I hear that Gawler are now covering Kapunda as Kapunda MFS are struggling to get crews. For those who don't know where Kapunda is, it's about a 20-25 minute drive from Gawler :-o
A town the size of Kapunda trying to support 3 services.....its Burra all over again.
The MFS aren't the only one's struggling....doesn't that suggest something.
Quote from: Hazmat206 on January 27, 2011, 10:55:50 AM
I hear that Gawler are now covering Kapunda as Kapunda MFS are struggling to get crews. For those who don't know where Kapunda is, it's about a 20-25 minute drive from Gawler :-o
Not quite true, lets not make it sound as if stn 35 would be the only responding resource. Local CFS are also being utilised.
I understand a crew are going up again tonight to check the area out as one did i think yesterday or the day before
They were at Hamley Bridge to the other day, they need a new sign on the door of the appliance, "We've been everywhere man, the best of Town and Country" :-D
:lol: Good one!
09:30:59 31-01-11 MFS: *CFSRES INC039 31/01/11 09:30,RESPOND ALARM 064/004,KAPUNDA HOME FOR THE AGED,NASH ST,KAPUNDA MAP C 1 TG194,ASE DEVICE 2135,F1,KAP641 KAPD00 GAW359 - MFS Kapunda Response
25 mins later you might get 359 on scene, looks like the CFS failed today, might point about trying to staff to many services seems accurate
What ever happend to closes resource attending???Sorry we don't have SACAD..
Looks like they are still sending both closest, but also sending someone that actually will attend, albeit from 25kms away!
It's no different to the Northern YP MFS stations calling on Adelaide resources for a prolonged incident. Specifically with this tho, change KAP641 to GAW351. CFS take over Kapunda in a land swap deal with Salisbury CFS to reducing their daily stop on call quota. That way station 35 can respond to calls anywhere between Kapunda, Freeling, Roseworthy, Hamley Bridge, Wasleys, Mudla Wirra, Redbanks, Mallala, Two Wells....... and still have sufficient fire/rescue cover for Gaweler without COQ. They do seem to be coming further out these days.
Quote from: Bill on February 01, 2011, 05:28:34 AM
What ever happend to closes resource attending???Sorry we don't have SACAD..
Bill as stated by pumprescue, the closest resources did attend. Get ya hand off it mate. No need to stir people up just for the sake of it.
Quote from: Alex on February 01, 2011, 05:29:09 PM
Quote from: Bill on February 01, 2011, 05:28:34 AM
What ever happend to closes resource attending???Sorry we don't have SACAD..
Bill as stated by pumprescue, the closest resources did attend. Get ya hand off it mate. No need to stir people up just for the sake of it.
Sorry, but why do you think he is "stir people up" ? From the look on maps, other resources might also be used available rather than just MFS.
From a volunteers perspective, personally I think it is a legit comment.
Quote from: bajdas on February 01, 2011, 05:44:06 PM
Quote from: Alex on February 01, 2011, 05:29:09 PM
Quote from: Bill on February 01, 2011, 05:28:34 AM
What ever happend to closes resource attending???Sorry we don't have SACAD..
Bill as stated by pumprescue, the closest resources did attend. Get ya hand off it mate. No need to stir people up just for the sake of it.
Sorry, but why do you think he is "stir people up" ? From the look on maps, other resources might also be used available rather than just MFS.
From a volunteers perspective, personally I think it is a legit comment.
Are kapunda CFS and MFS not the closest and fill the response requirements? 359 is additional to that response, and as pumprescue said, garauntees a crew.
Quote from: Alex on February 01, 2011, 07:58:19 PM
Quote from: bajdas on February 01, 2011, 05:44:06 PM
Quote from: Alex on February 01, 2011, 05:29:09 PM
Quote from: Bill on February 01, 2011, 05:28:34 AM
What ever happend to closes resource attending???Sorry we don't have SACAD..
Bill as stated by pumprescue, the closest resources did attend. Get ya hand off it mate. No need to stir people up just for the sake of it.
Sorry, but why do you think he is "stir people up" ? From the look on maps, other resources might also be used available rather than just MFS.
From a volunteers perspective, personally I think it is a legit comment.
Are kapunda CFS and MFS not the closest and fill the response requirements? 359 is additional to that response, and as pumprescue said, garauntees a crew.
Maybe I have missed something (entirely possible so please enlighten me) but I thought the discussion was about Gawler MFS traveling to cover Kapunda ?
I am no expert, but I am suggesting that other CFS brigades could be closer to respond than a vehicle from Gawler. I assume this occurs if Kapunda CFS and MFS default.
Gawler are being responded on the intitial page with both kapunda services to make up for crewing shortfalls within the town,, they are responded because they garantee a crew no matter the circumstance where as other cfs stations or even retained mfs stations who maybe closer will still not garantee a crew
MFS are just backing their own crews up with another of their own appliances, the local CFS vollies still get a run if they respond and if it is MFS area well i guess they can respond what they like within reason.
But this is exactyl the reason that the whole closest most appropriate system needs to be held to.
the clostest 2 appliances ie respons for an alarm are kapunda CFS and MFS. then I would assume Roseworthy or hamley bridge CFS, Both of these brigades which are able to respond to AFAs.
If MFS use MFS in their area does that mean if there is a red truck in say for example Mt Barker MFS station they will not respond LittleHampton CFS or Hahndorf but call 441 or something from town ? That is a hypothetical i know but lets close all firestations and just sent trucks from wakefield st :evil:
Quote from: bittenyakka on February 02, 2011, 08:21:02 AM
the clostest 2 appliances ie respons for an alarm are kapunda CFS and MFS. then I would assume Roseworthy or hamley bridge CFS, Both of these brigades which are able to respond to AFAs.
SAMFS have a legislated responsibility to deal with emergencies in a SAMFS area. Even if they respond a CFS appliance with a full and competent crew, SAMFS still has legal responsibility for that incident, so it's in their interest to make sure they have an appliance there.
If it's a confirmed fire and they need to upgrade it though, I would hope that "closest most appropriate resource" takes precedence.
So what would happen in the mt barker or Murray bridge, Pt Agusta etc case? How far are MFS wiling to sent their trucks before using more local resources.
And what realistically would happen and it ended up in a court room where it was discovered that closer CFS resouces were not used "because it is MFS area".
I know MFS resources garuntee a truck and crew etc And i thinhk there are plenty of otehr reasons that using MFS for alarms is better than pulling CFS away from work etc. But Closest appliances should be going. upon further study of map Nuri could even be added to my list.
Guys. This is getting off the point completely.
Normal turnout for this alarm would have been Kapunda MFS only.
Because of crewing issues it is now; Kapunda MFS, Kapunda CFS and station 35.
Kapunda CFS are being sent as the next closest most appropriate resource, with station 35 backing up because of it being MFS area.
Thankyou, and goodnight.
i think its a good idea in some aspects and pending on the situation at state gawler 359 will be on the road before any of the cfs in that area if i was adelaide fire i would put eudunda cfs and freeling or greenock on there response page if you have a look at the time of day at the same time it seems to me there struggling to get day crews with what i have herd theres a few stations in that area struggling to get day crews i think adelaide fire really needs to do a risk assesment of the area
full stops capital letters...... ?
Quote from: track400m on May 11, 2011, 01:09:56 PM
if you have a look at the time of day at the same time it seems to me there struggling to get day crews with what i have herd theres a few stations in that area struggling to get day crews i think adelaide fire really needs to do a risk assesment of the area
Unfortunately this a big problem for pretty much all country towns regardless of whether it has CFS or MFS retained.