Wouldn't it be nice to fill in all our forms electronically then email them out...... Form 1, 3, 9, SACAD issues form to say the least. I know people like to protect their work and will lock spreadsheets or publish in PDF so we can't f*** with the settings but c'mon CFS - move with the times and give us the option to use a computer to do our jobs properly. It would be way too much to think we can even have a feedback button on our Official members only section let alone use a computer.
They cant even use a modern incident database. CRIIMSON is so outdated it's not funny.
I thought eForms was part of the 'E-mergency Connect' project for all agencies associated with SAFECOM !!
According to their July 2012 newsletter, they have signed the contracts with suppliers.
See http://www.safecom.sa.gov.au/site/emergency_connect/emergency_connect_home.jsp (http://www.safecom.sa.gov.au/site/emergency_connect/emergency_connect_home.jsp)