Hi all,
Was wondering how the SAMFS view training from external agencies that deliver the various firefighting Certificates/training? Is it recognised and do you have to do it all again if you joined the SAMFS.
If it is an AFAC module and nationally recognised cant see why they wouldn't, however it would be part of the recruit course I would think.
Quote from: SA Firey on December 22, 2010, 02:36:50 PM
If it is an AFAC module and nationally recognised cant see why they wouldn't, however it would be part of the recruit course I would think.
You would still have to take part in everything in the recruit course. Recognition of prior learning can be sorted out after the 3 month probation period after recruits i think. I know of Aviation fireys and CFS who have done this
A lot of guys get RPL'd for their SDF for outside certificates. Just makes the move up to SFF quicker.