 20, 2006, 12:48:20 PM
tough luck mate. that'll still be good though ay?
Title: Re: Moore's Engineering
Post by: PF_ on March 20, 2006, 03:45:10 PM
yeah, still get to play with big trucks :-)
Title: Re: Moore's Engineering
Post by: probie_boy on March 21, 2006, 12:59:37 PM
ah well thats the aim of the game!
Title: Re: Moore's Engineering
Post by: PF_ on May 04, 2006, 06:14:34 PM
Just got told I am going to be able to do work experience with SAPOL!

its good cause apparently it is really hard to get into and I even had to write an 250 word essay for it.  its awesome, unfortunately its not patrol based SAPOL but community work.  But still damn cool!

Got diesel mechanic work placement next week at Daimler Chrysler too. 

(already explained the difference between work placement and work experience earlier in the thread)
Title: Re: Moore's Engineering
Post by: CyberCitizen on May 05, 2006, 01:17:35 PM
I Did Work Experience With SAPOL, However They Do Not Let You Do The Ride Alongs Now. We Did It Alittle Different We Went To The Acadamy & Stayed There For A Week Had A Room And Meals. It Was Really Good, Undertook Some Of The Training & Lessons They Were Doing As Well As Fire Arms Training. It Was Good Fun.
Title: Re: Moore's Engineering
Post by: PF_ on May 05, 2006, 01:34:51 PM
yeah these days you do it with the community police.  guys that go around and do talks about driving, crime prevention etc. 

You didnt pursue the career cyber?