I've heard a rumour that the first alarm response has been changed to 1 Hazmat brigade, instead of 2.
It seems to have been put into SACAD as a single Hazmat brigade response:
MFS: *CFSRES INC0035 05/12/11 13:19 RESPOND HAZMAT, 169 MAIN RD BLACKWOOD,MAP:ADL 154 P 2,TG 146, ==Car park at these premises. Unlabelled containers appear to have been dumped. :AIRDESK4 BKWD34 EDNHPUMP28 R1 HASTIE : - CFS Eden Hills Response
Has anyone else heard anything about this?
i also heard that first alarm is now only one.
Yes, confirming for you that although CFS SOP states two HAZMAT and one tanker, SACAD responds only one HAZMAT and one tanker on first alarm.
Quote from: Alex on December 06, 2011, 08:30:11 PM
Yes, confirming for you that although CFS SOP states two HAZMAT and one tanker, SACAD responds only one HAZMAT and one tanker on first alarm.
So is it a change in SOP, or a shortcoming of SACAD that will be fixed?
SOP has not been changed.
SACAD has been programmed with that response plan by the CFS.
More like one paid staffer who 'knew' better. Not entirely the fault of CFS. Of course the CFS could have stopped it when the issue was raised.
so bit of an obvious question but..... how come it's ok to have a SACAD response that doesn't conform to the SOP in one incident type but not in any others? so obviously SOPs are just guidelines after all then.
Do we then further ask about responses that come out with ==Alarm level updated to 2== but don't actually consist of a 2nd Alarm assignment?
Quote from: 6739264 on December 10, 2011, 10:58:52 AM
Do we then further ask about responses that come out with ==Alarm level updated to 2== but don't actually consist of a 2nd Alarm assignment?
What kind of incident was that for?
I have seen a large number come out with trucks taken off because brigade stations or group officers dictated to AF how the responses should happen.
But I believe numbers is getting at the fact that when a hazmat is upgraded to 2nd alarm you still haven't got a 2nd alarm per CFS SOP's.
Quote from: Alex on December 10, 2011, 05:05:16 PM
Quote from: 6739264 on December 10, 2011, 10:58:52 AM
Do we then further ask about responses that come out with ==Alarm level updated to 2== but don't actually consist of a 2nd Alarm assignment?
What kind of incident was that for?
So far, multiple. RCR is a pretty noticeable one. If an appliance can't get on the road, or there is a lack of operators so the next Rescue/Fire appliance is turned out, that doesn't make it a 2A response. But we are seeing a single resource paged out with ==Alarm level updated to 2== attached to the message. I'm sure its just teething issues, but it does make it a little unclear if its a "big job" or if its just a scramble to fill the first alarm response.
Slightly off the Hazmat topic, but what do I get for a 4th alarm RCR? The SOP states Strike Team Response, and a Strike Team is defined as 5 resources of the same type. Do I get 5xRescue Resources to a 4th alarm RCR?
Specifically for Hazmat as pumprescue suggested, does a 2nd alarm now get me 3xHazmat Resources + The State Hazmat or just 2 more Hazmat resources + State Hazmat as per the SOP's for 2nd alarm?
Why do SAMFS SOP and SACFS SFEC prescriptions reference A,B,C,Special & Other Risk, yet SACFS SOP has Very High, High, Significant, Medium and Low/Very Low risk?
Why is there no response schedule for Structure Fires? We have a goddamn response schedule for VEHICLE FIRES but not for structures? The only thing we get is "If its a CABA incident, ensure 4xCABA sets per alarm level"
I think I'd better go get breakfast...
There is no SOP on structure fires, there is one for ALARMS and one for HIGH RISE, but nothing inbetween....just make sure you take your high rise pack which we also don't have a prescribed equipment list for, or an endorsed highrise pack ?
Ah yes, the two SOP's that contradict each other... Where does the "Crew leader" or IC go? What are they called? Do they take an airset? They have to investigate the zone AND stay in the CP at the FCR...
I can't wait till I get my Crew Leader magical teleporting powers.
Curious, how do you force entry to a fire affected location armed with an Entry Control Board and bag of hose?
What i find odd is that there is only provisions for first and second rescues in cad, if you need a third and the rarest occurences fourth rescue comms have to go to Region as to who gets responded.
What if the first and second rescues are involved and another one occurs in the area, does comms then have to go to region?
The other point is why on earth are non BA brigades being tagged in structure fire upgrades, at the moment if we upgrade in our primary area the next alarm level pulls 2 non BA brigades.
Quote from: Alan (Big Al) on December 11, 2011, 12:47:03 PM
What i find odd is that there is only provisions for first and second rescues in cad, if you need a third and the rarest occurences fourth rescue comms have to go to Region as to who gets responded.
Fourth RCR gets a Strike Team of RCR (Not "Rescue" just RCR) Appliances. ;)