SA Firefighter

General Discussion => Country Fire Service => Topic started by: jaff on March 22, 2012, 08:27:42 AM

Title: Robbing Peter to pay Paul
Post by: jaff on March 22, 2012, 08:27:42 AM
Is the current Stirling station.......issue a case in point?

If the decision is made to "invest" further monies into this site, is it a case of throwing good after bad or is it a wise investment?, and what will that impact upon across the region/state.

Requests should they be granted upon a needs basis or the squeakiest wheel basis?

This post is not about having a go at any one brigade, but a reflection upon the varying expectations of brigades and groups throughout the state and how their "needs/desires" impact upon the rest of the service, monetarily, public perception wise and service moral wise!
Title: Re: Robbing Peter to pay Paul
Post by: misterteddy on March 22, 2012, 08:36:59 AM
jaff you can add the decision on the new Eden Hills station to the same argument I think
Title: Re: Robbing Peter to pay Paul
Post by: pumprescue on March 22, 2012, 12:44:32 PM
I think the issue is the CFS undersells itself and under budgets itself and seems to sort of thrive on doing everything on the cheap.

It seems to be ingrained into the service to do everything for as little as possible, and not budgeting properly. Do they not realise that Stirling is an expensive area, bit different than getting a token piece of land at Penong for $5 or something that is changed hands.

I don't know what is available in Stirling and what impact it has on turnout times.

As for Eden Hills. I don't understand that, seems to be a highly resourced area. But I don't think the budget is unreasonable, again probably a bit on the low side. I had heard it has been dropped even further.

I think its time for all the services to work on a consolidation plan. A bit of give and take, so that the areas that really need a certain type of service can get it and those that don't aren't wasting the money.
Title: Re: Robbing Peter to pay Paul
Post by: bittenyakka on March 22, 2012, 05:01:37 PM
What is the story at Eden hills? feel free to PM me if it shouldn't be posted
Title: Re: Robbing Peter to pay Paul
Post by: safireservice on March 22, 2012, 07:50:13 PM
So i take it these stations are running or will be over budget?
Title: Re: Robbing Peter to pay Paul
Post by: Alan J on March 22, 2012, 08:32:00 PM
Quote from: bittenyakka on March 22, 2012, 05:01:37 PM
What is the story at Eden hills? feel free to PM me if it shouldn't be posted

Buildings have finite life-spans. Eden has reached theirs.
Cracks in walls, doors too low to fit new 34's,
location an utter pig to exit during school pick-up/drop-off, etc, etc.

Land swap around the corner was arranged to face onto Shepherd's Hill Rd. Permits to drop/replant trees sorted, etc, etc.

No money.

SFEC recently increased to 3 vehicles so might need redesign from what was planned.
Title: Re: Robbing Peter to pay Paul
Post by: pumprescue on March 23, 2012, 12:04:40 PM
The CFS didn't allow enough money for Stirling to stay where they are. The allowance was for them to move to the Crafers interchange (which is already government owned so much cheaper), which if it was a 24/7 paid station wouldn't be an issue. But its a volunteer unit so the issue is how to get people to the station in a timely manner when they have to get onto the freeway to get to the station, then come back to Stirling on the freeway to get to jobs. So they bought the land behind the current station instead to expand the engine bays etc etc and rebuild the rest of the station. But of course and retard would realise that land in Stirling is VERY expensive, so now out of the original budget there isn't enough left to refurbish the station, mainly due to the cost of asbestos removal through the old engine bays and crew room/office space.

As for Eden Hills, I am sure its the same issue with land costs, mind you the CFS only has themselves to blame for authorising a 3rd appliance which is totally unwarranted for the area (don't try and tell me otherwise) so now the plans need to be changed and probably go over budget.
Title: Re: Robbing Peter to pay Paul
Post by: 9024pump on March 23, 2012, 10:53:14 PM
Title: Re: Robbing Peter to pay Paul
Post by: SA Firey on March 27, 2012, 09:44:57 AM
Here is the link to the news stories video and radio interviews regarding the Stirling Station building (

What needs to be done (