TFS medium tanker for CFS, looked like it was nearly finished
Very nice, look forward to seeing it in the flesh, wonder if we will get a play.
Any idea on the pump size?
From details posted on the Ozfire site, it has a Gaam Mk 125 pump and 1600lt of water. Should do the job. I also like the idea of the dead reel, found these real handy to use when working off the CFA trucks over at Churchill. Cheers
So have any of you seen this truck and had a play with it, just wondering what you thoughts are about it
NOPE, come on CFS get with it if you want us to look at this appliance take a leaf from other state's and get the thing out and about in each region for a week or so how hard is it to do that????
Some more info here (
That's a good read. Should have been in the latest Vol Mag.
the latest propaganda mag?
its currently in region 4 on show....
Just wondering what is happening about the curries of these appliances as I know two were built and I only know of one being used currently at booleroo while their 14 is in Victoria. Reading the latest infralog it states that more single cab appliances were being built, but I don't see why more of these are being built as they can be quite useful to quite a few brigades that I know of.
use instead of curries, damn auto correct
This Appliance looks quite practical and user friendly they should build more of this variant :)