it's ok.....luckily the old boys network has propped them up to the tune of $15k so the 15yr olds can look after the Schoolies this year.
Thats a really disparaging, and ill-informed comment Teddy.
Cadet's are not allowed at schoolies due to the nature of the event, and the fact most of the locations are licensed premises.
St John have an extensive network of medical professionals working at schoolies (and most other major events) including paramedics, nurses and doctors.
I really think that fellow volunteers should be supporting each other, not trying to drag another organisation down.
And no, I am not a member.
ahhh so the cadets that I worked with at Schoolies in the camp area 3 years ago, arent there anymore? I stand corrected Flame - I assume you have similar intricate knowledge of the operations there, not being a member and if there are all these Adult professional volunteers that volunteer their time to go down there for the day, and they dont buy new vehicles for the event, instead using what they have, why do they need $15k before they will attend Flame? Surely not $15k of medical supplies - although if they are buying them from themselves, that might account for a good part of the fee
I found one of the readers reply to the Adelaide Now story interesting
"Perspective Please Of Adelaide
Posted at 1:54 PM October 10, 2012
St Johns are still getting $100,000 (half) people!! This entity makes $3.2million per year from delivering first aid training and selling kits. As a Not for Profit (aka Charity) they do not pay tax, company tax etc and they are exempt from GST. 2011 annual report shows they had $17million in property and net assets (including cash and receivables). SJA have McLusky & Co as PR agents (I wonder how much is paid per year). Admin wages above $1.3m could be a good start to saving some dollars. Lets not cry too much about how this 100k is going to cost lives. Absolute rubbish"
I would suggest the $15k goes on travel, accomodation, food, medical supplies, vehicle costs etc. Just a thought.
Teddy, I used to be a member, and was involved in logistical planning of major events, so have some idea. Cadets in the camp is different to the official events, as the camp would not be a licensed venue.
My suggestion is that like most negotiations, each side starts with an ambit claim & a bit of 'if you dont then this is a possible consequence'.
Happens in majority of industrial negotiations and has been mentioned numerous time here. eg 'if government does not give funding lets all drive trucks to parliament'.
I have no issues with St John volunteers and I wish them success.
**private opinion**