SA Firefighter

General Discussion => Country Fire Service => Topic started by: Bagyassfirey on October 18, 2012, 02:27:49 PM

Title: Fire Season 12/13
Post by: Bagyassfirey on October 18, 2012, 02:27:49 PM
I did a bit of research and i think there has been 9 fire bans already in SA, Surely this must be nearly a record!

I also noticed today the FDI reached 110 at oodnadatta - After being on holidays up through the far north and to Alice Springs the outback is once again a ticking time bomb waiting for a spark.

Anyone else with observations from around the state? seems the winter/spring season has shut of very early this year and maybe the BOM are right we are heading in to a drier period.
Title: Re: Fire Season 12/13
Post by: Alan (Big Al) on October 18, 2012, 06:44:47 PM
I remember a few years ago in October it was already browned off over most of the state with many large fires and lots of Fire Bans. Cant see it being much different from an average year at the moment.
And most if not all of the fire bans have been for the NWP and NEP districts which is once again normal for this year as the temp rises in those regions.
Title: Re: Fire Season 12/13
Post by: Robert-Robert34 on October 19, 2012, 12:07:13 PM
Putting it plain and simple yes the BOM is on track with its prediction of a dry mid spring for the SE of SA and up north of SA along with higher than average temps than normal for summer

However what we must bear in mind while alot of areas are still relatively green it will only take a few days of above 24 or 30 degrees for it to dry off enough to burn quickly

So the best piece of advice is to wait and see how the fire season unfolds as the BOM is also predicting roughly even chance of a wetter or drier season over nothern SA so while they maybe getting hot weather now that could be their early summer