Look I know its pedantic and whatever but saw a flyer for an add saying that Origin Energy supports CFS blah blah blah and the crew in the picture is wearing PBI with rural helmets. Now most of you will say "so what" But come on, if an add done by the CFSVA can't even get it right then what hope do we have!! Did the crew members even realise, do they do that at a job, seriously, how hard is it.....I tend to agree with the older members at our station, we were better 20 years ago than we are now....Good to see it was proof read to.
"hi we are the CFS we like to promote the fact we have no idea, and don't care that we don't !"
pump....it had to happen one time, might as well be now.....I am in complete agreeance with you :lol:. I'm appalled that our so called representative association has to resort to selling our souls for a few miserable $$ and get in bed with a corporate of dubious reputation.
Yes, many will say they are giving us much needed money, but really....are they? Is the few thousand dollars that this initiative is likely to earn (at best) really what our brand is worth? Or are they buying themselves some (even a small level) credability at a bargain basement price? It cheapens our efforts, cheapens our public brand and perpetuates the "poor second class volunteer" image many of us are so keen to ditch.
I'm sick of the fact that I don't get paid to do this job being the sole advertising pitch or link for anything the CFS, CFSVA, SAFECOM or the filtered Government puts out to the public. Maybe just for once what we do and how well we do things with what (pittance) we have could be a focus.
Well said, both of you. We can't ask for respect while at the same time proving we aren't worthy of it.
Where is the ad for Origin showing up, and what was the fundraising for? A specific campaign, or general CFSVA revenue?
Funds go back to the brigade(s) involved.
Basic idea is if you sign up the the company, they make a specific donation to the brigade in that area.
It started with one brigade, and there is an intention to expand the program to other areas.
So the local community are supporting their local brigade - not general revenue, and not someone else's brigade!