Hi all been a lot of activity across a lot of the Tate in past 4-5 days thought I'd start a topic to discuss what's been or is going! Obviously had the largish fire at monarto, a couple going in he south east!
Seems like the Tilley Swamp Fire is a goer with strike teams being requested right through R1 and R2...As normal short notice and struggling to crew!
18-02-13 13:47:49 Strike team for SE no longer required by Region 5 John Hutchins thanks everyone for there time. GAC - CFS Light Group Info
No wonder the service struggles for crews for strike teams when an out of region strike team is organised and cancelled shortly after.
Think this could be the second lot cancelled today???
R2 cancelled though and then R1 asked later? Not sure which resources have actually gone but seems odd. Would be interested to know the full story.
Quote from: Alex on February 18, 2013, 12:42:06 PM
R2 cancelled though and then R1 asked later? Not sure which resources have actually gone but seems odd. Would be interested to know the full story.
Normally if you request a inter region strike team to leave ASAP it doesnt get cancelled within the hour...a bit more planning than that goes in to it.
I see they are now responding local resources back to the job.
Quote from: Bagyassfirey on February 18, 2013, 12:54:06 PM
I see they are now responding local resources back to the job.
Yeah good stuff, flog the guts out of the local crews, by wednesday theyll be looking for strike teams cause the locals willl have had enough.
Info only.6 Jervois crew at Monarto fireground tonight in Monartos truck. Jervois 34 still in station. - CFS Jervois Info
Still interested in this job. Still with resources on scene but no mention about it? Anyone with any info?
Unsure if related but I rang few guys and asked around a little bit and rumour is CFA have or are considering a request for assistance and with R5 flat out crews will come from further up the line. Probably unrelated but ho knows! Seems odd I agree te monarto fire has had little coverage or info on size... I did see a thank you posted by CFS Facebook from the monarto brigade.
Emergency warning message issued for a fire at cygnet river KI.....round up that spam HQ!!
Quote from: safireservice on February 18, 2013, 01:47:38 PM
Info only.6 Jervois crew at Monarto fireground tonight in Monartos truck. Jervois 34 still in station. - CFS Jervois Info
Still interested in this job. Still with resources on scene but no mention about it? Anyone with any info?
Wasn't that big in size (maybe 50-100Acres). Just lots of mopping up. Plenty of trees burning in hard to get areas.
Some info on Preamimma fire (Monarto/Rockleigh area) in this weeks local Murray Bridge rag, see below:
http://www.murrayvalleystandard.com.au/story/1309483/murraylands-heats-up/?cs=1275 (http://www.murrayvalleystandard.com.au/story/1309483/murraylands-heats-up/?cs=1275)
Main issue was the country (sheep country!), fire on both sides of deep and steep gully with the eastern side having blue stone/granite rock (razor sharp) making access really difficult. Lots of old trees and wood which continued to burn over the weekend with several break outs with the mossy type ground cover on the south-western facing ground also giving issues where the wind would re-ignite areas that had been drowned hours before.
The gully winds made it more interesting also!
Everyone worked really hard including crews that came in from out of the area to assist (specifically mention our friends from Woodchester! and other crews from Lofty, Onka, Ridley and apols if I missed anyone).
Overall I think we did the right thing keeping crews there with the repeated breakouts and it took much consideration before we finally handed back to the landowner approx 21:00 last night.
Sad to hear about the fire near Cygnet River on KI which if the radio report this morning was corect was a flare up from a lightning strike from Friday which yesterday claimed a couple of sheds, a car and the local Telstra Exchange.
I understand region 2 strike team was cancelled due to lack of numbers, fair enough too, primary area comes first, and your job.